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They were right перевод на испанский

2,081 параллельный перевод
They were right under our noses.
Estaban debajo de nuestras narices.
Remember, they were right into their motorbikes.
¿ Recuerdas que ellos no bajaban de sus motocicletas?
They were right there.
Ellos estaban justo aquí
And yet, there is a whispering in my ear That tells me i was wrong, they were right, And the savages-savages-savages had it right all along.
Y aún así, hay un susurro en mi oído que me dice que yo estaba equivocado, que ellos tenían razón, y que los salvajes-salvajes-salvajes lo habían entendido bien todo el tiempo.
{ \ That means Tony and Joon } They were right.
Esto significa que Tony y Joon estaban en lo cierto.
But I am beginning to think you don't want to talk because you know it was your fault and that they were right.
Pero estoy empezando a pensar que no quiere hablar, porque sabe que fue su culpa y que tenían razón.
Yeah, I was, till I realized that they were right here in Pasadena, so I went down to cuss them out in person, and they ended up giving me a job.
Sí, lo estaba, hasta que me di cuenta que estaban aquí, en Pasadena y fui a maldecirlos en persona y terminaron dándome un trabajo.
They were right there, I swear.
Estaban justo ahí, lo juro.
Clinton was useful for a time but they were right to worry about him.
Clinton fue útil por un tiempo pero tenían razón en preocuparse por él.
They were right when they said Hayley was breaking up the band to go solo.
Tuvieron razón cuando dijeron que Hayley quería ser solista.
And they were right, it will end this war.
Y tuvieron razón, esto terminará la guerra.
They were right.
Tenían razón.
People told us it was the worst boat in Peru and they were right.
La gente nos dijo que era el peor barco de Perú y tenían razón.
You're right. They were a good choice.
Has vuelto temprano.
- Alyson and Marie, they were the right choice, Jude.
- Alyson y Marie son la mejor opción.
Now, if they were lying, they'd be longer, right?
Si estuvieran mintiendo, tardarían más.
Right now we need to find out where Doyle's guns went and who they were for.
Ahora necesitamos descubrir a dónde iban las armas de Doyle y para quién eran.
She just... she stepped right into the vacuum, and then... and then before I knew it they were a couple.
... ella se lanzó al vacío y después... antes de que me diera cuenta, eran pareja.
But my worn-out single of "right now" says That they were wrong.
Pero mi ya rallado single de "Rignt now" dice que estaban equibocados.
Look, man, I had no idea they were gonna use it to kill a cop, all right?
Mira, hombre, no tenía ni idea de que fueran a ser utilizadas para matar a un policía, de acuerdo?
They were the roommates, right?
Claro. Eran compañeras de piso ¿ verdad?
They were really nice. That's right.
Eran muy simpáticos.
Oh, that's right. They were probably afraid you'd jerk off all over it.
Claro, probablemente estén preocupados de que le eyacules encima.
But the winds of change were blowing and they only needed one lucky break to point them in the right direction.
Pero los vientos de cambio estaban soplando y sólo necesitaron un golpe de mala suerte para acabar en la dirección correcta.
They were trying to move a giant saguaro without using the right gear.
Estaban tratando de mover un saguaro gigante sin utilizar el equipo adecuado.
It's all right, I wanted to give you these, they were at the stage door.
Está bien, quería darte estas, estaban en la puerta al escenario.
They knew right away they were looking at a new virus.
Supieron inmediatamente que se trataba de un nuevo virus.
You were right, Frank, - they changed the lock.
Tenías razón, Frank, cambiaron la cerradura.
They were just super helpful. All right.
- Eso... eso es de mucha ayuda.
But they were here, right?
Pero ellos estuvieron aquí, ¿ verdad?
He's the, you know, he's the major duomo gorilla at the zoo, but... but they were setting up for this wedding, and they have the most incredible site right by the lions.
Él es, ya sabes, el gorila dominante, en el zoo, pero.. pero están preparando todo para una boda, Y tienen el sitio más increible... Exacto, de los leones.
