Our family перевод на испанский
8,540 параллельный перевод
She would be the first person ever in our family to go to university.
Ella sería la primera persona de nuestra familia en ir a la universidad.
By our family Bible, the one that your father used to read for comfort, as did I, after his death.
Por nuestra Biblia familiar, la que tu padre solía leer buscando consuelo, como hice yo, tras su muerte.
After all you've done to our family?
¿ Después de todo lo que has hecho a nuestra familia?
For the record, he's not actually part of our family.
Para el registro, él no es realmente parte de nuestra familia.
It passes for love in our family.
Eso pasa como amor en nuestra familia.
Jerry was our family's friend.
Jerry era amigo de la familia.
Well, she's not really our family.
Bueno, ella no es realmente tu familia.
We do not put our family in places like this.
Nosotros no ponemos a nuestra familia en lugares como este.
One of the reasons we'd put a pin in starting our family.
Una de las razones por las que pusimos en espera lo de empezar la familia.
Yeah, it's huge, but, yeah, in our family, the rule was you could drive as soon as you could like, you know, physically reach the pedals and you could have the car on your own when you reached double digits,
Sí, es enorme, pero, sí, la norma en mi familia era puedes conducir tan pronto como seas capaz, ya sabes, de alcanzar los pedales y podías tener un coche propio cuando alcanzabas los dos dígitos,
I just kept thinking... the more our family grows, the more we have to lose.
Solo estaba pensando... que cuanto más crece nuestra familia, más tenemos que perder. Sí.
Ferdinand, the Empire belongs to our family.
Fernando, el Imperio pertenece a nuestra familia.
If we lose it our family will also perish.
Si lo perdemos, nuestra familia también se perderá.
I almost assure that the Imperial Crown will stay in our family.
Casi aseguro que la corona imperial permanecerá en nuestra familia.
Consider this before you seek to harm our family, my good fledgling magistrate...
Considere esto antes de buscar dañar a nuestra familia, mi buen magistrado novato...
Alcohol is tearing our family apart!
¡ El alcohol está separando nuestra familia!
.. when she holds your hand and proudly tell our family and dad..
- cuando ella sostiene su mano y decirle con orgullo nuestra familia y papá.
For accusing my sister of killing our family?
¿ Por acusar a mi hermana de matar a nuestra familia? No, gracias.
Oh, sweetheart, Zeusy is a part of our family.
Preciosa, Zeusy es parte de nuestra familia.
Our family's been ostracized for lots of things, but never our hygiene.
Nuestra familia ha sido marginada por muchas cosas, pero nunca por nuestra higiene.
For centuries, our family has made a daily offering of a special donut to a slumbering underwater sea creature, so that he does not rise and destroy us all.
Durante siglos, nuestra familia ha hecho una ofrenda diaria de una rosquilla especial a una criatura dormida marina, así no asciende y nos destruye a todos.
Oh, he's brought such shame to our family with his lip hair and two marriages.
Ha traído tanta vergüenza a nuestra familia con su bigote y sus dos matrimonios.
I'm not the one tearing our family apart.
Yo no soy quien está rompiendo esta familia.
I'm sorry I couldn't keep our family together.
Siento no haber podido mantener unida a nuestra familia.
Satomi took us in after our family died in a fire.
Satomi cuidó de nosotros luego de que nuestra familia muriera en un incendio.
Our family's motto is,
El lema de nuestra familia es
And our family decided that she needed round-the-clock care that we couldn't provide, so she had to go to a hospice facility.
Y nuestra familia decidió que necesitaba atención durante todo el día que no podíamos ofrecer, por lo que tenía que ir a un centro de cuidados paliativos.
So, our family was in New York City, and we actually were able to get Seymour to pick up the phone at his townhouse.
Nuestra familia estaba en Nueva York, y pudimos conseguir que Seymour cogiera el teléfono en su casa.
Mike just invited our family to spend next week on their private island!
¡ Mike ha invitado a nuestra familia a estar la próxima semana en su isla privada!
Let's focus on our family.
Centrémonos en nuestra familia.
See, our family business is putting guys like you out of business. Oh.
Verás, nuestro negocio familiar es sacar a tipos como tú del negocio.
I just came by this morning to apologize to your son here about all our network hassles this week and see what I can do to bring him back into the Mutiny family.
