Like i say перевод на испанский
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I'm livid, like everyone else on Earth. What do you say to your critics who claim the Justice League has too much power and no oversight?
Estoy enfadada, como los demás en la Tierra. ¿ Qué les dices a tus críticos que afirman que la Liga de la Justicia tiene demasiado poder y cero supervisión?
Then I won't say I'd like to cover three-quarters of her surface area.
Entonces no diré que me gustaría cubrir tres cuartas partes de su superficie.
In my biggest jumps, I've actually sat there before and been... it sounds crazy to say this, but it's the daredevil nature, being like, you know what?
En mis saltos más grandes, me he sentado ahí antes y... es una locura decirlo pero es la naturaleza temeraria, ¿ sabes qué?
I say, "Rock climbing is like what you guys do."
"Escalar roca es como lo que ustedes hacen".
Halloween was last month, but with a body like that, all I can say is,
Halloween fue el mes pasado, pero con un cuerpo como ese, todo lo que puedo decir es,
Ladies and gentlemen... I'd like to say a few words while we're waiting for our illustrious guest of honor to arrive.
Damas y caballeros... me gustaría decir unas palabras mientras esperamos la llegada de nuestro ilustre invitado.
Can I just say, like, I cannot wear dresses like that, and you pull it off so, so well.
Lo digo porque no me puedo poner vestidos como ese, y a ti te quedan tan, tan bien.
♪ I meant to say I want to do cutesy stuff ♪ ♪ Like pillow fight or go swimming commando ♪
* Me refería a hacer cositas monas * * como peleas de almohadas o nadar sin bragas *
I was gonna say I drove, like, 45 minutes to get here.
Iba a decir que me ha costado llegar unos 45 minutos en coche.
You say that like I've got some great, big wall around me.
Lo dices como si tuviera una enorme pared alrededor mio.
I wanted to see you say you're sorry, treating my office like a...
Quería ver que digas que lo sientes, por tratar mi consultorio como un...
When you say it in that tone, I sound like a bad parent.
Cuando lo dices en ese tono, suena como si fuera un mal padre.
♪ Didn't know the right thing to say ♪ But she doesn't know him like I do.
Pero ella no lo conoce como yo.
Uh, but what I was gonna say is would you like to join me?
Eh, pero lo que iba a decir es ¿ te gustaría acompañarme?
Yeah, I think what Neil's trying to say is, a case like this is a beast for the county M.E.
Sí, creo que lo que Neil está tratando de decir es, un caso como éste es una bestia para el condado ME
You know, I already said in the past and I will say now, we are here for racing, for fighting and the races are like that.
Bueno, ya lo dije en el pasado y lo diré ahora. Estamos aquí para competir, para luchar, y las carreras son así.
You can come back if you want, but I got to say, it looks like we got our guy.
Usted puede volver si quieres, pero tengo que decir, parece que tenemos a nuestro hombre.
Okay, if there's a safe word in yoga, I'd like to know it,'cause at this point I'd like to say it.
Si hay una palabra de seguridad en yoga, quiero saberla para decirla.
Okay, well, I'd just like to say that I'm doing this under protest.
Bueno, bueno, sólo me gustaría decir que yo estoy haciendo esto bajo protesta.
Oh, I apply SPF every two hours like they say.
Oh, puedo aplicar SPF cada dos horas como dicen.
It seemed like you liked it, so I didn't say anything.
Parecía gustarte, así que no dije nada.
That guy has lived next-door to me for, like, 11 years, and, like, I say "guy," but honestly, it could be, like...
Mi vecino de al lado lleva ahí once años y, a ver, he dicho vecino, pero podría ser, en plan...
Oh, a lot of the people I handed the flyer to didn't, like, technically say yes, but they gave me a look, like, "Oh, I'm there."
Bueno, mucha gente a la que le di el folleto no dijeron, técnicamente, que sí, pero me miraron en plan : "Allí estaré".
I'm sorry to say, my parents don't like Indian food.
Lo siento, pero a mis padres no les gusta la comida India.
You know, I have to say, it seemed like you and Detective Villa had a moment there.
