Stop that now перевод на испанский
1,271 параллельный перевод
The owner's the one who's saying stop that, stop that, will you stop that now, stop it.
El dueño es el que dice : " ¡ Deja eso! ¿ Quieres?
- Stop that now.
- ¡ Basta!
Now stop being a pain in the ass critic and pose for me. If you paint me like that, you're dead.
Ahora, deja de ser una crítica latosa y posa para mí.
Now that you're better, why don't you get her to stop? I know.
Como tú estás mejor, intenta que ella lo deje.
Now stop being Mr. Negative and show the boys and girls at home that the body can achieve what the mind can conceive.
Cualquiera puede atravesar los grandes. Deja de ser tan negativo... y muéstrale a los niños y niñas en casa que el cuerpo puede lograr lo que la mente puede concebir.
Stop that right now!
¡ Dejen eso ya mismo!
Now you've come in just at the moment that the character in the film, the person who is supposed to live here, decides that he's gonna stop playing house.
Bueno, has llegado justo en el momento en que el personaje de la película la persona que se supone vive aquí decide que va a parar de jugar a la casita.
Let's put a stop to that rumor... right now.
Paremos ese rumor de inmediato.
Now, the lunatics are not gonna run this particular asylum, so let's put a stop to that rumor right now.
Así que detengamos ese rumor de una vez por todas.
That's it. I've taken enough shit from you, and it's gonna stop now.
Ya te he aguantado bastante y eso va a terminarse ahora.
I tell her to stop working so hard, now she tells me that she's fine.
Ya le he dicho que no trabaje tanto, pero me dice que está como un roble.
No, no! Now, don't stop that! That's beautiful!
No, no, no paren, es muy hermosa.
Hey don't do that! Anybody home? Now stop that!
Hey, no hagas eso.
Now, I know there are a lot of drug dealers on this side of town, but that shit's going to stop.
Se que hay muchos traficantes en este lado de la ciudad.... Pero se les pondra un alto....
Can I just say thank you, bloody thank you, so stop doing that now!
En fin, gracias. Muchísimas gracias. ¡ Deja de hacer eso!
Now, just because there's no vote pending doesn't mean that we have to stop making ourselves be heard in a mature and dignified way.
Ahora, solo porque ya no hay votación no significa que no podamos hacernos oír de una forma madura y digna.
But that doesn't stop you from being an expert on the subject, now does it?
Pero eso no evita que seas un experto en la materia, ¿ no?
And if you guys can't stop and appreciate all the positive things you have in your life and just how lucky that you are to be here, then you might as well get off the bus right now.
Y si ustedes no pueden parar y apreciar las cosas positivas que tienen en sus vidas y la suerte que tienen de estar aquí entonces pueden bajarse del autobús ahora mismo.
Maybe I do curse a little but that's the way God made me, and I'm too old to stop now.
Quizás sí maldigo un poco pero así me hizo Dios, y soy demasiado grande para parar ahora.
They stop off here twice a year at that marshy little lake on the north end of the ranch and you're in luck because even as I speak, the flock's over there right now.
Paran aquí dos veces al año, en el pequeño lago pantanoso que queda al norte de los confines del rancho, y están de enhorabuena porque la bandada está aquí en este momento.
Now, you stop that!
Ahora, para!
Ah, now stop that, Sharon!
Ya está bien, Sharon.
Now, that'll do. Just hold on a minute. Stop it.
Ahora, espera un momento, detenlo...
So now Jim and Cindy think that they're all gonna form a united front to stop her.
Y ahora Jim y Cindy creen que todos formarán un frente unido para frenarla.
Now stop that.
Ya basta.
Now, I've gotten word that a child is using his imagination... and I've come to put a stop to it.
Me han informado que un nino está usando su imaginación. Vine a detener eso.
Now that you're free, you can help us stop the Sentinels.
Ahora puedes ayudarnos a detener a los centinelas.
Adelie penguin colonies, that in the spring were cut off from the sea by miles of winter sea ice, are now directly accessible to open water, and adults, with hungry chicks to feed, can at last swim directly back to the beaches... although some, rather optimistically, decide to stop for a rest on the way.
