While i was there перевод на турецкий
519 параллельный перевод
You didn't even once visit me at the hospital while I was there, did you?
Yaralandığımda hiç hastaneye gelmedin değil mi?
Someone came to pawn a watch while I was there.
Ben oradayken birisi rehin bırakmak için bir saat getirdi.
While I was there, Miss Porter came in.
Ben oradayken Bayan Porter geldi.
Weren't you there while i was there?
Ben oradayken siz de orada değil miydiniz?
They opened the telegram while I was there.
Ben oradayken telgrafı açtılar.
While I was there, someone came in and killed him.
Ben oradayken birisinin gelip onu öldürdüğünü.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Ben oradayken... bu adamlarla, ki onlara misafirler diyebiliriz... hep birlikte eğlenip oyalanır, şarkı söylerdik... çünkü çok iyi vakit geçiriyorduk. Bu şarkıdan çok keyif alırdık : The Jailhouse Rock.
It was me that came out on Sunday... and while I was there... a curious thing happened that I think you might be interested in.
Pazar günü orada dışarı çıkan bendim. Ben oradayken ilginizi çekebilecek tuhaf bir şey oldu.
Not while I was there, I do have other duties, you know,
Ben buradayken hayır. Fakat başka görevlerim de var.
They didn't have time to give a name while I was there.
Ben orada iken bir isim verme zorunluluğu yoktu.
- About 5,000 landed while I was there.
- Neredeyse 5000'i ben oradayken geldi.
While I was there they busted in and...
Ben oradayken baskın yaptılar ve...
Yes, what you did while I was there.
Evet, ben oradayken sen ne yapıyordun burada?
And yet a General kobelev they could not find while I was there.
Hatta ben oradayken General Kobelev diye birini soruşturdular ama bulamadılar.
While I was in Europe... I was staying at this place that was just crawling with ghosts. I talked to all the ghosts living there, and I got them to leave.
Avrupada'yken hayaletlerle dolu perili bir köşkte yaşarken oradaki tüm hayaletleri gönderdim, tamir ettirip sattım ve büyük kar ettim.
There was just a circumstance for a short while. I am sorry for sending her back late.
Talihsiz bir olay oldu o yüzden hemen getiremedim.
I'd been sent down to the coast to inspect some defences... and while there, it was my bad luck to run into her once more.
Denetleme amacıyla kıyıda görevlendirildim orada onunla bir kez daha karşılaşmam şanssızlıktı.
While I was out there...
Oradayken, tüm zaman boyunca seni düşünüp durdum.
- Then after a while I opened my door a crack, and there he was still coming along with you, puffing like a steam engine.
- Bir süre sonra kapımı araladım, ve oradaydı hala seninle beraber geliyordu, nefes nefese.
- I was there at Cordoba... the day your father was killed by a Miura bull... probably the great-grandfather of the bull that almost killed you a while ago.
- ben ordaydim. Cordoba'da... Baban o gün bir Miura bogasi tarafindan öldürülmüstü... muhtemelen uzun zaman önce büyük büyük babani da öldüren bu bogalardi.
I kept thinking while I was dreaming that all this meant something, that there was some other meaning in it that I ought to find out.
Rüyamda bunların bir anlamı olduğunu düşünüp durdum. Bulmak zorunda olduğum farklı bir anlam vardı sanki.
My jaw hurts, my ribs ache, I killed a man back there and stood by while a harmless guy was killed.
Çenem acıyor, kemiklerim ağrıyor. Bir adam öldürdüm ve zararsız bir adamın ölmesine seyirci kaldım.
And for a while there, I thought it was me that was crazy.
Oradayken bir ara gerçekten de deli olduğumu sandım.
Yes, well there was a question put to the assemblage a little while ago, which I would like very much to answer.
Az önce bir soru sordular ve cevap vermek istiyorum.
I was there quite a while.
Uzun zaman orda kaldım.
Die well... while I was talking to Captain Makino, there was something he said.
İyi ölmek. Ben Kaptan Makino'yla konuşurken söylediği bir şey vardı.
I made this film while there was still time to talk about it.
Bu filmi, üzerinde hala konuşmaya vakit varken yaptım.