¿ Sabes? tengo que decirlo, parecía que tú y la Detective Villa tuvieron su momento.
Maybe then, your visits to the family crypt wouldn't have stood out like a sore thumb or should I say...
Quizá entonces sus visitas a la cripta familiar no hubieran resultado tan llamativas como un pulgar dolorido.
And I have a couple of words I'd like to say to you.
Y yo tengo un par de palabras que me gustaría decirte.
- Um, I just wanted to say that I, like, saw you hanging out with Chip earlier.
- Solo quería decirte... que, como que, te vi platicando con Chip hace un rato.
♪ See, I am wonder Mike ♪ - ♪ And I'd like to say hello ♪ - ( All ) Hello!
¡ Hola!
She say anything weird like, "I'll be seeing you real soon"?
¿ No dijo nada extraño como que te vería muy pronto?
I try not to say words like "hammer"
Trato de no decir palabras como "martillo"
Yeah, I'll bet, and getting a black guy in a wheelchair on the cover would be like their Holy Grail or something. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You trying to say being black's a disability?
Sí, seguro, y tener a un negro en silla de ruedas en la portada sería su Santo Grial o algo así. ¿ Estás diciendo que ser negro es una discapacidad?
Now, before I start this seminar, does anyone have something they'd like to say?
Antes de empezar con este seminario, ¿ alguien tiene algo que decir?
I hate to say it, but it sounds like he's interested in her.
Odio decirlo, pero suena como que está interesado en ella.
I know I should have called, but what do you say we talk about this like civilized...
Sé que debí llamar, pero que dices si lo discutimos civilizada...
Well, I just say, "do sex." You know, like, uh...
Bueno, yo solo digo, "tener sexo". Tú sabes, como...
When you say it like that, I become deaf to any good parts of your story.
Cuando lo dices así, no oigo las buenas partes de tu historia.
You say that I'm like him.
Dices que soy como él.
Like, he would say things, and it would, like, turn me on, but I never knew what to say back.
Él me decía cosas y yo me excitaba, pero yo nunca sabía qué responder.
When I say something clever and sexy, when you use it back to me, I'm like, "I just fed you material."
Cuando digo hago inteligente y sexi, si lo usas de nuevo conmigo, pienso : "Te acabo de dar material".
I would say if you're new to sexting, don't, like, go really crazy.
Si eres nuevo en el sexting, no hagas locuras.
I just say, be like everybody else.
Les digo : "Haz lo que hacen todos, búscalas".
I mean, I know some people would say, like,
Sé que algunos dirían :
It doesn't sound like something I should say after we just ate.
No suena como algo que se debe decir después de comer.
I was just gonna say only Tanya was willing to smack him like that.
Sólo iba a decir Sólo Tanya estaba dispuesto a golpearlo así.
I gotta say, I kinda like the new you.
He de decir que me gusta el nuevo tú.
And now I remember how to talk to people, what to say, but I feel like I'm acting, going through the motions.
Y ahora, recuerdo cómo hablarle a la gente, qué decir, pero siento que estoy actuando, viviendo automáticamente.
I gotta say, you seem like a good mother.
Debo decir que parece una buena madre.
I can't say that I enjoyed grinding you like that.
No puedo decir que disfruté que moler así.
Pearson : If I were to say to him "let's go have fun" it would be like speaking another language.
Si yo le dijera "vamos a divertirnos", sería como hablarle en otro idioma.
Started saying, like I love you, like I didn't say it back.
- ¿ En serio?
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i told you 172
like i care 29
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
like in the movies 43
like i said before 77
like i told you before 31
like i promised 17
like i was saying 79
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i told you before 31
like i promised 17
like i was saying 79
like i always say 30
like i always do 34
like i do 62
like in 58
like i did 54
like i am 17
like i 37
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i say yes 41
i say 2187
i say go for it 17
i say to myself 19
i say no 61
i say this 19
i say it 18
like i was 29
like i said on the phone 16
i say yes 41
i say 2187
i say go for it 17
i say to myself 19
i say no 61
i say this 19
i say it 18