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Was that her перевод на испанский

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And that was what so many of us really liked about her.
Y en realidad eso es lo que a muchos de nosotros nos gustaba de ella.
We needed her to be tough on us, to tell us the truth, so when she told us it was going to be all right, we knew that was true too.
La necesitábamos para que fuese dura con nosotros, para decirnos la verdad, así que cuando nos decía que todo iba a salir bien, también sabíamos que era verdad.
Apparently Hannah Wyland was helping her, but that didn't end well.
Aparentemente Hannah Wyland estaba ayudándola, pero eso no terminó bien.
The guy that was with her had gotten a little tin cup and had filled it with water.
El muchacho que estaba con ella había tomado una latita y la había llenado de agua.
It was hard to watch her and to know that no one could get to her without being shot themselves.
Fue muy duro verla y saber que nadie podría llegar a ella sin recibir un disparo.
I was just, you know, incredibly touched by her bringing that and, um... I think that's the only time we saw each other after that.
Me conmovió muchísimo que me llevara eso y creo que fue la única vez que nos vimos luego de eso.
Only recently I've realized... How really, amazingly brave that was of her.
Hace poco me di cuenta cómo me sorprendió lo valiente que fue.
Yeah, and then my cousin said that he was more like her boyfriend or something.
Si, y después mi prima dijo que él era mas como su novio o algo.
So, the concern is that, if she's right, whoever it was may have followed you when you drove her back to your house later in the day.
Así que, nuestra preocupación es que, si ella está en lo cierto, quienquiera que fuese, pueda seguirlas cuando vuelvan a su casa esta tarde.
It was her that rang 999.
Era ella que sonó 999.
And Vicky Fleming, if we accept that he was disturbed before he'd finished doing what he wanted to do to her.
Y de Vicky Fleming, si aceptamos el hecho de que fue molestado antes... de acabar de hacer lo que quería hacerle.
Meliorn, the Seelie, told me that he was here with her.
Meliorn, el Seelie, me dijo que estaba aquí con ella.
He said that his wife was ill and he needed to tend her.
Dijo que su esposa estaba enferma y necesitaba tienden ella.
The medication that they gave her should have been helping, but I couldn't figure out what was making her so angry.
La medicación que le dieron debería estar ayudando pero no sabía por qué estaba tan colérica.
One of the data points that her research told me about was age.
Uno de los datos de su investigación era sobre la edad.
So it's possible that she knew or was familiar with her attacker.
Así que, es posible que conociera o le sonase su agresor.
Yeah, but how did he not know that she was living with her husband?
Sí, ¿ pero cómo no sabía que vivía con su marido?
I mean, well it obviously couldn't have been her who gave it to you, sweetie, so who was that man that di- -
Es decir, así que obviamente no podría haber sido ella quien dio a usted, querido, por lo que era ese hombre que di- -
And I told her that I wasn't comfortable dating a supervisor, and she was cool with it.
Y le dije que no me sentía cómdo saliendo con mi supervisora, y ella estuvo de acuerdo.
You know, she did mention a few weeks ago that her grandmother was sick.
Hace unas semanas mencionó que su abuela estaba enferma.
Robyn's records show that her mother died when she was 5.
Según sus antecedentes, la madre de Robyn murió cuando tenía 5 años.
We know that Robyn was meeting with her new crew twice a week in Spanish Harlem.
Sabemos que Robyn se veía con su nuevo grupo en el Harlem español.
That's funny. Because we reached out to the hospital where Robyn was taken, and on her intake form, there's a bit of a-a fashion discrepancy.
Fuimos al hospital al que llevaron a Robyn... y hay cierta discrepancia en el acta de ingreso.
That all she had to do was ask and I was certain you would help her and her family.
Que todo lo que debía hacer era pedir y estaba seguro de que la ayudarías a ella y a su familia.
Now, because she was found in her school, no one noticed that all three victims live in the same building.
Debido a que la encontraron en la escuela nadie se dio cuenta de que las tres víctimas vivían en el mismo edificio.
You know, the sushi chef's wife said that her husband left Daichan's when he realized Daichan was gonna leave the business to his son.
La mujer del chef de sushi dijo que su marido dejó Daichan cuando se dio cuenta de que Daichan iba a dejar el negocio a su hijo.
