Lord baelish перевод на испанский
55 параллельный перевод
- She has, Lord Baelish.
- Lo hizo, Lord Baelish.
- Lord Baelish will see it paid for.
- Lord Baelish lo pagar ‡.
Lord Baelish, perhaps I was wrong to distrust you.
Lord Baelish, quiz ‡ me equivoquŽ desconfiando de ti.
Sansa dear, this is Lord Baelish.
Sansa, cari – o, este es Lord Baelish.
Lord Baelish is here for you.
Lord Baelish ha venido a veros.
And I admire you, Lord Baelish.
Y yo te admiro a ti, Lord Baelish.
- Lothor Brune, freerider in the service of Lord Baelish.
- Lothor Brune, jinete libre al servicio de Lord Baelish.
Lord Baelish.
Lord Baelish.
I don't like you, Lord Baelish.
No me agradas, Lord Baelish.
Here is your tent, Lord Baelish.
Aquí está su tienda, Lord Baelish.
More wine for Lord Baelish.
Trae más vino para Lord Baelish.
I would like you to tell me if working for Lord Baelish has been all you'd hoped it would be.
Quiero que me digas si trabajar para Lord Baelish ha sido Io que esperabas.
When she spoke with Lord Baelish, his friend warned me about him.
Cuando habló con Lord Baelish, su amiga me advirtió sobre él.
Please, Lord Baelish.
Por favor, Lord Baelish.
I do, Lord Baelish.
Lo sé, Lord Baelish.
A successful courtship would make Lord Baelish acting Lord of the Vale.
Si la unión tiene éxito, Lord Baelish se convertirá en el Señor del Valle en funciones.
Far be it from me to hinder true love, but Lord Baelish's absence would present certain problems.
No pretendo interponerme entre el amor verdadero, pero la ausencia de Lord Baelish podría suponer ciertos problemas.
- Lord Baelish?
- ¿ Lord Baelish?
- Lord Baelish.
- Lord Baelish.
Lord Baelish here is your uncle?
¿ Es Lord Baelish tu tío?
Perhaps you would feel more comfortable if Lord Baelish left the room.
Quizá te sentirías más cómoda si Lord Baelish saliera de la habitación.
I'm sorry, Lord Baelish.
Lo lamento, Lord Baelish.
Lord Baelish has told many lies.
Lord Baelish ha dicho muchas mentiras.
She always loved Lord Baelish.
Siempre amó a Lord Baelish.
When the gods finally allowed her to be with Lord Baelish, she was so happy.
Cuando los dioses finalmente le permitieron unirse con Lord Baelish, estaba tan feliz.
She was terrified that Lord Baelish didn't love her anymore.
Ella temía que Lord Baelish no la amara más.
Lord Baelish is my uncle now, in truth, by marriage.
Ahora Lord Baelish es mi verdadero tío, debido a su matrimonio.
When Lord Baelish tried to calm her, she struck him.
Cuando Lord Baelish trató de calmarla, ella lo golpeó.
Who would you have us back, Lord Baelish?
¿ A quién quiere que apoyemos, Lord Baelish?
Welcome back, Lord Baelish.
Bienvenido de vuelta, Señor Baelish.
Lord Baelish...
Lord Baelish...
Allow me a moment alone with Lord Baelish.
Déjame un momento a solas con Lord Baelish.
And thank you, Lord Baelish.
Y gracias, Lord Baelish.
I'm sure you understand my position, Lord Baelish.
Seguro que usted entiende mi posición, Lord Baelish.
Step carefully, Lord Baelish.
Pisad con cuidado, Lord Baelish.
I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish.
Yo soy la parte insultada, Lord Baelish.
Forgive me, Lord Baelish, you have a reputation as a moneylender and a brothel keeper, not a military man.
Perdonadme, Lord Baelish, tenéis cierta reputación como prestamista y como propietario de un burdel, no como militar.
- I promise you, Lord Baelish, that our fates are joined.
- Yo le prometo, Lord Baelish, que nuestros destinos están unidos.
You told me Lord Baelish sold you to the Boltons.
Lord Baelish te vendió a los Bolton.
You've declared for other houses before, Lord Baelish.
Declaró a favor de otras antes, Lord Baelish.
What do you want, Lord Baelish?
¿ Qué quieres, Lord Baelish?
No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish.
No hay necesidad de apoderarse de la última palabra, Lord Baelish.
You do realize this establishment is owned by Lord Petyr Baelish, the King's Master of Coin.
Se da cuenta de que este establecimiento le pertenece a Lord Petyr Baelish, el jefe de la moneda del rey.
Lord Petyr Baelish.
Lord Petyr Baelish.
Lord Petyr Baelish, step forward.
Lord Petyr Baelish, un paso adelante.
Lord Petyr Baelish and his niece Alayne.
Lord Petyr Baelish y su sobrina Alayne.
This establishment belong to Lord Petyr Baelish.
Este establecimiento pertenece a Lord Petyr Baelish.
This is Lord Petyr Baelish's establishment.
Este establecimiento pertenece a Petyr Baelish.
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