Colonias de pingüinos de Adelia que en la primavera fueron separadas del mar por millas de hielo marino invernal tienen ahora acceso directo al mar abierto y los adultos, con pichones hambrientos que alimentar pueden al fin nadar directamente de regreso a las playas incluso algunos, los más optimistas deciden detenerse a descansar por el camino.
That's over now, this must stop!
Esta vez sí que se le castigará, porque esto tiene que acabar.
Now, what Plato was saying... is that if we just stop... and go with the flow... and follow our destiny... it'll lead us back to each other
Ahora, lo que Platón estaba diciendo es que si nos detenemos y vamos con la corriente y seguimos nuestro destino... nos llevará de regreso, uno al otro.
Now stop that, Isabelle.
Ya basta, Isabelle.
Who's that? Stop it now!
Pare de tocar, pare!
Now... why would he go outside to stop a break-in that didn't happen?
Ahora, ¿ por qué salió fuera a detener un robo que nunca pasó?
Just because we're working together now that's no reason to stop...
Sólo porqué ahora trabajemos juntos no es razón para dejar- -
And unless I stop it right now, that boy will see his father killed on the floor of the Great Council Chamber.
Y si no lo detengo ahora, ese niño verá muerto a su padre en el suelo de la sala del Gran Consejo.
That is why we must stop this now before it's too late.
Por eso debemos poner fin a esto antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Well, I came here to tell you..... that if he dies because of what you've done,..... four days from now, nobody will stop me from being the one that throws the switch...
He venido a decirte que si él muere por culpa suya... ¡ Dentro de cuatro días, nadie me va a impedir que sea yo la que dé al botón y te mande al otro mundo para siempre!
Now stop that!
¡ Basta de memeces!
I fear that they stop you, now.
Me temo que lo paran, ahora.
Stop! Now stop before you say something that you will regret.
Espere antes de decir algo de lo que se lamente.
If you all check your itineraries, you'll see that this is the only stop we're making between now and Washington.
Si chequean sus itinerarios, verán que esta es la única parada que haremos hasta Washington.
Does anyone here truly believe the Centauri will stop... now that they've seized our territory?
¿ Hay alguien aquí que crea realmente que los centauri se detendrán... ahora que han ocupado nuestro territorio?
But given the chance, the disease could mutate... into something that could affect us all, if we don't stop it now.
Pero si tiene oportunidad, la enfermedad podría mutar... a algo que podría afectarnos a todos, si no la detenemos ahora.
That's nice. Now was that before or after you told him to stop calling, stop sending flowers and to leave you alone?
Eso es bueno. ¿ Eso fue antes o después de que le dijiste que dejara de llamar, enviar flores y te dejara en paz?
- Terra, stop that. Now I don't want either of you to put a finger on this clock, alright.
Ahora escuchen... no quiero que ninguno de ustedes ponga un dedo en el reloj, ¿ está bien?
Acid fog from the munitions factories that never stop now.
Niebla ácida de las fábricas de municiones que ahora no descansan.
If I thought for a moment that there was any possibility that this communications relay could cause damage to the wormhole I'd put a stop to it right now.
Si pensara que el relé iba a dañar el agujero de gusano lo detendría ahora mismo.
Oh, come on now, Neeka, stop that racket.
Pasen, Neeka, para ya.
I wanted to stop by before we got married to tell you that, that I know that you don't love me now.
Te queria ver antes que nos casamos, para decirte que que se que no me quieres.
But now I've got to stop for a minute... because no matter how we humans like to think we control things... that's not how it works.
Pero ahora tengo que parar un momento porque aunque los humanos creamos controlarlo todo, las cosas no son así.
Now, by Bannister's own admission, the argument continues to rage reaching the climactic point when Debra demands that Bannister stop, pull over, let her out.
Según dijo Bannister, la discusión se hizo pelea... y en un momento de ira Debra exigió que él frenara... para bajarse.
stop that 1063
stop that man 40
stop that nonsense 16
stop that right now 22
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
stop that man 40
stop that nonsense 16
stop that right now 22
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's mine 27
now i get it 126
now go home 47
now let's see 22
now's not a good time 92
now let's get out of here 22
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's mine 27
now i get it 126
now go home 47
now let's see 22
now's not a good time 92
now let's get out of here 22