You do realize they were lying, right?
Te das cuenta que estaban mintiendo, ¿ cierto?
You made a killing on McAIlister Industries'stock right after they were awarded a multibillion-dollar defense contract, and the officer whose death we're investigating may have been involved
Usted ha hecho una compra fabulosa de las acciónes de industrias McAllister Inmediatamente después de que se adjudico un multimillonario contrato de defensa. Y el funcionario cuya muerte
I did mention they were wearing masks, right?
Mencioné que llevaban máscaras, ¿ verdad?
you think that She's paying all of her bills in cash Because they were dealing right out of the hospital?
¿ Crees que ella estuvo pagando todas sus facturas en metálico porque estaban traficando fuera del hospital?
Because we see that individual stars in globular clusters are very old, in some cases being dated to 13 billion years old, we know that the globulars are that old, and we know that they were formed right at the time when the galaxy was forming.
Vemos que las estrellas individuales en los cúmulos globulares son muy viejas a veces llegan a 13 mil millones de años de edad y sabemos que las globulares son muy antiguas, y sabemos se forman cuando la galaxia se está formando.
It's probably a good thing they're closing Gazzola's. Those trips were brutal, right?
Probablemente sea bueno que cierren Gazzola esos viajes eran bestiales, verdad?
right by a nice park. They were sent via an unauthorized transmission from our imaging satellite, Prometheus 2.
Las enviaron en una transmisión ilegal desde nuestro satélite Prometeo 2.
We had the right vessel but they were already gone.
Teníamos el recipiente correcto pero ya se habían marchado
They were only stopped when a Marine artillery unit fired point blank at them, bouncing high-explosive shells right into their ranks.
Solo se detuvieron cuando una unidad de artillería de Marines les disparó a quemarropa, lanzando proyectiles de alto poder explosivo justo entre sus filas.
You know, they said they were gonna be watching me, that they'd have my back and that they'd pull me out when the time was right.
Decían que me estaban vigilando que me protegerían que vendrían a buscarme cuando llegase el momento.
Subdermal bruising with a distinct linear pattern. And just like the burns on the chest, they were inflicted right where you found him.
Moratones subcutáneos con un patrón lineal definido.
They were doing their "home-o-work." Holy crap! All right.
Estaba haciendo su "tareea". Mira uno de esos videos es como... tomar una clase de Taekwondo. Tienes que concentrarte.
Right, well, they liked your unique and unorthodox technique and, once they understood what you were saying, knew they wanted you, can you start tomorrow?
Bueno, a ellos les gustó tu única y poco ortodoxa técnica y, ¿ Alguna vez entenderé lo que les dices? Sabía que te querían, ¿ Puedes comenzar mañana?
That's right. These kids these days, I'll tell you what. They're nothing like we used to be back when we were in fraternities.
Estos chicos de hoy, les diré algo no son para nada como nosotros cuando estábamos en fraternidades.
If it were a year from now, guarantee someone would pick her, but right now, they'd be a fool to grab her.
Si se tratara de un año a partir de ahora, garantizo que alguien la tomaría, pero en este momento, sería tonto el tomarla.
They were your dad's, right?
Eran de tu padre, ¿ no?
Maybe they were trapped between this world and the next, and you happened to be in the right place, at the right time.
Quizás quedaron atrapadas entre este mundo y el siguiente y tú te encontrabas en el lugar y momento indicados.
You were worried about all sorts of things, but they weren't so bad once you met him, right?
Estabas preocupado por muchas cosas, pero no ha sido tan malo después de encontrarte con él, ¿ no?
Okay, the counselors at Advancement House, they were quizzing me about my mother and my father, right?
Los psicólogos del hogar de tránsito me hicieron preguntas sobre mi madre y mi padre, ¿ no?
Now all those people who were too scared to even say your name, they're downstairs, tearing up the bar right now. Did you know that?
Ahora esa gente que temía hasta decir tu nombre están abajo, destruyendo el bar justo ahora. ¿ Sabías eso?

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