Too many times перевод на испанский
599 параллельный перевод
I got caught too many times.
Me atraparon muchas veces.
I've paid you double too many times.
Te he pagado doble demasiado.
But unfortunately, my name's been linked with yours too many times since then.
Pero desde entonces, mi nombre aparece ligado al tuyo.
You said that too many times, I no longer believe it.
Muchas veces me lo ha dicho, ya no lo creo.
I have heard it too many times.
Eso es imposible. Lo he oído demasiadas veces.
I've been let down too many times.
- Me han engañado mucho.
- I've been fooled too many times.
- Ya me han engañado muchas veces.
That's been proved too many times, Hatfield.
Eso Io ha probado demasiadas veces.
Can a woman go nuts from gettin'sawed in half too many times?
Steve, ¿ Una mujer puede perder la cabeza por hacerse serrar en dos demasiado a menudo?
You sat in my office too many times not to know what happens to a child whose parents are messed up.
Viste en el Consultorio lo que les pasa a los niños cuando sus padres no se advienen.
It comes from being scared too many times and wanting to run away... and not running away.
Viene de estar asustado demasiadas veces... y de querer huir y no hacerlo.
Maybe I have been over the course a few too many times.
Quizás haya dado demasiadas vueltas.
Don't go round too many times, you're no longer a child.
Te pido que no le des más vueltas. Recuerda que ya no eres una niña.
I've seen that look too many times not to know it.
He visto esa mirada demasiadas veces.
It's happened too many times.
Esto ha sucedido muchas veces.
I've lost you too many times.
Te he perdido muchas veces.
I've been stubborn too many times.
Trabajé hasta el cansancio.
Well, he's got out on a limb too many times for you. The scholarships, the research grants.
Ha intercedido por ti varias veces ;... las clases de investigación.
My wall has been penetrated too many times in the last year.
El año pasado cruzaron el Muro demasiadas veces.
I know I've said it too many times, but never turn against Boss Asagoro, or else!
Os lo vuelvo a repetir ¡ no os opongáis al jefe Asagoro, o veréis!
I've been with you too many times in this room in the past, not to know where this leads to.
He estado contigo muchas veces en esta sala en el pasado como para no saber a dónde conduce.
No, it's been told too many times.
No, ya se contó demasiado.
I been around the track too many times for that. You understand?
Estuve mucho tiempo en la carretera para eso. ¿ Entendido?
My hand trembles respected comrades Not because I fear you but because tears fell too many times from my eyes and now again
Mis manos tiemblan, camarada, no de miedo, sino porque he llorado mucho por ti.
This didn't take too many times to do it.
No fue necesario repetirla muchas veces.
We didn't have to do this too many times.
No hubo que repetirlo mucho.
And he has helped us too many times.
Y bastantes favores nos ha hecho él. ¡ Vamos, creo yo!
He's seen The Cincinnati Kid too many times.
Miró "The Cincinnati Kid" demasiadas veces.
Because I've been robbed too many times, and I've had enough!
¡ Porque me han asaltado demasiadas veces, y ya fue suficiente!
You've had your ass stabbed one too many times.
Te han apuñalado las nalgas demasiadas veces.
I've heard it too many times To ignore it
Demasiadas veces la he oído Ignorarla no he podido
I'd known Dan too long, put my life in his hands too many times in'Nam... not to know exactly what he could and couldn't do.
Conocía demasiado bien a Dan había puesto mi vida en sus manos demasiadas veces en Vietnam para no saber de qué era capaz de hacer y de qué no.
# Too many times I done kicked my body down #
Demasiadas veces he acabado con el cuerpo machacado.
# Too many times I done kicked my body down... #
Demasiadas veces he acabado con el cuerpo machacado.
# Too many times # # I done kicked my body down, and I don't know #
Demasiadas veces he acabado con el cuerpo machacado.
# Too many times, I done kicked my body down #
Demasiadas veces he acabado con el cuerpo machacado.
We've been through this too many times before.
Tú y yo ya hemos hablado demasiado ¿ no crees?
Look, I didn't know your friend... but I really think I know how you're feeling... because I had a lot of friends in the war who ended up tying off one too many times.
Mira, no conozco a tu amigo pero en realidad creo que sé cómo te estás sintiendo porque tuve un montón de amigos en la guerra que terminaron inyectándose muchas veces.
"I've had too many good times."
"Ya me he divertido bastante."
You promised me too many times.
La ha asustado.
She talk many times about you. Too. Barney.
También hablaba mucho de ti, Barney.
I wish you could see that some times you're a little too sure about too many things.
A veces estás demasiado seguro de muchas cosas.
Luke, how many times I got to tell ya... not to put too much sugar in the squeezing's?
Luke, ¿ cuántas veces te he dicho... que no le pongas demasiada azúcar?
- You've stolen many times yourself. The money is mine too!
Tú has robado muchas veces y el dinero también es mío.
He's been married twice, both times disastrously, and there have been too many years of... too much dough,
Ha estado casado dos veces, las dos desastrosas, y ha pasado demasiados años con... demasiada pasta,
Muchos hombres grandes que tienen una gran responsabilidad por la seguridad de su país a veces encuentran la carga demasiado pesada.
Why, we could fill this auditorium many times over, but... but we want youth, too.
Podríamos llenar este auditorio muchas veces pero también queremos que vengan jóvenes.
Who knows how many times you've prayed that I'd die too?
Quién sabe cuántas veces has orado que me iba a morir también?
Not too many times.
No demasiadas veces.
How many times you have to get your head handed to you before you stop picking fights with people who are too big?
¿ Cuántas veces tienen que arrancarte la cabeza para que dejes de buscar pelea con gente más fuerte que tú?
I think we need not be too concerned. Many times in the last 50 years, factions of the government have tried to interfere with my research here, they have failed.
Sin embargo, no creo que debamos preocuparnos, muchas veces en los últimos 50 años... facciones del gobierno han intentado interferir con mi investigación.
too many questions 18
too many to count 25
too many people 42
too many memories 21
too many 183
many times 271
times 1964
times square 22
times are changing 28
times are tough 45
too many to count 25
too many people 42
too many memories 21
too many 183
many times 271
times 1964
times square 22
times are changing 28
times are tough 45
times before 18
times in a row 26
times a week 28
times change 49
times over 33
times a day 121
times are hard 26
times three 18
times have changed 100
times already 25
times in a row 26
times a week 28
times change 49
times over 33
times a day 121
times are hard 26
times three 18
times have changed 100
times already 25