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They were all there перевод на испанский

585 параллельный перевод
They were all there.
Estaban todos.
They were all there, watching me.
Estaban todos allí mirándome.
Farmers, cattlemen, lumbermen, business, labor, they were all there.
Granjeros, ganaderos, madereros, negociantes, trabajadores, todos allí.
They were all there in the shed, all except one.
Todos estaban en el cobertizo, excepto uno.
They were all there, man.
Ha venido todo el mundo.
The Spanish say that when they came down the Amazon, there were all these tribes that were ruled by women and only when they wanted children did they go and raid and get the men and have sex with them and get pregnant
Los españoles dicen que en su periplo por el Amazonas, hallaron tribus que eran gobernadas por mujeres y que sólo cuando querían tener hijos, hacían incursiones, capturaban a los hombres, practicaban sexo con ellos hasta quedarse preñadas
100 years ago there were lots, then they killed them all.
Una vez, hace 100 años hubo muchos pero después de que mató a todos
All the lab boys, you know, they were vacuuming the rug and they said that there was powder carbon around.
Todos los chicos de laboratorio, Sabe... ellos aspiraron la alfombra y dijeron que había carbon en el polvo de alrededor.
Well, anyway, there they were on the front porch... and as I came through the gate, they all started to scream...
- Estaban en eI porche. AI cruzar Ia jardín, empezaron a gritar.
And every month in the dark of the moon, the drums would beat, and there "d be a rustle like a great wind and we" d hear them screaming and laughing, and we knew they were all meeting in the jungle.
Y cada mes en la oscuridad de la luna, sonaban los tambores, y había un susurro como un gran viento, y los oíamos gritando y riendo. Sabíamos que estaban todos reunidos en la jungla.
After all, they were there first.
Después de todo, ellos fueron primero.
They would all die of fear, were there even the Medici!
¡ Todos se morirían de miedo, incluso si hubiera algún Medici!
Why, that barrel had wooden slats... nailed down on the top and the bottom... and there were steel bands all around it... and they left it in the middle of the desert.
Ese barril tenía listones de madera... clavados arriba y abajo... y había bandas de acero a su alrededor... y lo habían dejado en mitad del desierto.
Maybe they were all nuts, but there's one thing they did do :
Quizá estuvieran todos locos, pero algo sí hicieron :
Well, if they were all girls there wouldn't be any... Oh, never mind.
Si todos fueran chicas, entonces no habría...
To give you an idea of how big a job they really do : in one year, 64 % of all prisoners in Federal penitentiaries... were sent there by this group.
Para que vean... el gran trabajo que hacen, en un año, eI 64º / o de los encarcelados... en las prisiones federales se debía a este grupo.
They were all my friends there.
Estaban todos mis amigos allí.
There they were.. Lions all around me!
Y allí estaban los leones a mi alrededor.
The lions were over there.. and they all roared like this..
Los leones estaban allí y rugían.
- I just thought I'd drop by and tell you that they were gone from the apartment by the time we got there. But, that... Lorna Murchison's all right.
Ellos ya no estaban en el apartamento, pero la Srta. Murchison está viva.
I went into my apartment, and there they were all inside.
Fui a mi apartamento y allí estaban todos dentro.
Suppose there were a drug that would retard your heart action, slow up your pulse rate and your breathing until they were imperceptible — until, to all outward appearances, you were dead?
Supongamos que yo tuviese una droga que retardase la acción de vuestros corazones... No habría pulso y vuestra respiración sería imperceptible, hasta lograr la apariencia de estar muertos.
In sight of all the people who were there they both swam all straight ahead and Crin-Blanc who has great strehgth bestowed on him took his friend, the one who had trusted in him to a country where horses and men have always been friends.
Nadaron todo derecho. Y Crin Blanca, que estaba dotado de una gran fuerza, llevó a su amigo, que había tenido confianza en él, a un país donde los caballos y los hombres son siempre amigos.
'The U-boats were there, all right, but not many of them. 'And at that stage they were mostly depending on luck for a kill.
Los submarinos alemanes estaban allí pero no había demasiados... y a esa altura dependen de la buena suerte para matar.
And there were drawn upon a heap 100 ghastly women, transformed with their fear, who swore they saw men all in fire walk up and down the streets.
Y se amontonaron... 100 mujeres espectrales, transformadas por el miedo... que juraban haber visto hombres que caminaban en llamas por las calles.
There they were, all of them against you, but you were stubborn.
Todos se pusieron en su contra, pero usted se obstinó.
They were all running around, bullets flying through the air, so they reckon that he probably died there.
Cree que ha muerto mientras huía del fuego de las ametralladoras. Fueron tantos los muertos, que tal vez él sea uno de ellos.
( Burnside ) There they were, a happy couple... and all because they believed... that Prince Burhan had killed himself for love of her.
Ahí estaban, eran una pareja feliz, y todo porque creían... que el príncipe Burhan se había suicidado por amor a ella.
- There were about five gentlemen present, and they all asked me what sort of a girl it was, so I told them she was a very smart little bit, not quite fifteen yet.
Había cinco caballeros presentes. Me han preguntado qué clase de chica es, y les he dicho que es muy mona y que aún no tiene 15 años.
