There we are перевод на испанский
12,621 параллельный перевод
! - There We are.
- Lo tuvimos.
We are residents - - a thoracotomy is reserved for the rarest of cases when there is absolutely no other option. Is there an option I'm not aware of?
¿ Hay alguna opción de la que no esté al tanto?
Personally, I think it is quite possible that what we have there are remnants of the so-called teachers that visited mankind in the remote past.
Personalmente, pienso que es bastante probable que lo que tenemos allí son vestigios de los llamados "profesores" que visitaron a la humanidad en el pasado remoto.
What we're now seeing a Lord of the Rings type situation in which there are multiple hominid populations coexisting on Earth at the same time.
Lo que estamos viendo ahora es una situación como "El Señor de los Anillos", en la que existen múltiples poblaciones homínidas coexistiendo sobre la Tierra al mismo tiempo.
And there is a one-to-one correlation between modern sightings that people are reporting, both from abduction contact experiences, as well as what we hear from insider testimony, and what we see in the most ancient records of contact with the gods.
Y existe una correlación de uno a uno entre los avistamientos modernos de los que informan las personas, tanto de experiencias de contacto abductivo, como también lo que oímos de testimonios privilegiados, y lo que vemos en los registros más antiguos de contacto con los dioses.
We do not have enough gas to get far enough away, and I do not want to get caught out there in the open. These walls are steel reinforced concrete.
Estas paredes son de hormigón armado de acero.
There are experimental drugs we can explore.
Hay medicamentos experimentales que podemos explorar.
I believe that there is now a chance for peace, a great chance... and we must take advantage of it... for the sake of those standing here and for those who are not here, and they are many.
Creo que ahora existe esa oportunidad, Una gran oportunidad de paz y nosotros debemos aprovecharla Tanto por el bien de los que están aquí...
Here we are, the bathroom's right there.
Muy bien, el baño está allí.
And tonight... if fate put you first among the creatures that we are going to herd... there's nothing else we can do but guide you.
sino guiarte.
There are days we will always remember.
Hay días que siempre recordaremos.
So, here we are, eight ounces - of breast milk later. - There he is.
Aquí estamos, ocho onzas de leche materna después. ¿ Patines?
But there are a number of other ways that we can... entertain ourselves.
Pero hay un número de otras maneras Que podemos... entretenernos.
There are menstrual cups also but they do not sell we...
Hay copas menstruales también pero aquí no venden porque...
Michael, we both know how smart you are, but there's a difference between intelligence and wisdom.
Michael, ambos sabemos lo inteligente que eres, pero hay una diferencia entre inteligencia y sabiduría.
There are a number of variables we can't predict, however... what they're after, who they are.
Hay ciertas variables que no podemos predecir, sin embargo... tras lo que van, quiénes son.
I mean, is everything the same down there, or are we talking tentacles?
Es decir, ¿ es igual aquí abajo, o somos tentáculos parlantes?
Are there other intelligent beings? " And that's why we're so insistent upon searching for another Earth.
Y por eso somos tan insistentes en la búsqueda de otra Tierra.
We're going out into space because we want to find out are there other beings out there like us?
¿ hay otros seres como nosotros ahí afuera?
The question "where are they?" should be answered with : "Look at the ancient astronaut theory," because we are suggesting that there is evidence that goes back thousands of years by the stories that we have of gods lowercase "G" descending from the sky.
"Mira la teoría del astronauta ancestral", porque estamos sugiriendo que hay evidencia que se remonta miles de años en las historias que tenemos de dioses con "D" minúscula descendiendo del cielo.
There are many intelligences, but nothing is wielding technology to the extent that we do.
Existen muchas inteligencias, pero nada maneja la tecnología en la medida en que nosotros lo hacemos.
But we've just confirmed that there are men out there who wish you harm.
Pero hemos confirmado que por ahí hay unos hombres que quieren hacerle daño.
Right now we know the odds of survival are slim, but we know that mathematically there's a chance.
Ya mismo sabemos que las probabilidades de supervivencia son escasas, pero sabemos que matemáticamente hay una posibilidad.
We know subs are safer because there are more airplanes in the water than submarines in the sky.
Sabemos que los submarinos son más seguros porque hay más aviones en el agua que submarinos en el cielo.
There are all those people out there, in disguises, walking freely about the building we're trying to access.
Está toda esa gente allí fuera, con disfraces, caminando libremente por el almacén que intentamos acceder.
One pare... we don't even know if there are any parents.
Un pa... ni siquiera sabemos si hay padres.
For all we know, there are hidden compartments lousy with Jane Fonda workout videos.
Tal vez hay compartimentos secretos llenos de videos de mujeres haciendo ejercicios.
Most of the labs are upstate, but we got a tip that there's one in an L.E.S. housing project.
