She was my wife перевод на испанский
687 параллельный перевод
She was my wife.
Ella era mi esposa.
If she was my wife, I'd chuck her under the wagon!
Si fuera mi esposa revisaria bajo el vagon, yo...
She was my wife.
Era mi esposa.
Yes, she was my wife!
¡ Mi mujer!
She was my wife when she married Chandler.
Ya lo era cuando se casó con Chandler.
And somehow they'd assumed she was my wife. I lay there wishing they were right.
Verna estaba muerta y pensaban que era mi mujer.
We had our differences, but she was my wife.
Teníamos nuestras diferencias, pero era mi mujer.
If my wife was watching, then she'd know. Just how much I loved her... and how I'm suffering without her right now.
Si estuviera aquí, sabría... lo mucho que la amaba, cuanto he sufrido...
My wife was taking that out, and she was distracted...
Perdone, Sr. Chouilloux, vino antes mi mujer, llevaba esto y por distracción...
Go see my wife and tell her what she did was wrong.
Dile a mi esposa que... lo que hizo estaba mal.
Doctor, put my wife back the way she was when I married her or I'll take steps.
Doctor : vuelva a dejar a mi mujer tal como era cuando me casé con ella o tomaré medidas.
My wife was a redhead. She hated flowers.
Mi esposa era pelirroja, odiaba las flores.
My wife spoke while she was under bewitchment.
Mi esposa habló mientras estaba embrujada.
That wave, that impulse was recorded by my wife's brain before she died.
Esa onda, ese impulso fué grabado del cerebro de mi esposa antes de morir.
That she was enormously rich, that her grandfather was an earl, that her father was the prince of darkness... - And that I was only an adventurer trying to catch a rich wife... then I stooped to deceive her about my birth.
Que era enormemente rica, que su abuelo era un conde, que su padre era el príncipe de las tinieblas... y que yo era sólo un aventurero tratando de casarme con una ricachona, me rebajé a mentir sobre mi nacimiento.
Was I burned! I turned round to my wife and she said :
Yo me enfadé, miré a mi mujer enojado y ella dijo :
The funny thing was that when my wife found that in my pocket she thought that I was the one who bought it for you.
Lo gracioso fue que cuando mi mujer Io encontró en mi bolsillo pensó que fui yo quien lo compró para usted.
I found out my wife was a snob, and even more stupid than I dreamed. She said that I humiliated her by saying such things as if I believed them.
Dijo que la había humillado diciendo esas cosas,
I was worried about my wife's labor because she was a bit old to be having a baby.
Me preocupaba el parto de mi mujer, porque era un poquito mayor para tener un niño.
When she told me she wouldn't wait any longer for my wife to give me a divorce... that she was going to marry that slot machine operator the next morning... I hit her.
Cuando me dijo que no esperaría más a que mi esposa se divorciara de mí... y que iba a casarse por la mañana con el tipo de la máquina tragamonedas... la golpeé.
I told her I loved her and she said she was not worthy to be my wife.
Le dije que la amaba y ella dijo que no merecía ser mi mujer.
She was my wife.
Era mi mujer.
No, I know it was Friday, because that was the day... my wife told me she was gonna have a baby.
Sé que fue el viernes, porque ese día... mi esposa me dijo que iba a tener un bebé.
I've finished a case a little earlier than I expected and I told my wife I'd try and join her later if I could but I very stupidly forgot where she said she was going.
He acabado un caso antes de lo esperado y le dije a mi mujer que la acompañaría más tarde, pero, qué tontería, se me olvidó donde dijo que iría.
My wife was waiting for me to get sick, so she could leave me.
Mi mujer sólo esperaba a que yo enfermase, para librarse de mí.
Your creeps have no compunction phoning my house... giving me orders, talking to my wife like she was- -
No tienen ningún reparo en llamar a mi casa, darme órdenes, hablar a mi mujer como si fuera...
My wife was so different, may she rest in peace...
Mi esposa era tan diferente. Puede descansar en paz...
Once she was... my son's wife.
Una vez ella... la esposa de mi hijo.