Well in this letter, he said that they was getting pushed around and bombed and all of a sudden our airplanes were there.
Bueno en la carta decía que cuando se vieron sometidos a un bombardeo de repente se presentaron nuestros aviones.
That is all? There were more, unless they brought some settlers.
- No había más, a no ser de que hayan traído algún colono.
Like in all the little towns, there was in Montreuil sur Mer a class of young men who were nibbling on their private income, being deeply bored while they thought they were having fun.
Los primeros forman la sociedad. Los otros no respetan nada. Yo defiendo a los primeros.
The sound man got a copy, the camera operator, the lighting photographer, everyone had a copy of what the shots were going to be so they could all prepare so there was no excuse for wasted time.
El hombre de sonido tenía una copia, el operador de cámara, el fotógrafo... Todos tenían una copia de cómo iban a ser las tomas para que pudieran prepararse y no hubiera excusas para perder tiempo.
As for women, they say there were none at all in the beginning, which is a sad thought, and that later there was only one...
En cuanto a las mujeres, dicen que no había ninguna al principio, lo cual es un pensamiento triste, y que después había solo una...
When Therese was there, they thought we were travelling, that was all, but... that night, on the beach...
Cuando estaba Therese, pensaban que estábamos viajando... pero aquella noche, en la playa...
They were all hitting on her, and me too... but there was nothing to do, she refused all.
Todos iban detrás de ella y yo también... pero no había nada que hacer. Los mantenía a raya a todos.
He told me all about them... how tall they were, as if he'd been there.
Me contó muchas cosas... como lo grandes que eran, como si hubiese estado allí.
Well, there weren't, and they were all really ugly.
- Sí, eran todos a cuál más feo.
I needed money desperately. I didn't know all this time what they were doing there.
No sabía qué es lo que hacían allí.
You see, there were five little pigs... and they all lived together.
Por el caminito... pasó un gran conejo.
Now, when the Vietcong assassinated village chiefs... they were not at all village chiefs... but people who were not belonging there... and it was a scandal to a village to have them there.
Luego, ccuando el Vietcong asesinó a jefes de la aldea... estos no eran en absoluto jefes de la aldea... eran gente que no pertecían a ella y resultaba escandaloso para la aldea que estuvieran allí.
The ship was, uh... reporting itself as continuously maneuvering to avoid torpedo attack... and yet there was also indicated in these messages... doubt as to whether or not they were under attack at all.
La nave comunicaba, uh... que estaba continuamente maniobrando para evitar el ataque de los torpedos pero también se indicó en estos mensajes... dudas acerca de si estaban o no siendo atacados en todos.
If there's any chance at all, it's to continue to search in the area they were lost.
Si hay alguna chance de seguro está en el área donde se perdieron.
When you were questioned the first time you said you saw nothing, that you were forced to drink the stuff you're sitting on, that they didn't let you out in case you told on them and that you had to stay there until they'd all left.
Cuando te preguntamos por primera vez, dijiste que no habías visto nada,... que te obligaron a beber de ese licor sobre el que estás sentado,... que no te hubieran dejado marchar en caso de que lo hubieras pedido, ... y que tuviste que quedarte allí hasta que ellos se marcharon.
And I proceeded on down the hall, gettin more injections, inspections, infections, neglections and all kinds of stuff they were doin'to me there, and I was there for two hours, three hours, four hours...
Avancé por el pasillo, donde sufrí más inyecciones, inspecciones, infecciones, desatenciones y todo tipo de cosas que me estaban haciendo. Allí me tuvieron dos horas, tres horas, cuatro horas...
In England at that time, there were several foreign governments, but they were all governments, whereas de Gaulle and the Free French were not.
En Inglaterra en aquella época, había varios gobiernos extranjeros, pero eran todos gobiernos, mientras de Gaulle y los Franceses Libres no.
There were flags everywhere and they all carried machine guns. I hadn't realized what was up, as Châteaugué is a quiet village, but when I arrived in Clermont, I saw that everyone was abuzz.
No me enteraba de lo que pasaba, ya que Châteauguè es un pueblo tranquilo, pero cuando llegué a Clermont, vi que todo el mundo estaba zumbado.
A murmur passed through the entire court. There were people there on both sides, both for and against me, but they all felt sure the judge would ask for further inquiry into how well she could imitate handwriting.
Había gente en ambos bandos, a favor y contra mí, pero todos estaban seguros de que el juez haría más pesquisas sobre cómo de bien podía ella imitar la escritura.
They were all hidden there underneath.
Todos se escondían ahí abajo.
And then every cowboy- - I think there were 30 of them. They all fell off their horses.
Y entonces cada vaquero, creo que eran unos 30,... todos se cayeron de los caballos.
But that is, John Ford's movies were a collection of rituals whether they were, you know. American folklore rituals. they were Irish rituals whether they were rituals from the native American Lakota culture or rituals that he just read about in the untamed West there were all sorts of rituals.
Pero es que, las películas de John Ford eran una colección de rituales, ya fueran rituales del folclore americano, ya rituales irlandeses, ya fueran rituales de la cultura de los nativos americanos Lakota o rituales sobre los que había leído del salvaje Oeste,

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