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Was that okay перевод на испанский

3,844 параллельный перевод
Sid, was that okay?
Sid, ¿ eso estuvo bien?
And the thing I realized was that sometimes, that's okay.
Y el caso es que me di cuenta de que a veces, está bien.
So it's okay with you that he was gonna let hundreds of people die?
¿ Así que te parece bien que fuese a dejar que cientos de personas murieran?
You know, I know dish a lot of crap about cops but... all the nights my dad was out working late, there was always somebody from his department coming and checking on us, making sure that we were okay.
Sé que suelto un montón de mierda sobre los polis... pero... todas la noches, cuando mi padre trabajaba hasta tarde, siempre había alguien de su departamento... que venía a vernos, para asegurarse de que estábamos bien.
That is not why I was there, okay?
Eso no es por qué estaba allí, ¿ de acuerdo?
Uh, okay, uh, I'll have you know that, uh, there were a lot of dudes That were all over this lady when I was dating your father.
Bien, te haré saber que había muchos tíos detrás de esta señorita cuando salía con tu padre.
Okay, so we are officially invited to the crab boil, and I know, I was thinking that maybe you could fake a seizure at dinner, because Aunt Winifred would be super impressed watching me save someone's life.
Vale, oficialmente estamos invitados para cocer cangrejos, lo se, estaba pensando en que quizás pudieses fingir un ataque en la cena, porque la tía Winifred estaría super impresionada viendo como le salvo a alguien la vida.
Okay, well, that was just rude.
Eso es una falta de respeto.
I just wish I had taught her that it was okay to be second-best.
Solo desearía haberle enseñado que está bien ser la segunda mejor.
Okay, so, if the perp was rational, I mean, he'd leave town knowing that the heat is on, but there's a good chance he's not, so most likely he's angrier.
Bien, si el asesino fuera racional... habría dejado la ciudad sabiendo que las cosas... están caldeadas pero hay una buena posibilidad de... que no así lo más probable es que esté furioso.
The reason I thought that it was okay like this, is definitely because that season is here again.
La razón por la que pensé que estaba bien así, es definitivamente... porque esa temporada está aquí de nuevo.
And if anyone gives you any trouble, just tell them that Wes said it was okay.
Y si alguien te causa problemas. Sólo diles que Wes dijo que estaba bien.
Mmm. Okay, that was interesting.
Vale, eso fue interesante.
It was about you respecting my privacy, and I don't want that. And I take it back completely. And I'm sorry, okay?
Fue sobre ti, siendo irrespetuosa con mi privacidad y no quiero eso... retiro lo dicho completamente, y lo siento, ¿ de acuerdo?
Okay, well that's it, so we're gonna go, but it was lovely to talk to you, Dad, we miss you.
Bueno, eso es todo, así que nos vamos a ir, pero fue lindo hablar contigo, papá. Te extrañamos.
Uh, okay, that was a poor choice of words.
Vale, ha sido una mala elección de palabras.
Okay! That was a great visit.
Ha sido una visita genial.
Okay, I have something to tell you, but I was hoping to do it in a place that had fewer dumpsters.
Bien, tengo algo que decirte, pero esperaba hacerlo en un lugar que tuviera menos contenedores.
Okay, that was the moving company.
Está bien, era la compañia de mudanza.
Okay, I was certain that you were going to go
Pensaba que ibas a ponerte a lo
Okay, look, I don't know what you're doing here, but if this has anything to do with kissing me the other day without my consent, then I need to make it perfectly clear that that was not acceptable.
Bieno, mira, no sé que estás haciendo aquí, pero si tiene algo que ver con el que me besaras el otro día sin mi consentimiento, entonces tengo que dejar perfectamente claro que eso no fue aceptable.
After Helen found me online, okay, she-she never mentioned that she was married.
Después de que Helen me encontrara en la red, de acuerdo, no mencionó que estuviera casada.
Okay, if you support me, what was with that phone call?
Bien, si me apoyas, ¿ qué fue esa llamada?
Okay, I could have sworn that he was- -
Vale, podría jurar que...
Yeah, I know, I was given it before it was stupid, okay? I like it, that's my frog costume.
Lo sé, me lo regalaron cuando no era estúpido y me gusta, es mi disfraz.