And then after a while I looked out into the hall, and there was no one there.
Biraz bekledikten sonra hole baktım. Kimse yoktu.
I thought about you too while I was up there.
Yukarıdayken seni de düşündüm.
I was over there watchin'you a while back, and I said to myself, "She don't look like an English girl."
Kendi kendime "Bu kız İngiliz'e benzemiyor." dedim.
I picked up the phone, and while I was on the phone, I I could see the two of them in that mirror, there...
Ahizeyi kaldırdım ve telefondayken aynada ikisini de görebiliyordum,
And while I was in there, they sent down from Mr. Azae's office for your... for your personnel file.
Ben oradayken Bay Azae'nin ofisinden sizin kişisel dosyanızı istediler.
I thought I was boosting the men's morale, sir... after all there's a practical side ;... these women have been on an island for quite a while... their clothes are all messed up.
Mürettebatın moralini yükseltmek istedim, efendim ve olaya pratik yönden yaklaştım. Bu kadınlar uzun süre adada kaldılar ve kıyafetleri çok kirli.
Well, he was out when I was there just a while ago.
Ben oradayken dışarıdaydı.
One could've circled ahead of me, maybe. Oh, you mean, while I was in there, an Apache...
Birisi beni arkadan çevirmişti, belki.
Well... while I was lying there, absolutely helpless, afraid to move...
- Evet. Ben orada yatıyorken, tamamen aciz, kımıldamaya korkan...
I only wanted to keep him away from the Old Chapel while while Simon was there.
Sadece Simon oradayken onu eski şapelden uzak tutmak istemiştim.
Was there someone while I was away?
Ben uzaklardayken hayatında birisi var mıydı?
For a while there, I thought it was serious.
Bir an için, ciddi bir şeyler olduğunu sandım.
It's so hot out there, that wash dried while I was hanging it.
Hava o kadar sıcak ki çamaşırlar daha asarken kurudu.
I think you probably changed into her dress while she was lying there, and then you and the doctor went to the airport and had that fake argument on the plane, didn't you?
Sanırım orada upuzun yatarken sen giysi değiştiriyordun ve daha sonra sen ve doktor havaalanına gittiniz ve şu düzmece tartışmayı yaptınız. Hayır!
While there was a chance, I was bound to ascertain the captain's status.
Bir şans varken, Kaptan'ın statüsünü anlamam gerekiyordu.
For a while there, I never thought I was gonna get you.
Orada bir süre, seni asla ele geçiremeyeceğimi düşündüm.
I mean, what was your husband doing? Was he just standing there while some guy sitting down shot him?
Katil elinde silahla oturmuşken kocanızın ayakta durup beklemesi garip.
I was born there, on the first floor, while my mother was looking for a wedding ring.
Orada, birinci katta annem kendine bir nikah yüzüğü seçerken doğdum.
It's been a while since I was there.
Oraya gitmeyeli çok oldu.
That's what I was doing over there a little while ago.
Orada biraz önce yaptığım işte buydu.
For a while there I thought I was gonna spoil your game.
Bir süre için oyununu bozacağımı sanmıştım.
You know, as a matter of fact, a while back here there was a captain of detectives, and he and I didn't get along.
Bilirsiniz ya, aslında geçmişte bir zamanlar burada bir detektif yüzbaşısı vardı, onunla ben geçinemezdik.
- Yes, she was at the Police Station, and had been there quite a while and I thought...
- Evet. Polis karakolunda kısa bir süre kaldı. Bence en iyisi onu biraz dinlendirmeniz.
I know that you believe that Cadet Springer... while he was cleaning the gun, carelessly left the rag in there.
Biliyorum ki, siz öğrenci Springer'in topu temizlerken, bezi dikkatsizce orada bıraktığına inanıyorsunuz.
while i 34
while i have you 20
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
i was there 989
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
was there something else 49
while i have you 20
while i'm at it 16
while i'm here 51
while i'm gone 48
i was there 989
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
was there something else 49
was there anything else 50
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you're at it 123
while you 41
was there a problem 17
was there 147
was there an accident 16
while 91
while you were sleeping 17
while you were gone 44
while you can 25
while you're at it 123
while you 41