I wish there was a way that I could come back and check on her every couple years.
Me gustaría que hubiera una manera Que podía volver y comprobar en su cada dos años.
I had to go to the pharmacist and convince him to give me more Valium'cause she lost her bottle of Valium, never even thinking that she was just taking more and more of the stuff.
Debía convencer al farmacéutico de darme más Valium, porque ella había perdido su frasco, sin pensar que ella tomaba más y más de eso.
We had a participant who was also from Brazil, uh, who said they went through something very similar, and he brought over a check for the equivalent of $ 50,000 to give to her, to allow her to help the other people that had gone through similar things.
Tuvimos otro participante de Brasil que dijo que atravesó algo similar, y trajo un cheque por $ 50.000 para dárselo a ella, para que ella pueda ayudar a otros que sufrieron algo similar.
I guess I wanted to prove to my mother that I was nothing like her, so I became a lawyer.
Supongo que quería demostrarle a mi madre que no era para nada como ella, por lo que me convertí en abogada.
What he did with her was terrible, and no jury in the land would convict you of that.
Lo que le hizo fue terrible y ningún jurado en la tierra te sentenciaría por eso.
That's a shame because I was really starting to like her.
Una lástima, porque empezaba a apreciarla.
I don't know... it's also that weekend we went furniture shopping in Echo Park... the painting we bought when she was drunk after she finished her residency... the bed we had to fix one morning...
No sé... es también ese fin de semana Fuimos de compras de muebles en Echo Park... La pintura que compró cuando estaba borracha
Amy Gibb's father said she was depressed and a little lost after her mother died, but what he didn't mention is that a month ago she got caught for shoplifting.
El padre de Amy Gibb dijo que estaba deprimida y un poco perdida después de que su madre muriera, pero lo que no dijo es que hace un mes la pillaron robando en una tienda.
That treatment was administered weeks ago with no improvement. - Her doctor ruled it a failure.
Ese tratamiento le fue administrado hace semanas, y no hubo ninguna mejora.
And that was her?
¿ Y era ella?
That was before I knew that Callie could print her her own ribcage.
Eso fue antes de que supiera que Callie podía imprimir su propia caja torácica.
And he was with her the day that we lost her.
Y estaba con ella el día que la perdimos.
The only thing that possessed her was a sick xxxxx.
Lo único que la poseyó fue su mente enferma.
Or that she was having difficulty making ends meet on her salary?
¿ O que tuviera dificultades para llegar a fin de mes con su salario?
I want her to know that her faith in me... was not misplaced.
Quería que supiera que su fe en mí no estaba equivocada.
You two were in a relationship, and when you found out that it was her that wrote that email, you went up to Cambridge and convinced her to go to
Usted dos estaban en una relacion, y cuando descubriste que era ella que escribio que el correo electronico, subiste a Cambridge y la convencio de ir a
You weren't racing over to her office to tell her that the jury was back.
No estabas corriendo hacia la oficina para decirle que el jurado había vuelto.
And sure enough, after gaining her trust, she confirmed that the Bureau's confidential informant was a Raymond Reddington.
Y, por supuesto, después de ganar su confianza, confirmó que informante confidencial de la Oficina era un Raymond Reddington.
William Dowd's daughter confirmed that's what her father was.
La hija de William Dowd confirmó que eso era su padre.
That we were trying to hurt her, when all we were trying to do was help her.
Que estábamos tratando de lastimarla, cuando todo lo que tratábamos de hacer era ayudarla.
But it was your secret- - her- - that put an end to it all.
Pero fue su secreto... ella... lo que puso fin a todo.
that was out of the respect I had for her.
que estaba fuera del respeto que sentía por ella.
Liz was convinced that her mother was the one who tried to kidnap her.
Liz estaba convencido de que su madre estaba el que intentó secuestrarla.
She made a beeline for Hargrave, presumably to warn her that the FBI was about to investigate her.
Ella fue directo con Hargrave, posiblemente para advertirle que el FBI estaba a punto de investigarla.
But I was under the impression that her detail had been officially lifted by Assistant Director Mayfair at Jane's request.
Pero según tengo entendido la vigilancia se retiró oficialmente por orden de la directora adjunta Mayfair a petición de Jane.

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