She was перевод на испанский
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Well, she was buried alive last night.
Bueno, anoche la enterraron viva.
She was your family.
Ella era de tu familia.
She thinks I'm the one that burned her, so she was trying to get me out of the way.
Cree que soy yo el que la quería echar, así que estaba tratando de quitarme de en medio.
She's reliving every time she was rejected for adoption.
Está reviviendo cada vez que fue rechazada para ser adoptada.
She's been alone since she was a child, and I'm gonna put an end to that.
Ha estado sola desde que era niña y yo voy a ponerle fin a eso.
I only defected because Shepherd became what she was fighting against.
Deserté porque Shepherd se convirtió en lo mismo contra lo que luchaba.
She was 32 years old when she jumped off the G.W. Bridge.
Tenía 32 años cuando saltó del G.W. Bridge.
Up until this morning, she was retired and living in Greenwich, living a normal life, but she destroyed her cell phone immediately after the videos were uploaded.
Hasta esta mañana, estaba jubilada y vivía en Greenwich, haciendo una vida normal, pero destruyó su móvil inmediatamente después de que fueran subidos los vídeos.
She was the one... who got you the passport to go to the Bahamas.
Era la que... la que te consiguió el pasaporte para ir a las Bahamas.
I know that she was telling the truth about the Protectors before.
Sé que ella decía la verdad sobre los Protectores.
"I follow Ariana Grande around like she was the Grateful Dead."
"Sigo a Ariana Grande a todas partes como si fueran Grateful Dead."
And that is when a woman approached her, told her that she was going to help her to get back home.
FOTO DE "M. A." Y allí una mujer se acercó a ella, le dijo que la ayudaría a regresar a casa.
We got her back, but she was addicted to drugs.
"M. A." HIJA DE KUBIIKI La recuperamos, pero era adicta a las drogas.
My daughter was stabbed and burned, and her head shaved, and she was beaten.
Quemaron y apuñalaron a mi hija, le rasuraron la cabeza y la golpearon.
She was given a five-year sentence.
Recibió una sentencia de cinco años.
She was held responsible for her part of the crime.
A ella también la declararon responsable del delito.
She told us that she was being hurt, that she wasn't a good daughter, she wasn't a good person,
Nos dijo que la estaban lastimando, que no era una buena hija, que no era una buena persona
She was torn up.
Ella estaba devastada.
She was right out of seventh grade, and she was trafficked for a long time.
Recién salía del séptimo grado escolar y fue víctima del tráfico durante mucho tiempo.
I dropped her off at her friend's house and she was to be home right after the mall closed.
La dejé en la casa de su amiga... MADRE DE "JUANA PÉREZ" y debía volver cuando cerrara el centro comercial.
I met Liz McDougall when I was Deputy Mayor for the City of New York, and she was so lovely, and she was so credible.
Conocí a Liz McDougall cuando yo era Subalcaldesa de la Ciudad de Nueva York y era muy agradable y muy confiable...
And she was, " Oh, my.
Y ella decía : " Dios mío.
We will never be the family we were before my daughter went missing, and before she was sold on that website.
Nunca seremos la familia que éramos antes de que mi hija desapareciera y antes de que fuera prostituida en ese sitio web.
I Googled the lawyer and it looked as though she was a criminal lawyer.
Busqué a la abogada en Google y parecía que era abogada penal.
I see my child... in different poses... that look like she was drugged.
Veo a mi hija... en distintas poses... Y parecía que estaba drogada.
She was precocious, nosy, opinionated.
Era avanzada para su edad, curiosa, terca.
Oh, my gosh, she was bubbly and outgoing.
Dios mío, era alegre y extrovertida.
She was so mean!
¡ Ha sido muy mala!
It's a virtual death warrant, because she was found a couple of days later.
es una garantia de muerte virtual, porque ella fue encontrada un par de dias despues.
The subject repeatedly called the Attorney General and complained about the way that she was being ignored by the President and his brother.
Ella llamo repetidamente al fiscal general y se quejo de la forma en que estaba siendo ignorada por el presidente y su hermano.
It's a tragic situation because she was an actress, she didn't understand the National security state, and the viciousness of those who want to keep these sort of secrets.
Es una tragica situacion porque ella era una actriz, ella no entendia el estado de la seguridad nacional, Y la maldad de los que querian mantener este tipo de secretos.
I know I've been taking orders from her since she was five years old.
Yo se he estado tomando ordenes desde que tenia cinco años.
A fortune teller told me she was going to kill me if I didn't pay her, which I still have not done.
Una adivina me dijo que iba a matarme si no le pagaba, lo cual no he hecho.
So I just decided to grab, like a quick drink down at the Belvedere, you know, and there she was, just sittin'there alone, at the end of the bar, man.
Pues decidí tomar una copa rápida en el Belvedere, ya sabes, y allí estaba, sentada sola al fondo del bar, tío.
How were we supposed to know she was an undercover cop?
¿ Cómo se supone que íbamos a saber que era una policía encubierta?
She was a real O.G.
Era una auténtica vieja gloria.
Kensi was abducted by the guy she was talking to.
Kensi ha sido secuestrada por el tipo con el que estaba hablando.
Oh, Jennifer's best friend at school was Japanese and she taught Jennifer how to say the word "hello."
La mejor amiga de Jennifer en la escuela era japonesa y le enseñó a Jennifer a decir "hola".
For someone who was buried alive, she's doing okay.
Para ser alguien que estuvo enterrada viva, está bien.
She said she just assumed that he was fixing the jeep.
Dijo que asumió que estaba arreglando el jeep.
Alex was trying to get me burned because she's jealous that you recruited both of us.
Alex estaba intentando echarme porque estaba celosa de que nos reclutarais a los dos.
Which is why today I was trying to get her kicked out before she unraveled everything that you've been working for.
Es por eso que hoy intentaba que la echaran antes de que se desentrañara todo por lo que has estado trabajando.
Yeah, she saw I was hurting.
Sí, vio que estaba herido.
I think she planted a bug while I was unconscious.
Creo que plantó un micro mientras estaba inconsciente.
And what she did was she... Brought her into a life of hell.
Y lo que hizo fue... arrastrarla al infierno.
Trying to wrap my head around how you take a child that was a soccer star, a violinist, and 36 hours later, she's being sold on a website.
Intentaba entender cómo se puede secuestrar a una niña que era estrella de fútbol, violinista y 36 horas después, víctima de la prostitución en Internet.
Back in Seattle, it is now three years since Nacole's case was first filed. She's waiting for a decision from the Washington State Supreme Court.
En Seattle, ya pasaron tres años desde que se presentó la demanda de Nacole y ella espera el fallo de la Corte Suprema de Washington.
Since my daughter was sold on Backpage she's a totally different person.
Desde que mi hija fue prostituida en Backpage, es una persona distinta.
- Is that what she is? - I was also gonna say that maybe for the first time in your life, I'm proud of you.
- También estaba a punto de decir que quizás por primera vez en tu vida, estoy orgulloso de ti.
Jackie knew how much I was looking forward to this class, and she just stands me up?
Jackie sabía lo mucho que estaba esperando esta clase, ¿ y me deja plantada?
And she knows Kensi was grabbed?
¿ Y ella sabe que se han llevado a Kensi?
she was pretty 42
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144