La mayoría de los laboratorios son el norte del estado, pero nos dieron una pista de que hay uno en un proyecto de vivienda LES.
now we're in a boxing match, a sport in which, of course, there are no teams, just two guys punching it out?
¿ ahora estamos en una pelea de boxeo, un deporte en el cual, por supuesto, no hay equipos, tan solo dos tipos dándose puñetazos?
Are there any car accidents we don't know about?
¿ Hay algún accidente de auto del que no sepamos?
How hard to admit that there are certain things which we may not know?
¿ Tan difícil es aceptar que hay ciertas cosas que tal vez no conocemos?
What are we doing there?
¿ Qué hacemos allí?
What are you two gonna find there that we can't?
¿ Qué van a encontrar ustedes que nosotros no hayamos podido?
Maybe instead of Leonard moving in with me, we just leave things the way they are, and... sometimes we'll sleep over there, and sometimes we'll sleep over here.
Quizá en vez de que Leonard se mude conmigo dejamos las cosas como están. Y algunas veces dormiremos allá y algunas veces dormiremos aquí.
Ed Mitchell came to Toronto soon after I went public, we invited him to dinner. His question to me was, "How many species do you think there are?"
El estado Islámico actual está haciendo lo que los talibanes hicieron antes, que es lo que los bizantinos, cristianos y judíos hicieron antes que ellos.
We know that there are the praying mantis and reptilians of various sorts. And so these are the...
Más de 700.000 objetos arqueológicos, culturales o religiosos han sido robados o destruidos.
And that there are certain groups that are pushing for us, and really rallying, because, in fact, we are their direct descendants, they created us through some sort of genetic engineering.
Somos simples peones en el tablero de ajedrez extraterrestre, que pueden mover y manipular cada vez que quieran, que les sirva, a su antojo, cuando quieran.
There are two reasons why UFO's might take an interest in atomic installations. One might be that they're concerned that we're gonna destroy ourselves.
Curiosamente, la narrativa del Popol Vuh y la del Libro del Génesis de la Biblia hebrea, contienen muchas semejanzas,
Our planet is constantly flooded with particles from space that are charged that if they made it through the atmosphere would actually be quite damaging radiation to life. But because of the Van Allen belts and the combination of magnetic fields and charged particles already there, incoming charged particles are sent on curved paths that safely protect the Earth and we don't get hit by them.
El Monte del Templo es una plataforma de 142.000 metros cuadrados que ha tenido durante mucho tiempo gran significado para judíos, cristianos y musulmanes.
And it may be that the extraterrestrials are really monitoring us to see how we can handle this very stressful period. HELLYER : There are conflicts in the skies.
Con el conocimiento que ahora asoma ante nuestra vista a medida que vamos reconstruyendo poco a poco, pieza por pieza, este mosaico de azulejos de historia antigua, estamos adquiriendo la capacidad para reconstruir la visión de lo que realmente nos sucedió y lo que significa ser humano
There are different species with different agendas. I'm sure that we are regarded as a potential threat.
y nuestra relación con el cosmos mayor que nos rodea.
There are encryptions we can't decipher.
Hay cifrados no podemos descifrar.
In any case, we are not there.
En cualquier caso, no estamos allí.
Now, what are we gonna find there?
¿ Qué vamos a encontrar allí?
So there are guys from the squad making collars at the precinct as we speak.
Así que hay gente de la brigada haciendo detenciones en la comisaría mientras hablamos.
There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are gonna start losing good, young associates because of him.
Hay una cervecera motin bajo cubierta y estamos a empezar perdiendo buenos, jovenes asociados a causa de el.
How are we supposed to survive out there?
¿ Cómo se supone que vamos a sobrevivir ahí afuera?
Why should we, when there are whole libraries at our fingertips?
¿ Por qué debería, cuando hay todas estas bibliotecas a nuestro alcance?
Are we there yet?
¿ Hemos llegado ya?
Why are we going there?
¿ Por qué vamos allí?
Because we always thought, at the youth club, when a band plays there, it's always packed, or there are at least a few people there.
Porque siempre pensamos, en el'Youth Club', cuando una banda toca, siempre está lleno, o por lo menos unas pocas personas.
there we go 2292
there were 484
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were over 22
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were three 17
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were 484
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were over 22
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were three 17
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were witnesses 20
there were complications 24
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
there we were 28
there we have it 25
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
there were complications 24
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
there we were 28
there we have it 25
we are going 52
we are not the same 19
we are family 66
we are friends 99
we are 2563
we are together 51
we are free 37
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we aren't 48
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we are leaving 66
we are together 51
we are free 37
we are brothers 40
we are coming 52
we are fucked 33
we aren't 48
we are ready 99
we are done 75
we are leaving 66