You just have to remember that I was doing this in front of the entire class, yes? Okay.
- Recuerda que estaba haciendo esto frente a toda la clase ok
Okay, when I was a scout, they told us that snakes are, like, scared of people so if we just make some noise, you'll, like, scare it, it'll piss off.
Cuando era Scout me enseñaron que las serpientes le temen a la gente debes hacer ruido y asustarla.
He forced me to take that oath with a knife to my throat and as soon as I was done, he threw me in jail. Okay?
¿ Vale?
Damn, that was close. You okay?
Maldita sea, estuvo cerca. ¿ Estás bien?
Just hoping that wherever he was in his life, he's okay.
Solo esperando que estuviera donde estuviera, esté bien.
Mm-hmm, yeah... that's because I thought she was gonna break your heart, okay?
Sí... eso es porque pensaba que iba a romperte el corazón ¿ vale?
Was that... how was that, rough or okay?
¿ Aquello era...? ¿ Cómo era aquello, malo o bueno?
Who said it was okay for you to do that?
¿ Quién le dijo que estaba bien hacer eso?
Okay, my feelings are my feelings, Kurt, and they're not gonna change, even if Santana admits that she was wrong.
ok, mis sentimientos son mis sentimientos, Kurt. y no van a cambiar, incluso si Santana admite que estuvo mal.Has roto esto.
Okay, I was planning on ordering dinner in and working you guys deep into the night, but then I realized that worrying too much about what you're trying to accomplish actually gets in the way of what you're trying to accomplish.
Bien, estaba pensando en ordenar algo para cenar Y trabajar con ustedes toda la noche pero me di cuenta que preocuparse demasiado por lo que se trata de lograr Se interpone en el camino de lo que estan tratando de lograr
You think because I was laughing that I'm okay with it?
¿ De verdad crees que porque me esté riendo me parece bien?
Okay, fine, it was a slimy beginning, but I thought we moved past that.
- Vale, sí, fue un comienzo interesado, pero pensé que habíamos superado eso.
I wasn't completely sure that it was yours, okay?
No estaba completamente segura de que fuese tuyo.
Okay, as you know, I was supposed to do that profile on Bruce Hendrie.
Como sabe, debía terminar el perfil de Bruce Hendrie.
Okay, that was dark.
Vale, eso ha sido duro.
He was three years old, and he had a smile that just made everything okay.
Tenía tres años y una sonrisa que hacía que todo estuviera bien.
Mom liked us all to have focus and goals, so she liked that the stronger I got, the harder I worked to get even stronger. As long as today was better than yesterday, we were all doing okay.
A mamá le hubiese gustado que todos tuviesemos objetivos, a ella le gustaba la fortaleza que tengo, y el duro trabajo para conseguir aún más fortaleza mientras hoy fuese mejor que ayer, todos lo estámos haciendo bien
Okay, that was weird.
Vale, eso ha sido raro.
My parents are all the way back in Chicago, and, I mean, I think I'm doing pretty good, but sometimes I get a little homesick, you know, so it was nice to have a mom today, if that's okay to say.
Mis padres están en casa, en Chicago, quiero decir que creo que me lo estoy montando bien, pero a veces echo de menos mi casa, ya sabes, ha sido bonito tener a una madre hoy,
Okay, now that place was sweet.
Aquel sitio era espectacular.
Okay, now, this is the second CD. ♪... that set of keys was a pair of wings ♪ ♪ Daddy, pretty please, can I take a ride tonight?
Bien, ahora, este es el segundo disco.
Okay, well, whatever I saw on your living room floor, that was not the physical laws of the universe.
Vale, bien, lo que yo vi en el piso de la sala, que no era de las leyes físicas del universo.
Okay, okay, okay. That was not me!
Vale, Vale, vale. ¡ Ese no fui yo!
Okay, well, I didn't know that was my reputation.
Vale, bueno, no sabía que esa era mi reputación.
Okay, well, I didn't know that was my reputation.
Bueno, está bien, no sabía que esa era mi reputación.
So you thought of that in your head, and your brain was like, "That's okay to say"?
¿ Se te ha venido a la cabeza y tu cerebro ha dicho, "está bien decirlo"?

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