Out of there перевод на испанский
30,371 параллельный перевод
Just get out of there.
Lárgate de allí.
If that doesn't work, get out of there, remove yourself from the situation.
Si eso no funciona, sal de allí, apártate del problema.
Okay, let me see if I can find something to get you out of there.
Vale, déjame ver si puedo encontrar algo que te saque de ahí.
I'll be right back to get you out of there.
Volveré enseguida para sacarte de ahí.
I know you let us out of there for a reason.
Sé que nos dejaste escapar por un motivo.
But thank you for taking me out of there.
Pero gracias por sacarme de allí.
We're gonna get you out of there.
Vamos a sacarte de allí.
And Nina got out of there as soon as high school was over, so... In the end, it was just me and Ma.
Y Nina se fue de allí no bien terminó la secundaria, así que al final solo quedábamos mamá y yo.
Mac, get out of there now!
Mac, ¡ sal de ahí ahora!
Then get the virus and get out of there.
Entonces agarra el virus y sal de ahí.
That's why I got out of there in a hurry.
Es por eso que salí lo más rápido que pude.
I got the hell out of there before the damn thing sank.
Me largué de ahí antes de que la maldita chatarra se hundiera.
There are days that I wish they weren't, because then I would retire and spend my remaining days doing something more glamorous than pulling eight-pound objects out of women's vaginas.
Hay días que desearía que no lo estuvieran, porque entonces me retiraría y pasaría los días que me quedan haciendo algo más glamuroso que sacar cosas de tres kilos de las vaginas de las mujeres.
There's have been a lot of conflicting reports out there, but you know, I have the e-mail chain.
Ha habido varios informes ahí fuera, pero bueno, yo tengo la cadena de correos.
There's some kind of a drunk woman up there acting crazy, and do me a favor, check out the pent house, they've had a "do not disturb" since 2 : 00 P.M. yesterday.
Hay una especie de mujer borracha ahí arriba actuando como una loca y hazme un favor, échale un vistazo al ático, tienen puesto "no molestar" desde las 2 : 00 P.M de ayer.
We don't know how many of them are still out there.
No sabemos cuántos de ellos están por allí todavía.
There's probably one of them still out there, and if that's the case, then that's not good for any of us.
Probablemente uno de ellos siga ahí fuera y, de ser así, eso no es bueno para ninguno de nosotros.
There must be a way to get Lydia out of here, and then we can- -
Debe haber una manera de sacar a Lydia de ahí, y entonces podemos...
There has to be a way out of here.
Tiene que haber una forma de salir de aquí.
We're gonna find you clothes without blood on them, gonna get you a weapon, and we're gonna get out there and follow the web of the universe, so you can do what you're supposed to do.
Vamos a conseguirte ropas que no estén ensangrentadas, conseguirte un arma, y vamos a salir allá afuera y seguiremos la red del universo, así puedes hacer lo que se supone que hagas.
And you know, fast-forward however many years later, I'm at Alinea, and you put a dish on a pillow, and there's a scent coming out of the pillow, and every time you cut into the dish, and there's a little puff of the scent.
Años después, estoy en Alinea y ponemos un plato en una almohada de la que sale un aroma cada vez que cortas un alimento.
And all of a sudden, there was this, like, amazing, beautiful, elegant and, importantly, delicious food coming out of the kitchen.
De repente, encontramos una comida increíble, bonita, elegante y, lo más importante, deliciosa, que salía de aquella cocina.
I had this overwhelming sense of gratification because this dream that was out there since I was ten had been accomplished.
Sentía una satisfacción desbordante porque el sueño que tenía desde los diez años se había cumplido.
There were days we were tasting stuff out, and all of a sudden he'd say, "This needs way more salt."
Había días en que probaba algo y decía : "Esto necesita sal".
I remember there was this huge seafood restaurant next to Pujol, and there was lines of cars, and I used to go out and say, like,
Recuerdo que había una marisquería enorme al lado del Pujol que tenía colas de coches en la puerta, y yo salía y pensaba :
Just one day, out of nothing, I walked into the kitchen, and every time they had... They had music on when I was not there.
De repente, un día entré en la cocina y tenían la música puesta, siempre la ponían cuando yo no estaba.
But Peter the Great, he'd been to Europe, he'd seen all of these clean-shaven people and he thought it was very important that his subjects should lose the beards, so there's stories of him ripping them out by the roots.
Pero Pedro el Grande había estado en Europa, y había visto toda esa gente bien afeitada y pensó que era muy importante que sus súbditos perdieran las barbas, así que hay historias de él arrancándolas de raíz.
