While i was there перевод на испанский
782 параллельный перевод
While I was there, I thought about you and Sveva. Really?
Aman D Carlo, cortadoras hospital Pensé que usted y Sveva sí ¿ eh?
I mean, that is to say, while I was there.
Quiero decir, es decir, mientras esté allí.
Someone came to pawn a watch while I was there.
alguien vino a empeñar un reloj cuando estaba aquí.
While I was there, I happened on a very unfortunate case - one that links us together again... quite logically now.
Mientras estaba allí me enteré de un caso muy desgraciado que podría volver a unirnos de nuevo. Esta vez con cierta lógica.
While I was there, Miss Porter came in.
Cuando estaba ahí, la Srta. Porter entró.
And while I was there I met a girl.
Y estando allí, conocí a una chica.
Weren't you there while i was there?
¿ No estuvo usted allí mientras yo estaba?
That is to say, while I was there. I've always wanted to go to Europe. Not for the baths, of course, but for my writing.
Digo, cuando esté allí, siempre he querido ir a Europa, y no por los baños, claro, sino para escribir.
And there was always someone present while I was there.
Y siempre había alguien cuando estaba yo.
Not while I was there.
No mientras yo estuve allí.
They opened the telegram while I was there.
Han abierto el telegrama estando yo allí.
While I was there, someone came in and killed him.
Mientras estaba ahí, alguien entró y lo mató.
There was just a circumstance for a short while. I am sorry for sending her back late.
Pero parece que las cosas tomaron más tiempo, así que llegamos tarde.
I sensed there would be an assassination attempt on the Shōgun ordered by Lord Ikeda Terumasa while that Lord was sojourning at Edo Castle but you were certainly taking part in it...
Sentí que habría un intento de asesinato en Shogun ordenado por Ikeda Terumasa... mientras el Señor estaba residiendo en el Castillo de Edo... pero que tú estaba tomando parte en ello...
While I was still standing there.
Yo aún estaba allí.
I was the clerk there for a while.
Fui conserje allí un tiempo.
But, you know... for a while I was afraid I wouldn't be there to win that 100-meter swim tomorrow.
Pero durante un rato temí... que no iba a poder ir a ganar los 100 metros.
But outside there, I was just thinking that if, while you're in Paris, you keep remembering that I'm thinking of you, if you just remember that...
Pero allí afuera pensé que si mientras estás en París, recuerdas que estoy pensando en ti, - y recuerdas eso...
While I was lying there, I - I heard a scream... not loud, but close to my room... and it was cut off sharply.
Mientras yacía ahí, oí un grito... no fuerte, pero cerca de mi cuarto... y se interrumpió de pronto.
I'll stay out of it, but while he's wasting his time in there drinking... where's that murderer he was so sure of catching?
No me meteré, pero mientras él pierde el tiempo bebiendo... ¿ dónde está el homicida al que iba a atrapar?
While I was out there... I kept thinking about you all the time - about how good it'll be when everything's over and we can go back home.
Cuando estaba ahí fuera, pensaba en ti todo el rato, en lo bueno que sería volver a casa cuando acabase todo.
While I was up there, thinking what we'd do when I got out.
Pensando en lo que haríamos cuando hubiera salido.
No sirve de nada que me lleves contigo hasta la tumba.
- Then after a while I opened my door a crack, and there he was still coming along with you, puffing like a steam engine.
- ¿ Y luego? - Después... ... abrí un poco mi puerta, y ahí estaba él...
- Bill, I've been trying to tell you that while you were drowned, lost at sea, there I was, a widow.
- Bill, he intentado decirte que mientras estabas ahogado, perdido, aquí estaba yo, una viuda.
- Ah. - I was there at Cordoba... the day your father was killed by a Miura bull... probably the great-grandfather of the bull that almost killed you a while ago.
Yo estaba ahí, en Córdoba, el día que un toro de Miura mató a tu padre... probablemente el bisabuelo del toro que casi te mata a ti hace un rato.
Yes, I was there quite a while myself.
Sí, yo también pasé un tiempo allá.
You know, it must have stretched a foot while I was hanging there waiting for the elevator to get back up again.
Sabes, debe haberse estirado un palmo mientras estaba colgado esperando que el ascensor volviera a subir.
While I was listening downstairs there, I... I could remember just as clear the first time I ever saw you.
Estaba abajo oyéndote... y me acordé de la primera vez que te vi.
Bueno, podría decirse que venía persiguiendo una ilusión.
¿ Mientras me encargaba de la instrucción?
I was there for a while.
- Sí, he estado allí.
I kept thinking while I was dreaming that all this meant something, that there was some other meaning in it that I ought to find out.
Mientras soñaba pensaba que todo eso quería decir algo que había otro significado en él que debía descubrir.
My jaw hurts, my ribs ache, I killed a man back there and stood by while a harmless guy was killed.
Me duelen las costillas y la mandíbula, he matado a un hombre ahí atrás pero no impedí que mataran a un tipo inofensivo.
Well, yes, I guess I heard him say a couple of times about the Jewish people living off the fat of the land while he was out there.
Bueno, sé, supongo que Lo he oído decir un par de veces que los judíos vivían de la renta mientras él estaba en la guerra.
And for a while there, I thought it was me that was crazy.
Y por un momento pensé que allí el loco era yo.
I shall be the only one who knew that for just a little while there was no queen.
Yo seré el único que sepa que durante un corto tiempo no hubo reina.
For a while there I guess I was thinking I was quite a guy.
Por un momento he pensado que era todo un tío.
While I was in there, the conversation got around to you.
Conversando de varias cosas, hablamos de ti.
I was there quite a while.
Estuve allí bastante tiempo.
There's half the charm of writing. Now, I made this letter so pathetic, that, while I was writing it, I wept.
... que lloré.
Then I.I just can't believe it myself, no matter how well it was documented no matter how much evidence there was, no matter what they said in the court or in the newspapers, it wasn't true to me even while it was happening
Simplemente no puedo creerlo, no importa lo bien documentado que esté. No importan las pruebas, no importa lo que haya dicho en el juicio o en los periódicos ; no era verdad para mí incluso mientras sucedía.
Die well... while I was talking to Captain Makino, there was something he said.
Morir bien ". El capitán Makino me dijo algo.
While i was down there, i found this.
Mientras estaba allí, encontré esto.
My husband and I were... well, for a while, there was a little situation.
Mi marido y yo... llevábamos un tiempo enfadados.
Then after a while I looked out into the hall. There was no one there.
Entonces, después de un rato, he salido al pasillo y no había nadie.
As a matter of fact, I was thinking a while back there that it was a fine day for it.
De hecho, estaba pensando que es un lindo día para viajar.
I thought for a while there was something really bothering you.
Por un tiempo creí que había algo que realmente te preocupaba.
Of course, I knew it wasn't you in there while the burning was going on, but supposing your escape device didn't work and you oouldn't get out? What then?
Ya sé que el de dentro no era usted, pero y si el mecanismo falla, ¿ qué pasaría?
I thought about you too while I was up there.
Allí arriba también he pensado en ti.
I picked up the phone, and while I was on the phone, I I could see the two of them in that mirror, there...
Lo cogí, y mientras estaba al teléfono, pude verlos a ambos en ese espejo de ahí.
while i 34
while i have you 20
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
i was there 989
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
was there something else 49
while i have you 20
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
i was there 989
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
was there something else 49
was there anything else 50
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you 41
while you're at it 123
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you 41
while you're at it 123