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Tell him that перевод на испанский

10,119 параллельный перевод
Okay, uh... call him back and tell him that there's been another flood at the Dirty Robber and Ma has to fix it.
Vale... Vuelve a llamarle y dile que ha habido otra inundación en el Dirty Robber y que mamá tiene que arreglarla.
- Uh, call him back and tell him that Ma has pancreatitis.
- Vuelve a llamarle y dile que mamá tiene pancreatitis.
Lou, why didn't you just tell him that you know?
Lou, ¿ por qué no le dices que sabes?
I tell him that there are chemicals in the water that we drink, that our children bathe in.
Le dije que hay productos químicos en el agua que bebemos, en la que nuestros niños se bañan.
Can I tell him that?
Puedo decirle eso?
She had me tell him that she mentioned Dubai to Ambassador Dori at that Israeli coffee.
Ella me hizo decirle que ella mencionó Dubai al embajador Dori en ese café israelí.
I mean, I need to tell him that I wrote it.
Quiero decir, que necesito decirle que yo la escribí.
Tell him that!
- ¡ Díselo a él!
My boy would come running to me, and I'd... and I'd tell him that his place is with his... his mother and his... his new pa.
Mi muchacho habría acudido conmigo, y yo... le hubiera dicho que su lugar era con su... madre y su... su nuevo padre.
I-I do, too, but, Bonnie, you should at least tell him that you're ok.
No, también yo, pero, Bonnie, al menos deberías decirle que estás bien.
Reminds me. I must ring your boss to tell him that, sadly, the deal's off.
Me recuerda que debo llamar a su jefe para decirle que, tristemente, no hay trato.
( Mindy ) And then it hit me, I'll come visit him, plan a romantic weekend getaway where after a day of pretending to enjoy reading and fresh air, I'll tell him that we're having a little- -
Y entonces caí en la cuenta, iré a visitarle, planearé una escapada romántica de fin de semana donde después de un día fingiendo disfrutar de la lectura y el aire fresco, le contaré que tenemos un pequeño...
- Don't tell him that.
- No le digas eso.
- Don't tell him that.
- No se lo digas.
Did you tell him that?
¿ Le dijiste eso?
I will definitely tell him that.
Sin duda se lo diré.
I had to tell him that I'd fallen for someone else, someone on the mission.
Tuve que decirle que me había enamorado de alguien más, alguien de la misión.
Just... just tell him that you gotta stay.
Solo... dile que tienes que quedarte.
Tell him that's all I can get.
Dile que es lo único que podido conseguir.
Did y'all bother to tell him that to him that when I was rotting'away?
¿ Alguno de vosotros se molestó en decirle eso cuando me estaba pudriendo en la cárcel?
I got to tell him that even though it was ending, it was incredibly meaningful to me, and I'm gonna miss him.
Tengo que decirle que a pesar de que estaba terminando, fue increíblemente significativo para mí, y voy a extrañar.
You tell him that I'm Liam Neeson and he's my hot, dumb daughter.
Dile que soy Liam Neeson y él mi alelada y maciza hija.
I'm going to tell him that I love him,
Voy a decirle que le quiero.
Tell him that I hope he enjoys his cyanide.
Dígale de mi parte que buen provecho con el cianuro.
And don't tell him that this is coming from me.
Y no le digas que es idea mía.
I'll tell him after that, but we'll have to proceed with some caution given the financial implications, but...
Le diré que después de eso, pero vamos a tener que proceder con cierta cautela debido a las implicaciones financieras, pero...
We tell the American public that yes, Omar Fatah was our asset, that he was recruited and turned by CIA officers, that he helped us to find and destroy one of the most wanted men on the earth, and that because of him, the CIA pulled off its greatest op in its long history.
Le diremos al pueblo estadounidense que sí... que Omar Fatah era nuestro activo... que fue reclutado y cambiado por nuestros agentes de la CIA... que nos ayudó a encontrar y destruir... a uno de los hombres más buscados del planeta... y que gracias a él... la CIA ha llevado a cabo la operación más importante de su larga historia.
All he would tell me is that the strings from the crime scenes are starting to sing to him.
- Todo lo que me ha dicho es que las cuerdas de las escenas del crimen están empezando a sonar.
