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Was that necessary перевод на испанский

613 параллельный перевод
Was that necessary?
¿ Eso era necesario?
was that necessary?
¿ Era eso necesario?
Really, was that necessary?
De verdad era necesario hacer eso?
- But was that necessary?
- ¿ Eso era necesario?
we always communicated to you that your presence was absolutely necessary.
le hemos comunicado que su presencia... era totalmente necesaria.
I never thought before I was married when I lived with Papa and Mama that I should ever find it necessary to take a lodger.
Nunca creí, antes de casarme cuando vivía con mis padres que me vería obligada a aceptar un huésped.
That's why I told her not to come down unless we thought it was absolutely necessary.
Por eso le he dicho que no venga si no es necesario.
Not when I was ready to give up everything and scrub floors for him if that was necessary.
No cuando yo iba a dejarlo todo y fregar suelos por él, si era necesario.
I don't see why that was necessary.
No veo por qué era necesario.
If unity, mutual understanding, confidence in each other was necessary to win the war, it is still more necessary to win the peace, for there can be no durable peace without an agreement among those nations that have won the war
Si la unidad, la comprensión y la confianza mutua permitieron ganar la guerra, son aún más necesarias para ganar la paz.
There was, I believe, a girl of about 12, outwardly very fair and innocent looking... but so deeply had the detested roots of heresy been implanted even in this child... that she refused to bear witness against her parents... and it was necessary to hoist her onto the strappado where she was —
Había una niña de unos doce años. Una criatura de aspecto inocente. Tenía tan dentro la raíz de la herejía que se negó a testificar en contra de sus padres.
So you see, Kitty, that ´ s why it was necessary for you to stay until now.
Ya lo ve, Kitty, por eso era necesaria su presencia aquí hasta ahora.
Supposing... Supposing, that I would tell you that it was necessary, vitally necessary? - It can never be necessary to do what is not honourable.
Suponiendo que te dijera que esto es necesario que es algo vital...
It was necessary that we should have control.
Era necesario tener control sobre ella.
But if he'd been able to tell someone, like a psychoanalyst, what it was that happened here no murder would have been necessary.
Si le hubiese podido contar a un psicoanalista lo que había ocurrido aquí, no habría necesitado matar a nadie.
If you find, as I invite you to do, that this death was due to events which had no necessary connection with Matthew Denant's blow, and were entirely beyond his control, then you must return a verdict of not guilty.
Si encuentran, y así les invito a hacerlo, que esta muerte ocurrió por eventos que no tienen conexión con el golpe de Matthew Denant, y que estuvieron completamente fuera de su control, entonces deberán dictar un veredicto de no culpable.
It, shall we say, came over me that it was not going to be necessary to part with them.
Digamos que tuve el presentimiento de que no sería preciso desprenderme de ellos,
Reasonable foresight, that's all that was necessary.
Sólo hacía falta una previsión razonable.
It was necessary to pass that pocket.
Había que pasar ese bache.
We told you that was necessary expenses.
Te dijimos que eran gastos necesarios.
- so that when it was necessary -
- y así, cuando era necesario...
He argues that Frank Jessup's mechanical skill and knowledge was necessary to transform the automobile into a murder weapon.
Alega que los conocimientos de mecánica de Frank Jessup fueron necesarios para transformar el automóvil en un arma letal.
Would you say that Mr. Friendly made it clear to you it was absolutely necessary he murder Joey Doyle in order to maintain his control on the docks of the waterfront locals!
¿ Diría que el Sr. Friendly le dejó claro... que era absolutamente necesario asesinar a Joey Doyle... para mantenersu control... en los muelles y en el sindicato del puerto?
Where all might see that shooting you was a regrettable, but necessary thing.
Aquí mismo, en la plaza del pueblo que todos vean que dispararte es algo lamentable pero necesario.
I love him as a son, and I also very early recognized that he was necessary to Ranchipur.
Le quiero como a un hijo y pronto comprendí que era necesario para Ranchipur.
If I allow this to happen, for the rest of my life I would ask myself... if I had done all that was necessary... to prevent this evil.
Si permito que esto suceda, el resto de mi vida me preguntaré si hice todo lo necesario para atajar este mal.
Les dije todo lo que era necesario.
After all, a sales slip is all that was necessary.
Con el recibo de venta bastaría.
- Now, was that really necessary?
¿ De verdad era necesario esto?
Oh, boy. Was that trip really necessary?
Vaya. ¿ Eso era realmente necesario?
Yesterday you said this war was necessary and needed to be fought and I said I agreed but that not everyone's like me.
¿ Recuerda, coronel, que me dijo que esta guerra era justa y yo le dije que opinaba lo mismo pero que no todos opinan como yo?
At first I didn't think it was necessary, but now it occurs to me that this would be a good time to mention it.
Antes no creí que fuera indispensable, pero ahora me he dado cuenta de que es mejor decirlo.
Now it was necessary to choose, and to choose quickly, between the protection of capital, and that of labour.
Ahora era necesario elegir, y elegir rápidamente, entre la protección al capital, y el trabajo.
But it only became necessary that I was successful, too.
Pero era necesario que yo también tuviera éxito.
I knew that it was necessary, but the voices they had not said to me when.
Sabía que era necesario, sólo que las voces no me habían dicho cuándo.
That was necessary.
Era necesario.
The fact that it was necessary doesn't make it more palatable for you.
Que fuera necesaria no se lo pone más fácil.
Well, this is the only paper that I thought was necessary.
Éste es el único papel que pensaba que era necesario.
Accidentaly, i came earlier and i saw that the necessary chair was missing.
Por casualidad he llegado temprano y he visto que faltaba la silla.
The signal was to be a hymn, but that's not necessary.
La señal era un himno, pero no será necesario.
That gesture was necessary. I'm sorry it was so painful for you.
Ese gesto era necesario, siento que fuera tan doloroso para ti.
Was that barbaric execution necessary?
Era necesaria una ejecución tan cruel.
No autopsy is necessary to know that the animal was terrified, confused.
Sin autopsia se sabe que el animal estaba aterrorizado, confundido.
Was that really necessary?
¿ Era necesario hacerlo?
" that a personal possession of the victim was necessary
" de que era necesario un objeto personal de la víctima
Tell me, was it necessary that you kill all of them?
Dime, era necesario que matar a todos ellos?
And so, PresidentJohnson... being true to the origin of the elections in the first place... was very much concerned... about how the American people would interpret these elections... and he saw that it was necessary to appoint... an official observer team.
[Werfel] Y así, para el Presidente Johnson en primer lugar el asunto real de las elecciones estaba relaccionado con el modo en que la opinión americana interpretase esas elecciones y por eso estimo necesario nombrar un equipo oficial de observadores.
One gets the impression from such reports that German propaganda was quite open in its racial prejudice, and often implied that German discipline and structure were necessary qualities to clean up what was considered to be "the French mess."
One gets the impression from such reports esa propaganda alemana era bastante abierta en su prejuicio racial, y a menudo implicaba que esa disciplina y estructura alemana eran cualidades necesarias para limpiar lo que era considerado como "el desastre francés".
Was all that nonsense out there really necessary?
¿ Todas esas tonterías son realmente necesarias?
In Africa after all that work and four dead men, we discovered it was no Ionger necessary.
En África, después del trabajo y cuatro muertos... descubrimos que ya no era necesario.
It's enough to pay for having that woman, to kill her was not necessary.
Uno sólo tiene que pagar para conseguir una mujer. No hay que matarla.

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