Solo vine esta mañana para disculparme con su hijo por las molestias que causó nuestra red esta semana y ver que podemos hacer para reincorporarlo a la familia de Mutini.
Because our dad is out there genuinely grieving the death of his son, while you're in here worrying about the family's image and topping off on the Botox.
Porque nuestro padre está ahí afuera llorando genuinamente la muerte de su hijo, mientras tú estás aquí preocupándote por la imagen de la familia y añadiéndole al botox.
So now that we got names and addresses for most of Gab Langton's family, should we combine our lists, figure out a route?
Ahora que tenemos nombres y direcciones... de la mayoría de la familia de Gab... ¿ deberíamos combinar las listas, encontrar una ruta?
Given what you've told me it seems, Vijay and his family were present at our sermon, that day.
Teniendo en cuenta lo que me has dicho parece, Vijay y su familia estuvieron presentes en nuestra sermón, ese día.
Welcome to the Wilson Family Redux, where we're all happy because our parents finally decided what they're gonna do with their marriage.
Bienvenidos a la reedición de la familia Wilson, donde todos somos felices gracias a que nuestros padres por fin han decidido lo que van a hacer con su matrimonio.
We're supposed to be having our Pride family bead-necklace-making party, and from what I hear, it's an exclusive father-daughter affair.
Se supone que tengamos... nuestra fiesta Pride de armar collares... y por lo que escuché es un asunto... - exclusivamente padre-hija.
Not just from our side - what about the girl's family?
No sólo de nuestro lado, ¿ qué pasa con la familia de la chica?
But we live with our neighbors untouchable as a family.
Pero vivimos con nuestros vecinos intocables. Somos como una sola familia.
Our whole family was very happy to share this moment.
Toda mi familia estaba feliz de compartir la experiencia.
Couldn't we have made it our next family vacation?
¿ Y no podríamos ir en las próximas vacaciones?
I couldn't risk her taking down Rosen, our investigation, my immunity agreement, my future with my family.
No podía arriesgarme a que acabara con Rosen, nuestra investigación, mi acuerdo de inmunidad, mi futuro con mi familia.
Meanwhile, our whole family's sharing a bathroom the size of his closet.
Vive en este palacio. Mientras, nuestra familia comparte un baño del tamaño de su armario.
That's my house right there, and this is where our story begins, just another Saturday afternoon for the Bannister family.
Esa es mi casa y aquí comienza nuestra historia, en otra tarde de sábado para la familia Bannister.
Hard times come and go, but around here we're like family- - take care of our own.
Los tiempos duros van y vienen, pero... por aquí somos como familia... cuidamos de los nuestros.
And now it's your turn to stand up in front of all our friends and family in this hideous suit.
Y ahora es su turno para ponerse de pie frente a todos nuestros amigos y familia en este juego horrible.
Family is the tie that binds, but while one end undergirds human civilization, the other is a noose, choking away our individuation.
La familia es el vínculo que une, pero mientras un extremo apoya la civilización humana, el otro es una horca, que asfixia nuestra individualización.
I felt like this was our last chance as a family to finally get rid of this out of the house, cast it out.
senti como que era nuestra ultima oportunidad como familia para finalmente deshacernos de esta cosa de la casa, echarlo fuera.
Something paranormal was in our house, but I never would have thought a member of my own family would be trying to harm me.
Algo paranormal estaba en nuestra casa, pero yo nunca habría pensado que un miembro de mi propia familia estaría tratando de hacerme daño.
We hung pictures in our hallway of family :
Colgamos fotos de nuesta familia en el pasillo :
And we never had a family acquaintance named Mary Shelley who spent a few nights in castle Frankenstein and stumbled upon our secrets, and forced us to change our name and go underground.
Y nunca tuvimos una familiar famosa llamada Mary Shelly quien pasó unas noches en el castillo Frankenstein tropezando con nuestros secretos, y obligándonos a cambiar de nombre y pasar a la clandestinidad.
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family reunion 17
family members 20
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family reunion 17
family members 20
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
our father who art in heaven 58
our father in heaven 19
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
our father who art in heaven 58
our father in heaven 19
our future 68
our father 264
our friends 61
our first date 25
our friendship 30
our friend 75
our families 43
our fathers 18
our food 22
our father 264
our friends 61
our first date 25
our friendship 30
our friend 75
our families 43
our fathers 18
our food 22