Perhaps when George was killed, if my wife had joined me, things might have been different. But she stayed at home, like a good Navy wife.
Tala vez, cuando mataron a George, si mi esposa hubiera estado conmigo, las cosas hubieran sido diferentes, pero ella se quedó en su hogar, como una buena esposa de un marino.
And by a curious coincidence... I was actually phoning my wife when she was attacked.
Por pura casualidad, llamé a mi esposa cuando la atacaban.
He thought my wife was his dish, and she thought I was Clark Gable.
Él se encaprichó de mi mujer y ella pensaba que yo era Clark Gable.
I brought her back pure into Aar's church... where she was supposed to walk in and become my wife.
La devolví pura a la iglesia de Ar, donde debía entrar pura para convertirse en mi mujer.
The funny thing was that when my wife found that in my pocket she thought that I was the one who bought it for you.
Lo gracioso fue que cuando mi mujer lo encontrò en mi bolsillo pensó que fui yo quien lo comprò para usted.
It was kind of you. You see, my son's wife... she was, she had to...
Claro, la mujer de mi hijo estaba.. tenía que... tenía que...
Now that I've spoken to my wife... I know that she was upstairs all the time.
Hablé con mi esposa y me dijo que estuvo arriba todo el tiempo.
Nothing in the morning either. My wife was on her way to the ghat when she heard he'd fallen down unconscious.
Y esta mañana, me dijeron que se había ido al río... y que se desmayó de camino a casa.
What I want to know is... while I was gone did my wife get lonely and forget that she was a wife?
Lo que quiero saber es... mientras yo estaba fuera mi esposa se sintió sola y olvidó que era una esposa.
Or was it two months ago that she stopped being my wife?
¿ O fue hace dos meses que dejó de ser mi esposa?
My wife is sitting right here and she too could tell you how it was all arranged by our parents ln that regard, our young couple today is very lucky l truly envy them
Mi esposa, aquí presente, también se acuerda. Todo lo arreglaron nuestros padres. En cambio, estos jóvenes se enamoraron por azar.
Well, after Mary was born, my wife, she got sick.
Bueno, tras el nacimiento de Mary, mi mujer enfermó. Tiene razón.
Well, after the baby was born, my wife, she, um...
Bien, después del nacimiento del bebé, mi mujer, ella...
Giordano, everyone thought my wife was an aristocrat. But I was her husband and knew her well. I can tell you she was petty and miserly.
Mire, Giordano, todos estaban convencidos de que mi mujer era una aristócrata, pero yo era su marido y la conocía..... profundamente, te digo que tenía una mentalidad estrecha pequeña y mezquina, de origen campesino, como la madre.
My wife was hysterical and she wasn't making much sense.
Mi mujer estaba histérica y no quería entrar en razón.
Well, my wife was only 48 when she died.
Bueno, mi esposa tenía sólo 48 años cuando murió.
I had morning sickness and your wife was there. She said my husband would have been happy, if I were married.
Tengo náuseas y tu mujer me ha dicho que si estuviera casada mi marido se pondría contento.
When my wife told me she'll have a baby... ... it was the happiest moment I've ever known.
Cuando me dijo que estaba embarazada fue el momento más feliz de mi vida.
She was my friend's wife.
Era la esposa de un amigo mío.
I love my wife and I'll lose her if she continues to believe that I was with another woman that night.
Amo a mi mujer y acabaré por perderla si sigue creyendo que aquella noche estaba con otra mujer.
McCabe I will guarantee that you could bring in any boy that age tell my wife that it was her son she'd accept him without question.
McCabe puede traer a cualquier muchacho de esa edad y decirle a mi mujer que es su hijo. Lo aceptará sin reparos.
As a matter of fact, it's possible that my wife won't join me because when I left home she was not well.
De hecho, es posible que mi mujer no venga porque cuando me fui de casa se sentía mal.
I was having my dinner and my wife mary went to answer the door, and when she came back, she had such a strange expression on her face.
Estaba cenando, mi esposa Mary... fue a la puerta y cuando volvió tenía... una expresión tan extraña en el rostro.
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48