We have it перевод на испанский
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And here we have it... not that...?
Y si lo entendemos... ¿ es esto...?
We have it even with my mother bought.
La tenemos desde que mamá la compró.
We have to attack it from a central point,
Tenemos que atacarlo desde el punto donde. tengamos ventaja.
By the way, and I've discussed it with your mother, and we have decided to increase your allowance by $ 20 a week. Oh.
- It'll fucking blow over. ... we have to hold our horses.
- Pasará tenemos que ir con calma.
Look, it'll take her at least six months to get a court date and we have some equity on the house.
Mira, le tomará al menos 6 meses obtener fecha de juicio y tenemos algunas acciones de la casa.
And it turns out, we both have a passion for vintage cinema, so...
Y resulta que ambos tenemos una... pasión por el cine Vintage, así que...
Well, we have legal rights, and it's time that savage was made aware.
Tenemos derechos legales, y es hora de que ese salvaje se entere.
No, we change the codes when we think that perhaps the scum British have overtaken it.
Cambiamos el código cuando creemos que los británicos lo han averiguado.
It seems we have one... but not the other...
Parece que tenemos a una... pero no al otro...
I have begun to believe that it might be more effective if we went after Sir Stuart himself.
He empezado a creer que podría ser más efectivo si fuéramos a por el el mismo Sir Stuart.
The 50 kegs we have in storage is powder that is not ready to be moved, because it is unstable.
Los 50 barriles que tenemos almacenados es pólvora que no está lista para trasladarse porque es inestable.
We have a warrior at the helm, and it's a pleasure to have you, sir.
Nos lidera un guerrero. Y es un placer tenerlo, señor.
I wanna take Helmand province precisely because everyone else seems to think we can't have it.
Quiero tomar la provincia de Helmand precisamente porque todo el mundo parece creer que no podemos.
Being that this is a nation-building exercise and all, seems to me it'd behoove us to have someone in the room who's actually from the nation we're building. Don't you think?
Ya que este es un ejercicio para construir una nación... me parece que deberíamos tener a alguien que sea de la nación que estamos construyendo. ¿ Te parece?
We have had such a wonderful morning, but we need to have a little chat, and it's a little bit serious, okay?
Hemos pasado una mañana maravillosa pero necesitamos tener una pequeña conversación, y es un poco seria, ¿ de acuerdo?
And none of us want to raise bullies, so we don't have to pretend we didn't do it.
Y nadie quiere criar a un abusón, así que no debemos fingir que no lo ha hecho.
We have... to go... pick it up.
¡ Tenemos que ir a buscarlo!
Usually we come here on Sundays because mom says it's too much sugar to have more than once a week.
Dice mi mamá que si comes mucha azúcar se te pican los dientes. Pero qué importa, luego se te caen y te salen unos nuevos.
Well, look, we'll have all of senior year together, and then we'll have the rest of our lives together, so it's fine.
Pasaremos el último año juntas. Y luego, el resto de nuestras vidas.
Despite the outburst, it looks like we already have pre-approval from the department, so with that decision, we'll conclude tonight's meeting.
A pesar del exabrupto, parece que ya contamos con la pre-aprobación del departamento, así que con esa decisión terminaremos la reunión de esta noche.
We don't have an official faculty Advisor yet, but it shouldn't be a problem, given the decent turnout today.
Todavía no tenemos un asesor académico oficial, pero no debería ser un problema con la convocatoria de hoy.
If it's resolved, why do we have to debate it?
Si ya está resuelto, ¿ por qué debemos debatir al respecto?
If you were running things, we never would have made it to Portland.
Si hubieras sido así, no habríamos llegado a Portland.
Okay, so at the meetings, they have to let us say whatever we want. Why don't we do it in a way that they won't forget?
En las reuniones, tienen que permitirnos decir lo que queramos, hagamos esto de una forma inolvidable.
