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Never been there перевод на испанский

2,079 параллельный перевод
Well, I've never been there.
Bueno, jamás he estado allí.
Hey, he said he'd never been there.
Hey, él dijo que nunca había estado allí.
I ain't never been there.
Creo que todos lo notaron.
No, I've never been there. Why?
No, nunca he estado allí, por qué?
- We've never been there together.
- Nunca hemos estado allí juntos.
- I'd never been there before.
- Nunca estuve allí.
I've never been there. Is it... is it... is it good?
Nunca he estado ahí. ¿ Es buena?
But I've never been there before and I was just thinking maybe you could give me some pointers.
Pero nunca he estado ahí antes y estaba pensando que tal vez podrías darme algunos consejos
No, I've never been there, but it sounds great.
No, nunca estuve, pero me parece muy bien.
Mackey said he'd never been there.
Mackey dijo que nunca había estado alli.
Since Shahjahan built the Taj mahal in India... we will have to go there to see it... and you have always complained that you have never been there
Si Shahjahan construyó el Taj Mahal en India... tendremos que ir allí para verlo... Y siempre te has quejado de que nunca habías estado ahí.
He never should've been over there offering humanitarian aid in the first place.
El nunca debió haber ido allá a llevar ayuda humanitaria, en primer lugar.
- You know, if there'd been a great-looking broad in the department back when this was my beat, I might never have retired.
- Para usted también, joven dama. - Gracias. Sabe, si hubiera habido unas vistas tan agradables en el departamento cuando yo trabajaba, nunca me hubiera retirado.
There Never Should've Been An " Operation :
Nunca debió haber una operación :
In 10,000 years of known use of marijuana, there's never been a single death attributed to marijuana.
En 10 mil años de uso conocido de marihuana, no hay ningún caso.
Every time it's been studied and looked at and so on, they have never, ever found that there's- - Certainly nothing in marijuana that makes you want to go to anything else.
Se han echo estudios tras estudios y ninguno a demostrado que la marihuana te hace querer probar otras drogas.
One of the organizers told me that in all the years this event has taken place, there's never been a violent incident, except once, by a man who was believed to be under the influence of alcohol.
Uno de los organizadores me dijo que en todos los años que se ha llevado a cabo, nunca ha habido un incidente violento. Excepto por uno, de un sujeto que se cree estaba bajo la influencia del alcohol.
It had never been done before, but there's something about John that you kind of get the feeling that that doesn't matter I mean, if it had never been done before, doesn't mean it can't be done.
Nunca había sido hecho, pero hay algo acerca de John que te deja la sensación de que eso no importa quiero decir, si nunca había sido hecho, no significaba que no podía ser hecho.
But there was a tragedy, and he's never been the same since, and I'm here to tell you that who's worked for him these 40 years.
Pero ocurrió una tragedia y no volvió a ser el mismo. Lo sé muy bien porque llevo trabajando para él 40 años.
I've been in grandview for, like, 3 years and you never told me that you and dad lived there!
He estado en Grandview durante, como, 3 años y ¡ Nunca me dijiste que tú y papá vivisteis allí!
There's never been much planning in the work we've done together.
Nunca hemos planificado mucho nuestro trabajo en común.
Well, unfortunately, there's not much I can do to stop him. Never has been.
Por desgracia, no puedo hacer gran cosa para detenerle, nunca he podido.
I've been calling him every day for two weeks. He's never there. Where is he?
He estado llamándole todos los días durante 2 semanas, y nunca está. ¿ Dónde está?
We're gonna flip a card up, and you're gonna guess which one of the cards we're flipping up, and, to my knowledge, there has never been a test done before which compares psychic ability
Daremos vuelta una carta, y adivinarás cuál de las cartas estamos dando vuelta. Que yo sepa, nunca antes se había hecho una prueba que comparara las aptitudes paranormales antes y después de la influencia de la marihuana.
If there had never been a Moon...
Si nunca ha habido una luna, Tierra sería un lugar diferente el día de hoy.
