We believe in you перевод на испанский
852 параллельный перевод
And to tell you that we believe in you, we prayed for you.
- Te creemos y rezamos por ti.
We believe in you, Maciste.
Calma. Yo te creo, Maciste.
Marco, I don't love you anymore. Love should be reciprocal. We believe in respect and sincerity.
Marcos no te quiero lo deseen y dos a ser feliz siempre dice que el respeto y la honestidad y no quiero decepcionar Ahora no admitir nada más
We understand each other, I believe that you are in love
Nos entendemos, creo que estás enamorado
We went to school in the sea, though you mayn't believe it.
Íbamos a la escuela del mar, aunque no lo creas.
I'll believe you when we're in the air again.
Le creeré cuando estemos en el aire.
You won't believe it, but we composed the whole thing in one day with only 20 minutes over lunch
No te lo vas a creer... pero hemos compuesto eso en un sólo día... en sólo 20min durante el almuerzo.
You go in the kitchen And make some sandwiches, And we'll make believe there Were no 5 days in between.
Ve a la cocina, prepara unos sándwiches y olvida estos días.
Perhaps you no longer believe in what we do.
Tal vez no creas mucho en lo que hacemos.
Mr. De Winter, I want you to believe we all feel very deeply for you in this matter.
Por favor, créame que todos lo compadecemos mucho.
We understand you believe in direct action.
Tengo entendido que creen en la acción directa.
You're the fake. We believe in what we're doing.
Es un impostor, nosotros creemos en lo que hacemos.
You see, I believe in the Bible, and I'm a-believing that this here life we're living is something the Lord done give us.
Yo creo firmemente en la Biblia. Y en mi humilde opinión, nuestra vida es un don concedido por el Señor.
If this letter is found on me, if this ever reaches you, I want you to believe every word of it and try to understand. It all began that night we arrived in Istanbul.
Si encontras esta carta si alguna vez la recibes quiero que creas cada palabra y trates de entender que todo comenzó la noche en que llegamos a Estambul. "
Créeme, Jim, tu vas a tomarlo también con los japos en Malasia, necesitamos caucho... y más caucho
And don't worry, we still believe in you.
Y no te preocupes, aún creemos en ti.
Jean, it may be hard right now, but you must remember that they are still Frenchmen who believe in the things we believe in.
Jean, quizá sea difícil ahora, pero debes recordar... que siguen siendo franceses que creen en lo mismo que nosotros.
But to show you how much we want to believe in fairy tales, I even fixed it so that he would lose his head again, hoping that might do it.
Pero para que vea cuánto queremos creer en cuentos de hadas, hice que volviera a perder la cabeza otra vez, esperando que funcionara.
- We listened. You're asking us to believe in an awful choosy robber.
Nos pide que creamos en un ladrón muy exigente.
You know, Emily, in the three months we've been here.. I don't believe Anne has sent us any good news once.
En estos 3 meses que llevamos aquí... ni una sola vez Anne ha enviado una buena noticia.
I believe my brother the senator has told you we're in mourning here.
Creo que mi hermano le dijo que estamos de luto aquí.
Aw, we fall for these little dames and try to believe they're in love with us... when every morning our shaving mirror yells, "They can't be"... till one day we find out that youth belongs to youth, like you just done.
Nos enganchamos a estas damiselas queriendo creer en su amor aunque el espejo nos diga que no y un día comprendemos que la juventud va con la juventud...
Owen, we need somebody else running things that's not mixed up in this personally the way you are to get things quieted down, which I don't believe you can ever do.
Owen, necesitamos a otra persona al mando que no esté involucrada en esto tan personalmente como tú para que calme las cosas, algo que no creo que puedas hacer.
I don't want you to believe in these things about me, we want to be friends
Ellos te convencerán.
You have confidence in Dr. Cargraves, me, the General... we wouldn't ask you to do anything we didn't believe in.
No te pediríamos que hagas algo en lo que no creyésemos.
In the West you believe we orientals expose our girl children rather than keep them.
En el este pensáis que los orientales, antes que mantenerlas, exhibimos a nuestras hijas.
You didn't want to believe that we are in the same boat.
