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That's good enough перевод на испанский

1,759 параллельный перевод
You think that's a good enough excuse?
¿ Crees que es una excusa lo suficientemente buena?
That's good enough.
Eso es suficiente.
That's not good enough, is it?
Eso no es suficiente, ¿ o sí?
You're police girl ; that's good enough for you.
Eres la chica policía ; eso es bastante bueno por ahora.
That's good. I think it's tall enough.
Tiene la altura suficiente.
I leave it even, I say that you may do so even with me there, and that's not good enough for you!
Te dejo hacer eso conmigo y aún no es suficiente?
Okay, look, if you think we'll hit it off, then that's good enough for me.
Si crees que nos llevaremos bien, con eso me basta.
- That's not good enough.
No basta.
Ah... sir, that's enough. That's good.
Ah... señor, es suficiente, esta bien.
That's good enough for me.
Para mí eso basta.
I don't think that's gonna be good enough.
No creo que baste con eso.
Very good, very good. That is enough of this week's class. Do your homework.
bien, muy bien esto es todo para la lección de esta semana hagan su tarea les veré a esta hora la próxima semana para otro bloque de lecciones de la lengua del mañana
Well, that's not good enough.
Bueno, eso no es bueno.
Probably that tramp's. Good enough for me.
Quizás es del vagabundo, pero me sirve.
- That's why we need to practice. So we can get good enough to win and get our names up there next to his.
Hay que practicar para ser buenos y ganar la competencia... y tener nuestros nombres junto al suyo.
That ´ s enough. I don ´ t need any- - That ´ s good. I ´ m glad to hear it.
Es suficiente. No necesito... Está bien.
Katie says you and Graeme are a team and that's good enough for me.
Katie dice que tú y Graeme son un equipo, y eso es suficiente para mí.
However, at some point, when an alternative is good enough people will snap over and that's what the oil companies fear the most.
Sin embargo, en algún momento, cuando haya una alternativa factible habrá un cambio radical y esto es lo que más temen las petroleras.
I gave you an opportunity. But that's just not good enough for you, is it?
Te di una oportunidad,... pero no era suficiente, ¿ verdad?
Because she has won a teaching award so maybe if you're not giving her a good enough grade, it's your problem, not hers. Is that possible?
Porque ganó el premio a la mejor maestra, asi que si no puede darle una buena calificación es problema de usted, no de ella. ¿ Puede ser posible?
I'm afraid that's not good enough, sir.
Me temo que eso no es suficiente, señor.
And that's good enough!
¡ Y eso es suficiente!
Which means it's no ordinary sword, and that's good enough for me.
Lo que significa que no es una espada ordinaria y eso es bastante para mí.
That doesn't explain how they knew SG-1's IDC. And if their Intel was good enough to get their hands on something that sensitive, - then how come they didn't know about Selmak?
Eso no explica cómo sabían el código de identificación del SG1 y si su inteligencia fue lo bastante buena para poner sus manos en algo tan delicado entonces, ¿ por qué no sabían lo de Selmak?
That's good enough for me.
Es suficiente para mí.
He's a Red and that's good enough for me.
Es del United y eso me llega
That's not a good enough reason.
No es motivo suficiente.
That's not good enough, Tom.
Eso no es suficiente, Tom.
But that's not good enough.
Pero eso no es suficiente.
- That's good enough for me.
- Es suficiente para mí.
That's not good enough.
Cariño, eso no es suficiente.
That's not good enough, stella.
No es suficiente, Stella.
That's not good enough, Elliot.
No es correcto, Elliot.
I say that's not good enough.
Yo digo que eso no es suficiente
You hear my boy out, that's good enough for me, all right?
Ya escuchaste a mi muchacho, es suficiente para mi ¿ está bien?
That's good enough.
Eso está bien.
That's not good enough, Megan.
No es suficiente, Megan.
My wife says she's innocent, and that's good enough for me.
Mi esposa dice que es inocente, y eso es suficientemente bueno para mí.
That's a good enough place to start.
Es un buen punto para empezar.
That's good enough for me.
Eso es suficiente para mí.
You vouch for her, that's good enough for me. But, cheri, this looks bad.
Tú la apoyas y eso es suficiente para mi, pero querido, esto se ve muy mal.
That's enough... it's for everybody. Yeah, it smells good.
- Es suficiente, hay para todos.
Are you saying that Patrick's word is good enough?
¿ Dices que basta con la palabra de Patrick?
- Uhm, I don't think so. That's good enough for me baby!
Eso es suficiente para mi nena.
That's good lt's enough for me.
Es bueno. Es suficiente para mi.
That's good enough for me, randy.
Con eso está bien para mi, Randy.
If you say it's a suicide, that'll be good enough for us.
Si usted dice que fué un suicidio, eso será suficiente para nosotros.
That's not good enough.
No es suficiente.
- That's not good enough.
- No es suficiente.
No, that's not good enough. Sam, you got this?
Todavia estas intentando un "neb"?
That's good enough for dialysis. Get the tech back down here. Mr. Cray, there are two friends of yours here.
- No quiso hacerlo - él no vió otra salida.

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