More likely, there was a part of your husband that could never have been satisfied by love alone.
Seguramente, había una parte de su marido que no podía ser satisfecha sólo con amor
We went there, and I really have never been anywhere like it before or since.
Fuimos allí, y nunca he estado en un lugar como aquel, ni antes ni después.
The American Golf Club? According to their charming secretary, bad-back Bob has been there two dozen times in the last six months, although he's never seen him play.
Según su encantadora secretaria, la espalda dolorida de Bob ha ido allí veces docenas de veces en los últimos seis meses, aunque nunca lo ha visto jugar.
You've never been here more than a couple of days before. Amy! Now there's the New York boyfriend, what, Carl?
Nunca te has quedado aquí mas de un par de días tu novio Carl esta en New York?
But there's never been anything to help old people park... until now!
Pero nunca se había hecho nada para ayudarles a aparcar... ¡ hasta ahora!
There's never been a Mercedes rally car.
- Que sea largo es bueno para el rally? - En esta superficie, si
There's never been a better time than right now to introduce a brand new superhero.
Saben, nunca ha habido un mejor momento que este en nuestro país para presentar a un superheroe completamente nuevo.
But there was a tragedy, and he's never been the same since, and I'm here to tell you that who's worked for him these 40 years.
Pero hubo una tragedia y no volvió a ser el mismo, y te lo dice quien ha trabajado durante 40 años para él.
There's never been a Director from the Intel side.
Nunca hubo un director que viniera de Inteligencia.
It's been sitting there for 30 years and we never even noticed it.
Hace 30 años que lo llamamos así, y nunca nos dimos cuenta.
Mm, there's been some rough times... but the important thing... is to, um, you have to face your problems... and you should never ever, ever, ever... ever, ever give up.
Mm, ha sido un poco duro... pero lo importante... es que, eh, hay que afrontar los problemas... y nunca, nunca, nunca, nunca... nunca se debe abandonar.
You know that there has never been a woman The team of debate, never?
¿ Sabe que nunca hubo una mujer en el equipo de debate, nunca?
Never in the history of this pageant... has there been such a surge of late voting.
Nunca en la historia de este concurso... habíamos tenido tantos votos al final.
Never been up there before.
Jamás estuve ahí.
I would point out to you that there was a case a couple of years ago in Arizona of some lights that were seen over Arizona, and that has never been fully explained.
- Te podria decir que hubo un caso, hace un par de años, en Arizona se vieron algunas luzes sobre Arizona, y nunca fue completamente explicado.
this castle, I can assure you there has never ever been a single, solitary...
este castillo, te puedo asegurar que nunca ha habido un simple, solitario...
There's never been anybody your age.
Nunca hubo nadie de tu edad.
There's never been anything else like it.
No ha habido nada igual.
She never married and she seemed to be very private but there must have been a...
Ella nunca se casó y parecía ser muy privada... pero ha debido haber uno...
You've never been here before so don't pretend you knew it's a shortcut, and there's an amazing view of shit because it's pitch black out.
Nunca has estado aquí, no finjas que sabías que era un atajo y que hay una vista increíble, porque afuera está totalmente oscuro.
And all I keep hearing is there's never been a system like this.
Dicen que nunca ha habido un sistema así.
There's Hope. I've had so many wonderful, fascinating women in my life. I've never really been worthy of any of them.
Si, Hope, he tenido tanta mujeres interesantes en mi vida que nunca fui merecedor de ellas.
Sandra's lived there all her life, and she's never been to a show!
¡ Sandra vivió allí toda su vida... y nunca ha ido a un espectáculo!
- There's never been a father.
- No hay padre.
You just didn't know because there's never been a problem.
No lo sabe porque nunca ha habido ningún problema.
But then there's junkies where all the horrible places they've been, all the horrible shit they've done, the fact that they come back from it makes them better people than if they'd never used in the first place.
Pero hay algunos a quienes los lugares horribles que visitaron... las cosas terribles que hicieron... el hecho de haberse recuperado... los hace mejores personas que si nunca se hubieran drogado.

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