When in fact перевод на испанский
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When in fact,
Cuando de hecho,
You want everyone to think you have unseemly, adventurous sexual existence when in fact your purity level is probably closer to Big Bird's than Bill Clinton's.
Quieres que todos piensen que tienes una vida sexual extremadamente indecorosa. Quizá tus niveles de pureza están más cerca de Heidi que de Bill Clinton.
All this time I think that I'm running a harmless little scam when in fact, I'm poisoning my karma.
Todo este tiempo pensé que estaba armando una estafa inofensiva cuando, de hecho, estoy envenenando mi karma.
Because... most people think of death as the end... when, in fact, death can be the beginning... of a wonderful tale.
Porque la mayoría de la gente piensa que la muerte es el fin cuando, de hecho, la muerte puede ser el comienzo de un cuento maravilloso.
In fact, when Dr. King himself went to jail only 55 people would go with him.
De hecho, cuando apresaron al Dr. King sólo apresaron a 55 junto a él.
when they are, in fact, loveable, cuddly and surplus to requirements.
Cuando en realidad son lindos, amorosos y superabundantes.
In fact, you've done it since the very beginning... even when you were still in love with her.
Lo ha hecho desde el principio aún cuando estaba enamorado de ella.
In fact, when I met her, she was doing pushups in her cucumber garden.
Que flexionaba los brazos en su jardín de pepinos.
The fact is, Dr. Saunders... you were an employee of Dr. Larson's when you aided in the conception of this...
El hecho es, el Dr. Saunders... usted un empleado de la Dr. Larson cuando ayuda en la concepción de este...
It was circling me. In fact, sometimes when it was gone, I missed it.
Me rodeaba y cuando se iba lo echaba de menos.
In fact, later on when I was on different bases, sometimes at nights I would come down and I would go to an aircraft cockpit, and I would just bed in there and I would sleep in there.
De hecho después, en otra base, a veces de noche me iba a una cabina y dormía allí.
I call them "bhikkus" when they come here which is monk because this is... in fact what they are.
Los llamo'bikuzh'cuando llegan, o sea, monjes, porque eso es lo que, en efecto, son.
And that, in fact, is often the case when it comes to a teen and esteem.
Y esto, en efecto, es a menudo el caso cuando viene un adolescente y la estima.
In fact, when I asked her out, I sensed a shyness which made me wonder if she was intimidated by my fame.
De hecho, cuando la invité a salir, noté una timidez que me hizo preguntarme si se sentía intimidada por mi fama.
When are you going to accept the fact that Allie and I are very much in love?
¿ Cuándo vas a aceptar el hecho de que Allie y yo nos queremos mucho?
When I came to this ship, I resented the fact that Captain Janeway was responsible for our being stranded here in the delta Quadrant.
Cuando llegué a esta nave consideraba a la capitán Janeway responsable de que estuviéramos perdidos en el cuadrante Delta.
We saw an evolutionary connection when, in fact, there was none.
Vimos una conexión evolucionaria cuando de hecho no había nada.
In fact, I work harder as a mommy than I ever did when I had an outside job
Yo trabajo más duro como mamá que cuando tuve otro trabajo
In fact, Moses, when did you start caring about slaves?
Es más, ¿ cuándo empezaste a preocuparte tú por los esclavos?
This did, in fact, prove to be my final work experience with my longtime associate though I have assured him that when he someday finds that he cannot live without me his position will again be available to him.
esta resultó ser efectivamente mi experiencia final con mi socio de muchos años aunque le haya asegurado que cuando un día se de cuenta de que no puede vivir sin mí el puesto estará de nuevo a su disposición.
In fact, when our maid Hildie got cancer and had to have her leg removed, Grandmother hired two more maids, one just to look after Hildie.
Cuando le dio cáncer a Hildie, la criada, y perdió la pierna la abuela contrató a dos criadas más, una para cuidar a Hildie.
When that day finally comes, as it will, the people of West Berlin can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines for almost two decades.
Cuando ese día finalmente llegue, y llegará, el pueblo de Berlín Occidental podrá tener la sobria satisfacción del hecho de que estuvo en el frente por casi dos décadas.
In fact. When you really look at it if you look at the fear of it. I often tease people...
De hecho. cuando realmente miras allí si realmente miras al miedo que genera.
In fact, when my mother said she was going on a date with Dr. Kalmus of Technicolor I just assumed his name was Natalie.
De hecho, cuando mi madre me dijo que tenía una cita con Kalmus de Technicolor supuse que su nombre era Natalie.
In fact, here's a picture of us back in'61, when the y was called "The Clarences." Can you get that?
De hecho, aquí tengo una foto del año 61 cuando se llamaban "The Clarences"
In fact Quinn said he never felt so good as when he left a note after smacking into a car.
Dijo que nunca se había sentido mejor que dejando una nota al chocar con un coche.
In fact, when you hear it, it is... "Tits".
De hecho, cuando lo escuchas, es... "Tits".
In fact, I was sitting in this very booth when they told me I had a baby sister.
De hecho, estaba sentado en este mismo lugar cuando me dijeron que iba a tener una hermanita.
In fact, I bet you don't even know when I was born!
De hecho, no debes saber siquiera cuándo nací.
