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Put it through перевод на испанский

1,115 параллельный перевод
Just put it through the letter-box ;
Échala en mi buzón.
They put it through the hemo sniffer. The answer they came up with is it could be any one of a million people.
La respuesta fue que podría ser cualquiera en un millón.
Put it through the data-fax. Fast.
Envíemelo por data fax, rápido.
Put it through.
Pásalo acá.
In fact, I once got yelled at because during a fishing trip, I wouldn't take the hook and put it through a minnow.
De hecho, una vez grité porque Durante un viaje de pesca, yo no quería agarrar el gancho y atravezar a una carpa.
You put it through the hole. Ok.
- Ahora ya puedes seguir tú.
Put it through.
Póngalo a través.
Yes, put it through. - Um, excuse me.
Te saco de la sección de política por tu propio bien y para la del periódico.
How do you know? I saw it and use it And I could put it through to Hong Kong
Lo vi, así que lo usé... y pude llamar a Hong Kong.
- Well, let me put it this way. If the way I look gets me in the door, then God help them when I get through.
- Digamos que, si mi físico me ayuda a entrar, cuidado cuando esté dentro.
Two kids of 18, six months. They put us right through it, the bastards.
Teníamos 18 años y las pasamos canutas.
The hotel didn't want to put them through but whoever it was convinced him it was an emergency.
El hotel no pasó las llamadas pero la persona dijo que era urgente.
He put it in low instead of reverse went through the garage wall and into the ocean.
Puso primera en vez de reversa atravesó la pared del garage y cayó al mar.
It doesn't make sense to wear a see-through blouse and no bra... and say, "I don't put out."
No tiene sentido llevar una blusa transparente sin sujetador... y decir, "No me abro de piernas."
.. or death. It's a man called Mascetti. - Put him through.
Dice que es cuestión de vida o muerte, un cierto Mascetti...
If I put my nose under it, I might be able to get through.
Si puedo meter la nariz por debajo podré atravesarlo.
It's not fair to put you through this.
No es justo poner a través de este.
You are put through it night after night!
¡ Pasas por esto noche tras noche!
Sir, if I were to put this mission through my computer right now, the odds would be a 1,000-to-1 against it.
Si analizara esta misión en la computadora... las posibilidades de lograrlo serían casi nulas.
It was, Buckaroo Banzai said, exactly like Professor Hikita had glimpsed in 1938 through the overthruster he and Dr Emilio Lizardo put together from spare parts in a laboratory at Princeton. 1938.
Ha sido, dijo Buckaroo Banzai, tal como lo vislumbrara el profesor Hikita en 1938... a través del turbopropulsor... que él y el doctor Emilio Lizardo ensamblaron... en un laboratorio de Princeton a partir de piezas de repuesto.
But you never should ´ ve put it here, not when the train comes through.
Pero no debieron ponerla aquí, no por donde pasa el tren.
[Emma] Oliver, it's me, love. I heard about how upset you were this morning, and I'm dreadfully sorry to put you through this.
Hola, cariño, sé lo mal que estabas... y siento que pases por esto.
It's gonna take them a couple of hours to put the papers through.
Vas a salir. Pero me llevará un par de horas terminar con los papeles.
Let's put chocolate all over the floor and let Chunk eat through it.
Cubramos de chocolate el suelo y que Gordi se lo coma.
Well, a ritual would be much of a ritual if you didn't feel you had been put through the wringer, would it?
Bien, un ritual no sería un ritual si uno no sintiera que ha sido puesto en el exprimidor de ropa, ¿ no cree?
Maybe you can put a direct patch through my comlink... on the auxiliary channel. Try it.
Contrólalo a través del intercomunicador, inténtalo.
If you'll just put it in this tray here and come through again.
Por favor póngalo en la bandeja y vuelva a pasar.
- Put it back in the drawer, unless you want a hole between your eyes that the wind from your ass can whistle through.
- Ponla de vuelta en el cajón, a menos que quieras un agujero entre tus ojos a través del que el viento de tu culo pueda silbar.
I'll put it into the system, see if we can get him through Interpol files.
Quizá coincida con alguna ficha de la Interpol.
Put it over your nose and breathe through it.
Colócalo en tu cara y respira a través de él.
I don't know. I guess it's put me through some changes.
Ahora veo las cosas de otra forma.
And if British Telecom think it's funny enough, they'll put you through to our switchboard here.
Y si British Telecom piensa que usted es bastante divertido, ellos le conectarán con nuestra centralita aquí.
You know, Uncle Albert I think it`s terribly unfair of you to put me through all this worry.
Sabes, tío Albert creo que no es justo que me des tantas preocupaciones.
It took me an hour to put this call through. It's not an easy place to phone from, you know.
Tardé una hora para hablar con ustedes.
I wonder if she calculated the exact amount it would cost to raise a child and put her through college,
Supongo que calculó la suma exacta que costaría criar a la niña... y mandarla a la universidad,
Just put a neat cross through it. We'll do the next one. Okay?
Márcalo y pasamos a la siguiente.
Let me show you how to hold it. Put three fingers down and make a circle. - Stick the cue through the circle.
Pon los 3 dedos así, pasa el taco por debajo de los dedos.
But then he began to fear discovery. He rushed it through and put the result in his pocket until such time as he posted it.
Pero luego comenzó a temer que lo descubrieran... y terminó de escribirla con rapidez... y la puso en su bolsillo hasta la hora de enviarla.
Well, when you're through in here, Would you please put the furniture back the way you found it?
Cuando termines ¿ por favor pones los muebles como los encontraste?
Only way I get through it is to put a little TV on the pillow next to her so I can watch Get Smart.
La único que pude hacer fue poner una TV pequeña junto a su almohada para poder ver "Hazte listo"
Only way I get through it is to put a little TV on the pillow next to her so I can watch Get Smart.
No te preocupes, ella es mi hermana. ¿ Puedo ir contigo, novio? ¿ Tengo elección?
Or must I put a bullet through your head to prove it?
¿ O tengo que meterle una bala en la cabeza para demostrarlo?
I just can't bear to put it up for sale and have a bunch of strangers tromping through it.
No podría soportar ponerlo en venta y tener un montón de extraños por aquí.
Just put me through on the phone. Goddamn it!
Comunícame, Sarah. ¡ Maldición!
You know, Neal, that really is amazing. I can't believe that Margaret, after all she's put you through that she would have the nerve to call you up and ask you to take her back. It must have felt really good to finally tell her off, eh?
Lo que Kate trata de decir, en nombre de todos, es que estás tan ciego, que ya nos rendimos.
Not as long as I'm busting my ass to put you through med school, it ain't!
No mientras yo me rompo el lomo para que estudies medicina, no.
Take your money, put it back in your wallet or your pocket, turn around and walk through both sets of doors...
Toma tu dinero ponlo de nuevo en tu billetera o en tu bolsillo date vuelta y pasa por ambas puertas...
You must put me through. It's an emergency.
Tengo prioridad, es una urgencia médica.
It's hot in here. My hair is through. Put some use to them corns on your feet.
hace calor aquí dentro, ya se me fastidió el pelo put some use to them corns on your feet puede que luego, ¿ vale?
Okay, chaps, it's become necessary to put these dogs through obedience school.
Bueno, caps, se ha vuelto necesario llevar a estos perros... a la escuela de obediencia.
It must be put through
Tiene que funcionar.

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