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There was an incident перевод на испанский

343 параллельный перевод
Maybe you haven't heard there was an incident last night?
¿ No sabe que esta noche ha sucedido una desgracia?
There was an incident this morning.
Hoy ocurrió un accidente.
There was an incident at their precinct.
Hubo un incidente en la comisaría.
There was an incident...
Hubo un incidente...
Ok, it seems there was an incident involving Victoria Engels in the early 1960's
Bueno, parece ser que hubo un incidente que involucró a Victoria Engels a comienzos de los años 60.
There was an incident.
Ocurrió un incidente...
There was an incident, a failure, and he was punished.
Hubo un incidente, una falla, y fue castigado.
There was an incident at the Presidio. I busted a Colonel Lawrence, who was drunk. I threw him in the tank.
Cuando yo era un PM en Presidio, arresté al Coronel Lawrence.
You know, there was an incident a couple of years ago.
Sabe, hace un par de años ocurrió un incidente.
Well, there was an incident.
Ocurrió un incidente.
There was an incident that I helped her with, and now she's... grateful.
La ayudé en un incidente. Ahora está agradecida.
Well, actually there was an incident once...
- Bueno, en realidad una vez hubo un incidente...
There was an incident on Altair III when Will was First Officer of the Hood.
Hubo un incidente en Altair lll cuando Will iba a bordo del Hood.
On Wednesday, there was an incident, a guy with a bottle- -
El miércoles en la noche hubo un incidente aquí.
- There was an incident a few days ago.
- Hubo un incidente... hace unos días.
There was an incident two nights ago Involving a homeless person in Weatherly Park.
Hubo un incidente hace dos noches con un vagabundo en Weatherly Park.
There was an incident.
- ¿ Dónde has estado? - Hubo un incidente.
There was an incident.
Hubo un accidente.
I understand that there was an incident at the Musketeer's gate... where a man came intent on killing me.
Supe que hubo un incidente en el portón de los mosqueteros... cuando un hombre entró con intención de matarme.
He's been spotted back in town and there was an incident at a magic shop in broad daylight.
Se ha detenido de regreso en la ciudad.Y hubo un incidente en una tienda de magia en plena luz del día.
There was an incident downtown a couple of days ago that may have spurred this... most recent activity.
Hace poco hubo un incidente en el centro, que podría haber motivado esta reciente, actividad.
There was an incident at Rio Nanay that was the last phase of the shooting of "Aguirre".
Hubo un incidente en el río Nanay al final del rodaje de "Aguirre".
I heard when she was attending Wellesley as a foreign exchange student, there was an incident where she severed a couple of classmates'heads with a hockey stick.
Escuché que cuando concurría a Wellesley donde cortó algunas cabezas de sus compañeras con un palo de hockey.
There was an incident at the second mark.
Hubo un incidente en la segunda marca.
- There was an incident...
- Hubo un incidente...
There was an incident with the Heike....... but now everything has been made clear.
Hubo un incidente con los Heike pero ahora todo esta solucionado.
There was an incident with a teacher named KOBAYASHI and his wife, do you remember?
Se produjo un incidente con un maestro llamado KOBAYASHI y su esposa, ¿ te acuerdas?
There was an incident on a tour?
¿ Hubo un incidente?
Uh, there was an incident.
Eh, hubo un incidente.
Apparently, there was an incident.
Aparentemente hubo un incidente.
There was an incident at that hospital.
Hubo un incidente en ese hospital.
There was an incident with a piano.
Hubo un incidente con un piano.
Uh... there WAS an incident at school.
Hubo un incidente en la escuela.
You may have heard that there was an incident during a pre-concert meeting with reporters. And this is what happened :
Ha habido un incidente durante una entrevista con los reporteros y esto es lo que ocurrió
There was an incident two years ago involving an undergraduate student and illegal drugs.
Hubo un incidente hace dos años que envolvió a un no graduado en drogas ilegales.
There was an incident with Palmer.
- Hubo un incidente con Palmer.
There was an incident.
hubo un incidente.
You said there was an incident.
Dijiste que hubo un incidente.
There was an incident involving your son and Lex's Porsche and a bridge.
Hubo un incidente que involucró a su hijo, el Porsche de Lex y un puente.
Was there an incident?
¿ Hubo un incidente?
- And was there an incident two nights ago, as a result of which shots were fired?
¿ Y hubo algún incidente hace dos noches, en el que se hicieran disparos?
You mentioned that Jimmy Smith was never violent, but... wasn't there an incident as a teenager... when Jimmy Smith pulled a knife on the truant officer?
Dijo que Jimmy Smith nunca fue violento. No pasó algo cuando él era un adolescente, cuando Jimmy Smith sacó de un cuchillo contra un bedel?
Others claim there was neither a Serbian terrorist nor a bomb and that the warship deliberately provoked an international incident
Otros afirman que no hubo terrorista serbio, ni siquiera bomba... sino que fue una acción premeditada por parte del acorazado para provocar un incidente internacional.
There was an unfortunate incident in the specimens division last night.
Parece que hubo un desafortunado incidente... en la Division de Especimenes anoche.
There was an... incident.
Hubo un... incidente.
There was in fact an incident between Lt. Hagen and Capt. Bunker while he was an instructor.
Sí existió un incidente entre la teniente Hagen y el capitán Bunker mientras él era instructor.
There was an alleged incident which you invented.
Sólo hubo un supuesto incidente que tu inventaste.
After the Roswell incident in 1947, even at the brink of the Cold War, there was an ultra-secret conference, attended by the US, the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, Britain, both Germanys, France...
Tras el incidente de Roswell en 1947, justo antes de empezar la Guerra Fría, hubo una conferencia ultrasecreta, a la que asistieron los EE UU, la Unión Soviética, la República Popular China, el Reino Unido,
Was there an incident at the restaurant?
¿ Alguna cosa que lo haya molestado en el restaurante?
We'll keep an eye on her. There's no proof this was anything other than an isolated incident.
La vigilaremos pero podría tratarse de un incidente aislado.
Well, there was an accident, maybe, six weeks ago. A grinder incident.
bueno, hubo un accidente, talvez, hace seis semanas. un accidente con la picadora.

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