But, shouldn't we assume the ghost riders have some kind of control over where it strikes?
Pero, ¿ no deberíamos asumir que los Jinetes Fantasmas tienen algún tipo de control sobre donde golpean?
I think it's the best idea that we have right now.
Pienso que es la mejor idea que tenemos ahora mismo.
I have your list of specifications so we should be able to get it all kitted out over the weekend.
Tengo su lista de especificaciones que deberíamos ser capaces de conseguir todo el equipamiento durante el fin de semana
Someday, if we see England again, I imagine we'll have to answer for it.
Algún día, si volvemos a ver Inglaterra, imagino que tendremos que responder por ello.
But now, with the men we have here, I think it's possible, and if we could convince even half of those slaves to join our fight, we might then actually be in a position to take back...
Pero ahora, con los que tenemos aquí, creo que es posible, y si pudiéramos convencer solo a la mitad para que se unieran a la lucha, entonces quizá estuviéramos en condiciones de retomar...
I didn't torpedo it. We have a suspect's head.
Tenemos la cabeza de un sospechoso.
It looks like we have wind.
Parece que tenemos viento.
Whoever it was was about to alert a German patrol that we're here and they'd have arrived before we had time to change that tyre.
Quienquiera que fuera iba a alertar a una patrulla alemana de que estamos aquí y hubieran llegado antes de haber podido cambiar el neumático.
And then we make up, and it's- - It's all better, and... And we have this...
Y entonces hacemos las paces y es... todo mejor y... tenemos este... sucio secreto.
- Never heard of him. - We have a Mr. Barker at school, but his first name is not Saxon, it's Ted.
- Tenemos un Sr. Barker en el colegio, pero su nombre no es Saxon, es Ted.
We have to wait and see if it goes down.
Hay que esperar para ver si baja.
It's a condition. That, unfortunately, we both have.
Es una enfermedad que por desgracia ambas tenemos.
every single culture, that we have interprets it the exact same way?
¿ Por qué es que cada cultura, todas las culturas que tenemos lo interpretan de la misma manera?
We just need to have it nearby, so that we can document this stuff.
Solo tenemos que tenerla cerca, para poder documentarlo.
We only have time to power up maybe one more time, before it gets too small.
Solo hay tiempo para encenderla tal vez una vez más, antes de que sea demasiado pequeño.
- Look, we have nothing to do with it.
Espere, no tenemos nada que ver.
We have nothing to do with it.
No tenemos nada que ver.
And we all have an equal shot at it.
Y tenemos la misma posibilidad de conseguirlo.
It's possible we've met, but you don't have a memorable face.
Quizá nos conocemos, pero no tienes una cara muy memorable.
Now we have to show them what's behind it.
Ahora debemos mostrarles qué hay detrás.
We know you have a choice when it comes... [click, dial tone]
Sabemos que tiene elección cuando...
It's a skill we all have. You're fucking for a living.
Es una habilidad que tenemos en esta jodida vida.
And we have a production side. It's called Vuluce.
Tenemos una parte de la producción que se llama VULUCE.
And we're not totally sure what it means, but you have it.
Y no sabemos bien qué es, pero tú la tienes.
We have no idea what that means, or who wrote it, or where it came from.
No tenemos idea de qué significa eso, o quién lo escribió, o de dónde vino.
Yep, the project is all about contrast, which is why we have to do it at night, and which is why I have to sleep over.
Sí. El proyecto es sobre contrastes y por eso debemos hacerlo por la noche y por eso debo ir a dormir a su casa.
we have to go 1146
we haven't 212
we have 1448
we have to talk 296
we have a deal 218
we haven't met yet 21
we have no choice 232
we have a lot in common 51
we have a lot of work to do 49
we have a winner 107
we haven't 212
we have 1448
we have to talk 296
we have a deal 218
we haven't met yet 21
we have no choice 232
we have a lot in common 51
we have a lot of work to do 49
we have a winner 107