Usted no quería admitir que estamos en la misma situación.
Are you so narrow to think that we do not believe in our nods because you will die for yours?
¿ Piensas que no creemos en los dioses porque vais a morir por el vuestro?
I was only trying to point that you gentlemen of the government seem to believe more in this miracle than we do.
Sólo quería demostrar que el gobierno parece creer más en esto que nosotros.
Yes. We believe that you're involved in it.
Sí, y creemos que usted está con ellos.
Here we stand, and you believe in me or you don't!
O crees en mí o no.
The ladies are nervous... but I believe in a moment, we'll show you our last and final surprise, Sophia.
Los nervios, ya saben. Pero pronto podré presentarles a Sophia, nuestra última concursante.
If you believe in the Forest prophecy, it is the most we can hope for.
Si crees en la profecía del bosque, es lo más... -... que podemos esperar.
Annie, you can't believe how much we have in common.
No te puedes imaginar cuánto tenemos en común. Es Steve.
My wife and I believe in you, but we are poor.
Mi esposa y yo creemos en ti, pero somos pobres.
Yes, we all believe in you.
Sí, todos creemos en ti.
We have complete faith in our customers, we do believe them, in 1 00 %, you know.
Confiamos plenamente en nuestros clientes. Confiamos en ellos al cien por cien.
If you will trust me and believe in me... we'll leave this monstrous castle tonight.
Si confías en mí y crees en mí nos marcharemos de este monstruoso castillo esta noche.
Don't worry, Animal, if any of you want to defect... we believe in peaceful co-existence.
No te preocupes, Animal. Si alguna quiere desertar... nosotros la acogeremos pacíficamente.
You didn't believe we'd always be in love.
No lo creías que nos amaríamos siempre.
Max, tenemos razones para creer que hay un agente de KAOS en la fiesta y que tú y Shotwire corren un gran peligro.
The important thing is, we believe you, and we're in a position to do something about it.
- Puede dejar de preocuparse. - No del todo.
- We were heading out in Pete's boat. - Look, you gotta believe us.
- Nos tienen que creer.
Mickey used to go with my wife when we were all in school. Can you believe that?
Micky flirteaba con mi mujer cuando estaban en la escuela.
In our church, we believe, first and foremost, in you.
En nuestra iglesia creemos sobretodo en usted.
You see, we don't believe people today want to spend their whole vacation... lazing on their backs in the sun.
Sabe, no creemos que la gente de hoy quiera pasar todas sus vacaciones... tirada al sol.
You know, Maria, we have reason to believe that Artie was involved in something that cost him his life.
Mire, María, creemos que Artie estaba involucrado en algo que le ha costado la vida.
You believe we used to swim in that shit?
¿ Puedes creer que solíamos nadar en esa mierda?
Spock, do you honestly believe that as long as we're in this universe, we can work magic, too?
Spock,? honestamente cree que mientras estemos en este universo... también podamos hacer magia?
We do not find a single word in your writings concerning the immortality of the human soul that I believe you shouldn't have overlooked demonstrating to confound all those who are unworthy of immortality because they deny it, perhaps because they fear it.
No hemos encontrado una sola palabra en vuestros escritos relativa a la inmortalidad del alma humana que creo que no deberiaís haber pasado por alto, demostrando para confundir a todos los que no son dignos de la inmortalidad porque lo niegan, tal vez porque lo temen.
Now, we believe the heisters... will try to get in touch with you in order to make a deal with your merchandise.
Los ladrones intentarán contactar con usted para que les recompre la mercancía.
we believe you 53
we believe 80
we believe so 30
believe in yourself 26
in your mouth 17
in your dreams 215
in your hands 23
in your 51
in your heart 60
in your own words 44
we believe 80
we believe so 30
believe in yourself 26
in your mouth 17
in your dreams 215
in your hands 23
in your 51
in your heart 60
in your own words 44
in your house 29
in your own time 47
in your face 181
in your absence 21
in your own way 24
in your room 49
in your condition 33
in your experience 29
in your bed 21
in your office 53
in your own time 47
in your face 181
in your absence 21
in your own way 24
in your room 49
in your condition 33
in your experience 29
in your bed 21
in your office 53