Large numbers of nobles and wealthy citizens had relocated there from Moscow, not out of choice - Peter had demanded it.
Gran cantidad de nobles y ciudadanos ricos se había mudado allí, desde Moscú, pero no por elección, sino porque Pedro lo exigió.
There are things that are being torn apart, and I'm desperately trying to find a way of making some kind of, um... narrative sense out of it, if we're talking about song writing, or, at least
Sí, la cosa ha estado muy mal. Y yo intento desesperadamente encontrarle... cierta lógica narrativa, si hablamos de composición... o al menos lógica a secas... a...
I did not see any way out of it when there was a Soviet Union that was hostile.
No le vi ninguna salida... cuando la Unión Soviética era hostil.
Is there any way out of this?
¿ Hay alguna salida?
We were misled that there were supposedly protests and then something sprang out of that... an assault sprang out of that...
Nos engañaron diciendo que había protestas por eso.
There's a fire and you've got to get out of the building or you're going to die.
Hay un incendio y tenéis que salir del edificio o vais a morir.
The thing is... there is a lot of us out there, and people think it's about the twin that died in the womb, you know. But I think that the ones who are left, the survivors we are the ones who vanish.
La cosa es... que hay muchos así ahí afuera, y la gente piensa que es sobre el gemelo que murió en el vientre, pero creo que se trata de los que quedan, los sobrevivientes.
You know, for a second there, I actually thought something good was gonna come out of this.
, por un instante, realmente pensé que algo bueno iba a salir de esto.
If FDA would just release a lot of ineffective drugs out there, we would never find out... we'd never find out which ones are harmful, we'd never find out which ones are beneficial.
Si la FDA autorizara drogas no efectivas, nunca sabríamos cuáles son nocivas... ni cuáles beneficiosas.
There's no way out of here.
No hay manera de salir de aquí.
There are aliens out there, killers who wouldn't understand the concept of the very rights you're offering them.
Hay alienígenas allá afuera, asesinos que no entenderían el concepto de los derechos que les está ofreciendo.
Does that make me less of a man than any other professor out there?
¿ Eso me hace menos hombre que cualquier profesor de ahí fuera?
I've been out of your life for a long time and there's a lot that I've missed.
He estado fuera de tu vida mucho tiempo y hay mucho que me he perdido.
There's water coming out of that fish tank.
Hay agua que sale de esa pecera.
There is really only one way out of this, and that way is to meet violence with violence.
Hay realmente sólo una manera de salir de esto, y de esa manera es cumplir con violencia con violencia.
Right out in the middle, there's this piece of luggage...
Justo en el medio, está esta maleta.
It's like the sound of... rushing water out there somewhere.
Es como el sonido de un torrente de agua viniendo de algún lado.
And there is an ocean of time between when that ivory chip fell out of the handle and when they got the knife.
Y hay un océano de tiempo entre cuando se cayó la esquirla de marfil del mango y cuando encontraron la navaja.
She'll find out that you've been cleared, that there is nothing connecting you to any of the murders.
Va a enterarse de que has sido absuelto, que no te conecta nada a ninguno de los asesinatos.
There are thousands of acres of woods out there, places no one's ever seen.
Hay miles de acres de bosque ahí fuera, sitios que nadie ha visto.
There will be constant injuries to you while I link the anchor to your body and the heart beats in and out of it.
Sufriréis heridas constantes cuando vincule el ancla a su cuerpo y cuando el corazón lata dentro y fuera de él.
How many of you Jesus junkies are out there?
¿ Cuántos de Uds., adictos a Jesús, están ahí afuera?
We run out of battery, we freeze to death out there.
Si nos quedamos sin batería, nos congelaremos ahí fuera.
Few people know for sure what actually happened inside the facility, but it's clear that the prisoners we met with will carry their scars with them for the rest of their lives. I think that as we found out more and more about what we set up down there, that it's time for America, as a matter of policy, to shut it down. Lehnert :
Pocos saben con certeza qué pasó adentro, pero los prisioneros que entrevistamos... llevarán las cicatrices durante el resto de sus vidas.
out of context 16
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
out of respect 50
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of 299
out of mind 55
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out of the house 17
out of your mind 22
out of the pool 16
out of 299
out of mind 55
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out of the house 17
out of your mind 22
out of the pool 16
out of control 68
out of my way 460
out of bounds 18
out of it 32
out of breath 21
out of the question 186
out of the country 20
out of the car 138
out of here 142
out of what 36
out of my way 460
out of bounds 18
out of it 32
out of breath 21
out of the question 186
out of the country 20
out of the car 138
out of here 142
out of what 36