Straight away перевод на испанский
1,184 параллельный перевод
I'd like you to come straight away.
Me gustaría que vinieras enseguida.
You tell Colonel Trenchard that I want to see him straight away.
Dile al coronel Trenchard que quiero verlo de inmediato.
But what you don't know, is how lucky you are that they didn't get rid of you straight away.
Pero lo que no sabes es la suerte que tienes de que no se deshicieron de ti de inmediato.
Serious planning for such a move began straight away.
Planificación seria para tal acción comenzó de inmediato.
Straight away General Yamashita asked General Percival whether he was surrendering.
Inmediatamente general Yamashita preguntó general Percival si se rendía.
He wants to see you straight away he said.
Quiere verlo. De inmediato, dijo.
Get them sent over straight away.
Haz que las envíen de inmediato.
All of a sudden she wants to see brothers and sisters and we have to run straight away to keep her company.
De repente quiere ver a hermanos y hermanas, y debemos correr.
See him straight away. I would like you to inform him of my decision and to go with him to Possenhofen, because Sophie is Catholic
Recibidlo pronto, comunicadle mi decisión... y que os acompañe a Possenhofen ya que Sofía es católica.
We cannot wait until tomorrow, we have to act straight away.
¡ Debemos actuar rápidamente!
Go, straight away.
Vaya ahora mismo.
I'm going to call Nicolosi and arrange the move straight away, today.
Voy a llamar por teléfono a Nicolosi y organizo el viaje de inmediato, hoy.
If we could leave straight away, I wouldn't even stop by home to take a hankerchief.
Si podíamos viajar de inmediato, No quiero ni siquiera pasar por casa para buscar un pañuelo.
- Straight away.
- Enseguida.
Straight away!
¡ Enseguida!
240 on a straight away.
Da 200 en una recta.
- Of course, straight away.
¡ Claro! Claro, Rosetta, en seguida.
Not straight away.
No de inmediato.
I'll put water in straight away.
Los pondré en agua enseguida.
I want you to start straight away in strict secrecy.
Quiero que empiece inmediatamente y en secreto absoluto.
Straight away, Professor.
Enseguida, profesor.
I recognised you straight away!
Te he reconocido enseguida.
Giulio, why don't we get the girl to write the letter straight away?
Escucha Giulio... ¿ Por qué no le hacemos escribir enseguida la carta a la muchacha?
I can see that straight away.
Puedo imaginármelo.
Well, you'd better take me there straight away.
Bueno, será mejor que me lleves allí inmediatamente.
So, may I suggest that you give yourself up straight away.
Por lo tanto, quisiera sugerir que te entregases de inmediato.
Sarah, get out of here straight away.
Sarah, sal de aquí inmediatamente.
I'll go and check on it straight away.
Voy a comprobarlo enseguida.
All right, now, if he turns up, and he will, when he does, get in touch with us straight away.
Vale, si vuelve, y volverá, cuando lo haga, avísanos enseguida.
I'll put it in the safe straight away.
Déjeme cogerlo. Lo pondré en la caja fuerte ahora mismo.
Four heads fall straight away, twenty others after.
Que caigan cuatro cabezas, y luego otras veinte.
It fills in straight away.
Se tapó enseguida.
I got used to it straight away.
Yo me acostumbré enseguida.
I had to tell you straight away.
Tenía que contárselo enseguida.
You know, they always allow an hour longer than it takes to get'ere, and then they got'ere straight away.
¿ Sabes? siempre salen con una hora de adelanto, no me extraña que tengan que comer en seguida.
Instead of washing his hands of it, he went to the police straight away.
En lugar de lavarse las manos, se puso a disposición de la policía.
Right, we'll come over straight away.
Espléndido. ¿ Dónde? Bien, estaré allí enseguida.
If I doctor your food, you'll know straight away!
A mí no me mires. Si te hubiera puesto algo en la cena no habrías esperado hasta ahora para saberlo.
"l can't finish the sentence, " and I'll be late if I don't go to meet you straight away.
No puedo acabar esta frase... y llegaré tarde si no me voy ya adonde hemos quedado.
People see it straight away and take advantage of it.
La gente lo ve de inmediato y se aprovecha de eso.
- Ill be back, Straight away.
- Regreso, enseguida regreso.
Straight away!
Suban al tren.
And if anyone gets in our way, they'll be killed straight away.
Estoy listo para matar a quien se ponga en el camino.
Straight away, when I give him the card.
Directamente, cuando le doy la tarjeta.
- Straight away.
- Inmediatamente.
Does he like it... some ringer stealing Excalibur's thunder? Or does he decide he better do something right away to set the record straight?
¿ Le gustará a Excalibur que un imitador le robe el protagonismo, o decidirá que será mejor hacer algo ya para poner las cosas en su sitio?
Straight away.
- En seguida.
I tell you straight out, little brother, go away.
Te lo digo sin rodeos, hermano, vete de aquí.
Let's get two things straight right away!
¡ Tengan dos cosas claras en seguida!
Kneeling on the wool rug, perfectly straight, thighs well apart, hands held in the air... she didn't even dare wipe away the tears which ran slowly down her face.
Arrodillada en el suelo, completamente estirada, con las piernas separadas y los brazos arriba, ni siquiera podía contener las lágrimas, que se deslizaban lentamente por su cara.
Why didn't you come straight away?
- ¿ Por qué no viniste primero?
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from me 19
away from you 37
away party 43
straight 417
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from here 45
away you go 17
away from me 19
away from you 37
away party 43
straight 417