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Re перевод на испанский

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But you have to understand, like, you're my show.
Pero deben entender que ustedes son mi espectáculo.
It's important to us that we're number one.
Es importante para nosotros ser número uno.
But for postcoital cuddling, uh, or after-sex cuddling, if you're stupid, what is the...?
Pero para mimos post-coito... O mimos después del sexo, si eres tonto. ¿ Cuál es el...?
You're killing it, Sarah.
Estás arrasando, Sarah.
We give our daughters Barbie dolls so that they have an image of what they should look like when they grow up that is not attainable so that they can learn that they're a piece of shit and they should kill themselves.
Regalamos muñecas Barbie a nuestras hijas para que tengan una imagen de cómo deberían lucir cuando crezcan y que no es posible. Para que aprendan que son una mierda y deberían suicidarse.
I'm not sure who we're protecting.
No sé a quién estamos protegiendo.
They're just on tiptoes.
Están en puntillas.
You're right, audience.
Tienen razón, público.
We're the same.
Somos iguales.
And he said, "God, you're totally right."
Y él dijo : "Dios, tienes toda la razón".
He goes, "You're going to hell."
Dijo : "Irás al infierno".
They're just wordplay.
Son sólo juego de palabras.
But you're not gonna believe this.
Pero no van a creer esto.
"Well, I guess you're gonna have to close, then, aren't you?"
"Bueno, entonces tendrán que cerrar, ¿ verdad?".
Because I have another fun fact for you you're gonna love.
Porque tengo otro dato curioso que les encantará.
That's all I'm worried about, and this is what we're gonna do.
Sólo eso me preocupa, y esto es lo que haremos.
The next time you feel like you're gonna jerk off into a gym sock or down your shower drain or, uh...
La próxima vez que tengan ganas de masturbarse dentro de una media, o en la ducha, o...
This is what we're gonna do.
Esto es lo que haremos.
Like, you're just flat...
Te pones plano...
Before you do it, you're gonna come on down to the clinic.
Antes de hacerlo, van a ir a la clínica.
We're gonna take a long, thin...
Tomaremos una larga y delgada...
We're gonna bring the ultrasound around, and you're gonna be able to actually see the life in your balls.
Traeremos el ultrasonido y podrán ver realmente la vida en sus bolas.
And they're all talking, and all this shit happens in it.
Y están todos conversando y pasa toda esta mierda.
But in reality, when they're shooting it, the rest of the room isn't even there.
Pero en realidad, mientras filman, el resto de la sala ni siquiera está.
Like, "re"?
"¿ Re?".
I knew "re" meant again.
Sabía que "re" significaba de nuevo.
They're not monsters.
No son monstruos.
And, like, they're still his best friends to this day.
Y hoy día, esos siguen siendo sus mejores amigos.
And he's about to be 80, and they're having a reunion, even.
Y está por cumplir 80 años y siguen haciendo reuniones.
And he sent it to me with, like, a glossary of who everybody is and what they're doing now.
Y me la envía con un glosario que dice quién es quién y qué están haciendo ahora.
But, you know, they're 16-year-old kids.
Pero son chicos de 16 años.
"We're going to the emergency room."
"Vamos ya a la sala de urgencias".
And, like, unbeknownst to me, they're telling my, uh, friend Amy and my boyfriend, Michael, they're like, um, " This is a very dangerous surgery.
Y sin saberlo yo, les dijeron a mi amiga Amy y mi novio Michael : " Es una cirugía muy peligrosa.
And then they're like, "You're okay."
Y ellos me dicen : "Estás bien".
And then because it's human nature if you're awake to pull something that's in your throat out, they had to tie my hands down.
Y porque es la naturaleza humana quitarse las cosas de la garganta si uno está despierto, tuvieron que atarme las manos.
" Sweetie, you're okay.
" Dulzura, ¿ estás bien?
Were you making a noise because you're impressed that I knew that word?
¿ Hiciste ruido porque te impresiona que sepa esa palabra?
You're welcome.
De nada.
Now we're gonna have to, like, pick up a shot of you going :
Ahora te vamos a filmar haciendo :
Um, yeah, because we're here.
Sí, porque estamos aquí.
You've got, like, five seconds to raise your hand, if you're close.
Tienen unos cinco segundos para levantar la mano.
You would say you're Christian?
¿ Diría que es cristiano?
We're in Los Angeles.
Estamos en Los Ángeles.
All right, you're a Christian.
Está bien, es cristiano.
You know, it's like, up until now, Troy, you're saying, " God... I know that there's AIDS and rape and famine and genocide and murder.
Es como que hasta ahora, Troy, decías : " Dios, sé que hay SIDA, violaciones, hambrunas, y genocidios, y asesinatos.
Unless you're serving come.
Salvo que sirvas semen.
They're voting completely against their best interest.
Votan totalmente contra su bien.
And they're counting on the NHS, and that was a big sham promise.
Y cuentan con el Servicio Nacional de Salud, y esa es una gran promesa falsa.
And they're gonna be strippers.
Y serán desnudistas.
We're all just listening to the same...
Estamos todos escuchando las mismas...
That's good. You're perfect.
Estás perfecta.

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