In fact I thought she'd gone off again when the car disappeared.
De hecho, pensé que se había ido otra vez cuando el auto desapareció.
The fact is, you're both right. But when it comes down to it, the only issue I'm concerned about is the well-being of that crew member lying in Sick Bay.
El hecho es que los dos tienen razón, pero a decir verdad lo único que me preocupa es la salud de esa compañera acostada en la Enfermería.
In fact I was on my way to a sanitorium to convalesce, more likely to die when en route this Indian scout told me a curious story.
De hecho iba a un sanatorio, a curarme o morir, pero de camino un indio me contó una curiosa historia.
- You believe it's the year 1999 when, in fact, it's closer to 2199.
- Crees que es el año 1999 pero es cerca del 2199.
They run and hide when they see his car. - In fact...
Corren y se esconden cuando ven su auto llegar.
I've always wanted to become a pop star in spite of the fact that Brian Jones died when he was just 27 years old,
"Siempre quise ser una estrella pop, por más... " que Brian Jones haya muerto a los 27 años,
In fact, It will be official when I give a demonstration, but the Lord said that's superfluous.
De hecho, se hará oficial cuando haga una demostración, pero su Señoría dice que eso está demás.
And in fact, the fingerprint wasn't of that day, but of the day before, when you used the knife to clean some fish, after which you washed it and put it back in the drawer.
Y, de hecho, la huella digital no era de ese día, pero del día anterior, cuando utilizó el cuchillo para limpiar pescado, después de lo cual lo lavó y puso nuevamente en el cajón.
In fact, I heard a bell going off when I saw you for the first time.
Oí una campana repicando cuando te vi por primera vez.
When, in fact, you're Cro-Magnon.
- Eres un Cro-Magnon.
In fact, she was locking up when we left.
De hecho, cuando salimos se disponía a cerrar.
Despite the fact that I learned all that in kindergarten when we made little lndian construction-paper headdresses I appreciate the refresher course.
A pesar de que aprendí eso en el jardín de infantes cuando hacíamos esos penachos de papel te agradezco la actualización.
In fact, she always says the best memories she has are when you kids were born.
De hecho, dice que sus mejores recuerdos son del día en que nacieron sus hijos.
In fact, I remember he once made a topiary likeness of her and wept without shame when it developed root rot.
De hecho, recuerdo una vez que hizo un arbusto parecido a ella y lloró sin vergüenza alguna cuando le salieron raíces putrefactas.
In fact, I was screwing up my courage to ask her out on a date when she noticed this little flaw, and I lost my nerve.
De hecho, me estaba armando de valor para pedirle una cita cuando notara este pequeño desperfecto, y perdí los nervios.
Perhaps you can truly distract the judge from the fact that when 4th-graders feel pressured to wear belly skimming shirts and low-riding jeans it's often the first step in a depressing cycle of pre-adolescent and teenage dysfunction that can compromise both their mental and physical health.
Quizá puedas distraer a la jueza del hecho de que presionarlas para usar blusas escotadas o vaqueros a la cadera es frecuentemente el primer paso en un ciclo depresivo de disfunción preadolescente que puede poner en peligro su salud mental y física.
In fact, you were following us yesterday when we were walking to Engineering and the day before when I was waiting for Tom outside the shuttle bay.
Ayer nos seguías mientras estábamos en ingeniería. Y el día anterior estabas mirando a Tom, mientras salía del trasbordador.
Yes, that's right. In fact, when the plane went down, your name was on... the first list of passengers, was it not?
Su nombre estaba en la primera lista de pasajeros.
When will you guys get over the fact that just because... every gay man in America wants Kip Rogers to be gay... that doesn't mean he is gay.
Cuándo van a superar el hecho de que solo porque... todos los hombres gays de America quieran que Kip Rogers sea gay... no significa que lo sea.
in fact my boy came down last night to visit me brought one of his boys from school he'd never been down here, kid shit on himself when he came in and saw the... (?
Ayer noche mismo mi chico bajó a visitarme. Trajo a uno de sus amigos del colegio. Nunca había estado aquí abajo,
Here we have to acknowledge the fact that there were ages more fortunate than ours, those of Pythagoras and Aristoxenes, when our forefathers were satisfied with the fact that their purely tuned instruments were played in only some tones,
Aquí tenemos que reconocer el hecho que aquellos tiempos eran mas afortunados que los nuestros, aquellos de Pitágoras y Aristoxenes, cuando nuestros antepasados se satisfacían con el hecho de que sus instrumentos puramente afinados solo podían ser tocados en algunos tonos,
John said when Gena did not look at Peter... and in fact seemed distracted, as if she was thinking about other things... he at first wanted to call "cut" and stop the scene... because he had no idea what that could mean.
John cuenta que cuando Gena no miraba a Peter y parecía distraída, como pensando en otras cosas, pensó decir "corten" y parar la escena. Porque no sabía lo que significaba.
when in doubt 76
when in rome 61
when inge is dancing 17
in fact 10253
facts 78
factory 30
factor 40
fact 190
factories 16
fact is 135
when in rome 61
when inge is dancing 17
in fact 10253
facts 78
factory 30
factor 40
fact 190
factories 16
fact is 135
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52