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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ T ] / They were engaged

They were engaged перевод на испанский

125 параллельный перевод
Yes, I was rather taken aback when I heard they were engaged.
Sí, me sorprendió mucho saber que estaban comprometidos.
They were engaged.
Estaban comprometidos.
It's like they were engaged, which is better than married.
Mejor aún, comprometidos.
They were kids in school together, they were engaged, but it's busted up.
Estudiaban juntos. Estaban comprometidos, pero rompieron.
Él solo me dijo que estaban comprometidos.
( translator ) They were conditioned to see themselves as the sons of light, that they were engaged in a struggle against powers of darkness, and that it was their duty to feel they were at all times on duty for the nation
( traductor ) Ellos estaban condicionadas verse a sí mismos como los hijos de la luz, que estaban comprometidos en una lucha contra los poderes de las tinieblas, y que era su deber de sentir que fueron en todo momento en el servicio para la nación
Yes : Well, they were engaged by enemy fighters as they broke through the asteroids :
Entablaron combate con los enemigos cuando pasaron los asteroides :
- They were engaged to be married.
- Estaban comprometidos.
The combat in which they were engaged was more like a lovers'quarrel.
Su lucha se parecía más a una riña entre amantes.
They were engaged in secret meetings, administering illegal oaths, taking the law into their own hands, and this must stop!
Celebraron reuniones secretas, tomaron juramentos ilegales, se tomaron la ley por su cuenta ¡ y esto debe parar!
Next thing you know, they were engaged.
En menos de nada ya eran novios.
Oh, they'll forget that they were engaged in the act of eating a cutlet.
Oh, ellos olvidarán que ellos estaban comprometidos en el acto de comer una chuleta.
They were engaged to be married.
Se iban a casar.
And when they descended, it was to announce that Ffynnon Garw was indeed a mountain of 1,002 feet and that they were engaged to be married.
Y cuando bajaron, fue para anunciar que Ffynnon Garw era en efecto una montaña de 301 metros, y que después se casarían.
G'Quan believed they were engaged in a war far outside our own world.
G'Quan creía que estaba luchando muy lejos de nuestro mundo.
I believe they were engaged to be married.
Hurtle en América. Creo que estaban comprometidos.
The royal marines, they were engaged in exercises.
Los marinos reales, estaban haciendo ejercicios.
With the first kiss They were engaged
Tras el primer beso, se comprometieron.
They were engaged... childhood sweethearts and all that.
Juntos desde niños y todo eso...
They were engaged to be married 12 years ago.
Estaban prometidos para casarse, hace doce años.
They were engaged in a pure explosion of creative activity... in manipulating these images.
Era una pura explosión creativa... de cómo manipular esas imágenes.
They were engaged in a round of serious necking when I found them.
Estaban en una ronda de serias caricias, cuando los encontré.
They were infidels. And they were engaged in activities that spread american policies over the entire world.
Eran infieles y estaban involucrados en actividades que difunden las políticas norteamericanas por todo el mundo.
He used to work with Rachel in New Orleans and guess what, they were engaged.
Trabajó con Rachel en Nueva Orleans y adivina qué, estaban prometidos.
But there was something bad, so... When she said they were engaged, I told her, I was against it.
Pero había algo en él, entonces cuando dijo que estaban comprometidos le dije que no estaba de acuerdo.
His name was Harris Bigg-Wither, and they were engaged for one night.
Se llamaba Harris Bigg-Wither, y estuvieron comprometidos una noche.
They were engaged with the hostiles.
Estaban en combate con los hostiles.
I guess I shouldn't have said that about us being engaged, but I thought if I didn't they would think you were waiting for Virginia and...
Supongo que no debería haber dicho nada del matrimonio, pero pensé que si no ellos estarían pensando que esperabas a Virginia y...
"Here, they're for you. I only wish they were diamonds." Next thing I know, I'm engaged.
Les digo... que desearía que fuesen diamantes... y se enamoran.
They were secretly engaged when the King decided to marry her
Eran novios antes de que el rey decidiera tomarla por esposa.
Papá había llevado a un quinteto de cuerda para tocar esa noche, y mientras tocaban Boccherini, alguien entró y dijo :
She was engaged, they were about to marry, but he left to work in Belgium.
Tenía un prometido, con el que se iba a casar. Él se fué a Belgio a trabajar.
Who was it who said only a trollop would kiss a man before they were formally engaged?
¿ Quién fue el que dijo que solo una ramera besaría a un hombre... antes de comprometerse formalmente?
It seems incredible. They were already engaged.
Parece mentira, ya eran novios.
They were too engaged in their affairs to disable the ship and murder the engineer.
Estaban muy ocupados como para sabotear la nave y asesinar al ingeniero.
Look, they were both engaged to josiah.
Mira, ambas estaban comprometidas con Josiah.
So we thought if we could make them think you were engaged, then maybe they'd forget about you and remember us.
Pensamos que si podíamos hacerles creer que estaba comprometido, quizá se olvidarían de Ud. Y nos recordarían a nosotros.
Apparently, they never were engaged.
Al parecer, nunca hubo un compromiso.
They were engaged in a revolution against their king. That was a good idea. They founded a republic.
Habían hecho una revolución contra el rey... la cosa iba bien, habían instaurado una república, pero... solo para sustituirlo por un emperador, Napoleón, creo... un megalómano que masacró personas en guerras estúpidas.
- They were so engaged.
- Estaban muy entretenidos.
Estoy seguro que en el tiempo en que vivió Mario Benedetti hubiera insistido en que estábamos comprometidos en sms.
that they were at one time engaged to be married.
que estuvieron en una oportunidad comprometidos en matrimonio
I mean, he never really- - They were never gonna... get engaged or anything, it was just like, you know.
Me refiero a que, él realmente nunca- - Ellos nunca iban a... Comprometerse o algo así, fue mas como, tu sabes.
We were engaged and they found out about me and I got fired.
íbamos a casarnos se enteraron de quién era yo y me echaron.
- Because they were otherwise engaged.
- Porque estaban ocupados en otra cosa.
- Were they engaged? .
- ¿ Entán comprometidos?
According to the court records, the Tinsleys weren't just fighting over property, they were also engaged in an expensive custody battle.
Según los archivos del juzgado los Tinsleys no sólo peleaban por sus bienes también disputaban una cara batalla de custodia legal.
They were getting engaged.
Estaban comprometidos.
Before I knew, I were getting engaged! They've given us a bleeding ring!
Antes de todo, nos comprometieron, nos dieron un anillo
The horror was so ruthless that the victims, those who had to confess and demand death penalty for themselves and so on, were deprived of the minimum of their dignity, so that they behaved as puppets, they engaged in dialogues which really sound like out of Alice in Wonderland.
El horror era tan brutal que las víctimas, que tenían que confesar y solicitar penas de muerte para sí, eran privadas de un mínimo de dignidad, al punto de actuar como fantoches, involucrados en diálogos que parecían sacados de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.
They engaged the shooter and between the two guards fourteen rounds were fired.
Se encontraron con el tirador y entre los dos, dispararon 14 tiros.

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