Tell him Rachel's alive and that Neolution has her.
Dile que Rachel está viva y que Neolution la tiene.
I think that'll pretty much tell him the whole story.
Creo que eso le aclarará bastante la historia.
Please don't tell me that you agree with him.
Por favor, no me digas que estás de acuerdo con él.
Tell him Shana was coming to see him, and that she needed help with something.
Quería que le dijera que Shana iría y necesitaba su ayuda en algo.
What can he possibly tell you now that he couldn't have told you if you'd just broke him out when you had the chance?
¿ Qué podría contarte que no te hubiese dicho de haberlo ayudado a escapar cuando tuviste la oportunidad?
Your father made us promise that we'd never tell you about him.
Tu padre nos hizo prometer que nunca te hablaríamos de él.
And I am planning a ritual tomorrow night Where I'm gonna tell him just that.
Y estoy preparando un ritual para mañana por la noche en el que le diré eso mismo.
And he tries to tell me, "Oh, maybe work was slow and Shandor gave him a few days off." When he saw that wasn't sticking, he said, " Hey, we're Gypsies.
Y me dice que quizá había poco trabajo y Shandor les dio días libres. Cuando vio que no le creía, me dijo :
So, as I was saying, why is it that I'm willing to take three hours to make him dinner and he won't take three seconds to tell me what he wants?
Entonces, como estaba diciendo, ¿ por qué es que estoy dispuesto a tomarme tres hora para prepararle la cena y el no se tomará ni tres segundos para decirme qué quiere?
Let's run it back. So, Lucious made me marry Olivia, and then he slept with her. And then, let him tell it, he impregnated her, and let me believe that Lola was mine.
Volvámos atrás... entonces, Lucious me hace casarme con Olivia y él se acuesta con ella y entonces, según él mismo, la embarazó y me dejó creer que Lola era mía.
You know, I wouldn't tell him with that grin on your face.
Usted sabe, yo no decirle con esa sonrisa en su cara.
Beckham, you take good care of your mom and your sister, and tell your dad that I'm thinking about him.
Beckham, cuida de tu madre y de tu hermana y dile a tu padre que pienso en él.
I'm not saying that we have to like him, but if there's a way for us to tell Bonnie how she can get out...
Mira. No estoy diciendo que deba caernos bien. Pero si hay alguna forma para decirle a Bonnie cómo salir...
Look... please just tell O'Brien that Jimmy Webster is looking for him, okay?
Miren, por favor, díganle a O'Brien que Jimmy Webster lo está buscando, ¿ de acuerdo?
And it was so cute, and he was so happy, and now I have to tell him I don't want to, and I don't even know how you say that.
Y Finn dice, "¿ cuál de los dos?" Sí. Nos reímos.
And I'm going to need you to take a look at his one-time pad, and make sure that he transmits what we tell him.
Y voy a necesitar que tú... mires su libreta de único uso, y te asegures... que transmite lo que le decimos.
- Don't tell... You can't talk to him like that.
No le puedes hablar así.
But he did mess up that "N" word with... ♪ They gave Lucious a case, and he couldn't even bail ♪ ♪ Judge gave him a option, go to trial or tell ♪
Pero la cagó con la palabra que empieza por "N"... â ™ ª Llevaron a Lucious a prisión, sin opción a fianza â ™ ª â ™ ª El juez le dio una opción, ir a juicio o contar â ™ ª
You're gonna tell me that you love him?
¿ Me vas a decir que lo amas?
You are going to go to Galavan and you're going to tell him I went nuts and that I accused you of setting up the count shop raid.
Vas a ir a ver a Galavan y le vas a decir que me volví loco y que te acusé de planear la redada en la contaduría.
I've only heard from him once this week, and that was to tell me he'd finally come up with a new, non-threatening term for task forces.
Yo sólo he oído hablar de él una vez que esta semana, y que era para decirme que había llegado finalmente con un nuevo término, no amenazante para los grupos de trabajo.
Yes, you should do that, or you could just tell him what happened.
Sí, deberías hacer eso o, simplemente, podrías contarle lo que ha pasado.
But I'll tell him how that bitch jumped you...
Pero le diré que esa puta te saltó encima...

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