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They were married перевод на испанский

683 параллельный перевод
It would be terrible if, after they were married, you came to find out that... her mother was someone you would be ashamed of.
Hubiera sido terrible, que una vez celebrada la boda, hubiera descubierto que yo... que su madre es alguien de quien avergonzarse.
They were married yesterday.
- Se casaron ayer.
And so they were married. It looks like it might be love.
Y se casaron...
- Not when they were married.
- No cuando se casaron.
My father met her in Algiers... and they were married that very day.
Mi padre la conoció en Argel, y se casaron ese mismo día.
They were married in California by a Nevada Justice of the Peace.
Ellos fueron casados en California por un juez de de paz de Nevada.
They've made a madhouse of this apartment since they were married.
Esta apartamento es una casa de locos, desde el matrimonio.
As a matter of fact, I thought they were married.
De hecho, pensaba que estaban casados.
- Before they were married?
- ¿ Antes de que se casaran?
I thought girls raised in Havana never even looked at men... till they were married to them.
Pensaba que las muchachas de Habana no miraban a hombres hasta casarse.
They were married. That was their first mistake.
Se casaron, fue su primer error.
This is the envelope he gave me after they were married in San Francisco.
Éste es el sobre que me entregó después de casarse en San Francisco.
I saw her in Washington the day they were married.
Yo la vi en Washington el día que se casaron.
They were married three days later.
Se casaron tres dias mas tarde.
Really? She died two months after they were married.
- Ella murió 2 meses después.
- Honest, it's like they were married.
- Como si estuviesen casados.
The same bells tolled for both, and they were married in St. Luke's by the same rector who buried John Channing.
Las mismas campanas repicaban para ambos, y les casó el mismo pastor que había enterrado a John Channing.
They were married at the registry.
Se casaron en el Registro Civil.
- Ask her where they were married.
- Pregúntele dónde se casó.
Oh, they were married this morning at the hotel.
¡ Oh! , se casaron ésta mañana en el hotel.
In secret haste they were married.
Se casaron de forma precipitada y en secreto.
And so they were married in the same chapel I gave them their baptism.
Y se casaron en la misma capilla en la que les bauticé.
They were married in 1931 in Connecticut.
Se casaron en 1931 en Connecticut.
Some two months later, cheeky Pedro came... and all of a sudden, I learnt that they were married.
Como a los dos meses, sa presento el sinvergüenza de Pedro, Y de buenas a primeras me desayuna con la noticia de que ya se habían casado
So they were married and lived unhappily ever after.
Y se casaron, y fueron infelices para siempre.
They were not earning enough money to get married on but they were young and loved each other very much and then... the usual consequences.
Demasiado pobres para casarse, pero jóvenes y enamorados, con las consecuencias habituales.
Really, Mr. West? And how long ago were they married?
¿ Y hace cuánto que se casaron?
I told you they were a perfectly nice married couple.
Les dije que era un matrimonio muy agradable.
You'd think they were the ones getting married, not us.
Parece que eran ellos los que se casaban, no nosotros.
Gosh, Carrie... I used to think girls at the mill were crazy... when they got married and right off the bat started having kids.
Cielos, Carrie... solía pensar que las chicas del molino estaban locas... cuando se casaban e inmediatamente empezaban a tener hijos.
What they danced when your father married your mother... if you were born in wedlock, which I doubt. Look at them.
La bailaron sus padres en la boda si es que es fruto de su boda, cosa que dudo.
But I supposed that when people were in love, they always got married.
Pero pensé que la gente se casa siempre que está enamorada.
Then you see, they put two and two together and said you were married.
Ya ve, sumaron dos y dos y dedujeron que estaban casados.
- Were they married?
- ¿ Se casaron?
La única baza que tienen es el hecho de que estuviera casada con Charles Barclay.
They were to have been married.
Iban a casarse.
They were to be married.
Iban a casarse.
They were married last night by Kirby.
Kirby los casó anoche.
The telegram came to Jane because they were to be married.
El telegrama estaba dirigido a Jane porque iban a casarse.
They thought that she was going to have a baby, and then of course they thought that we were married.
Creyeron que iba a tener un niño, y entonces, claro, creyeron que estábamos casados.
On looking back on our married years, Elvira... I see now with horrid clarity that they were nothing but a mockery.
Al contemplar ahora nuestros años de matrimonio... veo con espantosa claridad que no fueron más que una burla.
They knew Kitty and I were married, and they'd have seen through the frame-up.
Ellos sabían que Kitty y yo estábamos casados. Lo habrían descubierto todo.
It's like they were engaged, which is better than married.
Mejor aún, comprometidos.
After we were married. Told you they were yours.
Lo primero que compré tras nuestra boda.
And they don't like it. You were married once, weren't you, Norm?
Has estado casado, ¿ verdad, Norm?
The way they were getting along... I thought they'd end up being married.
Pensaba que estaban casados.
They were going to be married.
Se iban a casar.
Maybe they were members of his church or were married by a judge or a justice in their own town.
Tal vez eran feligreses de su parroquia. o los casó un juez de su propia ciudad.
Why should I send their money back when they're just as happy as if they were really married?
¿ Por qué se lo voy a devolver... si son tan felices como si estuvieran casados?
Because they were legally married, but they have lived like brothers!
porque ellos están casados legalmente, pero han vivido siempre como hermanos.
My happiest associates got married while they were vice consuls
Los colegas más felices son los que se casaron siendo vicecónsules

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