Without question перевод на испанский
750 параллельный перевод
Nana will take the role, without question.
Nana tendrá el papel, sólo es cuestión de retractarse.
They let him through the city gates without question.
Lo dejaron pasar las puertas de la ciudad sin hacer preguntas.
His Majesty will accompany you without question.
Su Majestad los acompañará sin preguntar.
Without question.
Sin duda alguna.
Don't you people go where you're told without question?
¿ No obedecen ustedes ciegamente a lo que se les manda?
Take this gift and enjoy it. Without question – without fear.
Disfrutad de vuestra felicidad sin dudas, sin miedo.
At Marseilles, our stolen uniforms and counterfeit passports had been accepted without question. But a soldier's uniform is hardly complete without a lovely lady leaning on his sleeve. Emile and I still needed that one sentimental accessory and were looking for it.
En Marsella, aceptaron los pasaportes falsos sin rechistar, pero un uniforme siempre necesita la compañía de una bella dama... y nosotros íbamos en búsqueda de ese accesorio.
Without question.
Sin preguntar.
Where the receivers are buying everything without question.
Donde los peristas compran de todo sin hacer preguntas.
- Without question!
- ¡ No hay duda!
We show the way and the public follows you without question.
Nosotros mostramos el camino y el público os sigue sin darse cuenta.
Ted's taken to you without question.
Sin duda Ted le ha cogido cariño.
That she left with me without question
Por eso se fue conmigo sin dudarlo
Our understanding, without question and without surprise that we were never to be apart again
Nuestro conocimiento, sin duda ni sorpresa de que nunca mas nos separaríamos
I believe without question, some morning, Communist generals will be meeting to discuss the war.
Yo creo sin dudas, que alguna mañana los generales comunistas se reunirán para discutir la guerra.
Instead, they recognized as rightful its claims.. and, instead of suing,.. have paid without question 300,000 lire to the company of the Duke of Lanocita.
En cambio han reconocido como justo sus costas... han llevado las cosas al tribunal y han pagado sin discutir... 300 mil liras a la sociedad del Duque de Lanocita.
Without question.
Sin ninguna duda.
Without question. Without complaint.
Sin preguntas y sin quejas.
Without question, this little nightingale wins the prize of the week... and is in the lead for the resumption of the contest after Holy Week.
Sin discusión, este pequeño ruiseñor se lleva el premio de la semana y queda en cabeza para la disputa que habrá de proseguir después de Semana Santa.
But then they began to repeat... and I saw they all had the same core : obedience... without question... without inner murmuring.
Pero después se empezaron a repetir y vi que todas tenían el mismo núcleo : obediencia sin preguntas sin murmuración interior.
You will become our eyes and ears and you will do our bidding without question.
Te convertirás en nuestros ojos y oídos y harás lo que te pidamos sin oponer resistencia.
Without question.
Sin duda.
McCabe I will guarantee that you could bring in any boy that age tell my wife that it was her son she'd accept him without question.
McCabe puede traer a cualquier muchacho de esa edad y decirle a mi mujer que es su hijo. Lo aceptará sin reparos.
You will see one thing w-without question.
Hay una cosa que se ve sin duda.
I've obeyed you without question.
Os he obedecido sin haceros nunca preguntas.
- She went without question, Priest.
- Fue sin cuestionarlo, Sacerdote.
Oh, without question, you're absolutely...
Sin duda alguna. Usted tiene toda...
He will come without question.
Vendrá sin importar qué.
Now, Lanyon... will you let me take this glass and leave without further question?
Lanyon... ¿ me permite beber este vaso e irme sin más preguntas?
Question without answer... like faraway water, no good for nearby fire.
Pregunta sin respuesta... es como agua lejana, no sirve para incendio cercano.
I paid his price without asking any question.
No quiero saber que haces con tu dinero o con tu tiempo,
Now, the question arises, Miss Cream, can you get in and out of your clothes without breaking your neck?
La pregunta es, Srta. Cream, ¿ podrá vestirse sola sin romperse el cuello?
By now, Richelieu, without the slightest question knows even the color of your underpants.
A estas horas Richelieu conoce ya sin ningún género de dudas Hasta la tela de tú ropa interior
Where I'm going I can peddle all kinds of queer without a question. Yeah.
- Adonde voy cambiaré el dinero falso.
Without question.
- Sin lugar a dudas.
Yet, his own witness, in answer to a question put by one of you, ladies and gentlemen, clearly stated that anyone without any special technical skill could have rigged that car in a few minutes in the way the district attorney imagines it was rigged.
Pero su propio testigo, al responder a una pregunta de uno de ustedes, declaró que cualquiera, sin ninguna habilidad técnica especial, podría haber trucado ese coche en unos minutos, como el fiscal presupone.
So it's a question of who can hold out longer without air - the Reds or us.
La pregunta es quién Resistirá más sin aire, ¿ los rojos o nosotros?
The question is, how does he cover seven miles without being seen?
La pregunta es, ¿ cómo pudo cubrir diez kilómetros sin ser visto?
Without any question in your mind?
¿ Sin la menor duda?
I put you a question without malice.
Te he hecho una pregunta sin ninguna malicia.
In my case, sir, the question is totally without meaning.
En mi caso, señor, esa pregunta carece de sentido.
Just answer the question, you know, without, uh, dw...
Responda la pregunta sin...
Present data being worthless on grounds of illogic... "non-objectivity and neurosis..." ... no definitive analysis can be made without direct contact with the subject in question.
Datos inservibles por falta de lógica, objetividad y sentido por Lo que no habrá análisis definitivo sin contacto directo con el sujeto en cuestión.
Will the prosecutor question the witnesses without even reading the indictment?
¿ El fiscal interrogará a los testigos sin siquiera leer el acta de acusación?
You don't have the right to question us without a lawyer present!
¡ No tiene derecho a interrogarnos sin un abogado!
In answer to your question, sir, I've come to Louisiana without a banjo on my knee.
En respuesta a su pregunta, señor, he venido a Luisiana sin un banjo en mis rodillas.
Without Dr Weiss it is out of the question for me to perform this operation.
Bonnet, sin el Dr. Weiss, me temo que para mí es imposible llevar a cabo esta operación.
I object to the defence attorney rejecting a worthy citizen without so much as asking him a question.
Me opongo a que el abogado defensor rechace a un ciudadano honorable sin haberle hecho ni una pregunta.
That's a question you asked we in the past without success.
Esta es una petición que ha realizado en el pasado sin éxito.
Helen... without trying to scare you, and without trying to make you wonder whether i've still got all my marbles, i'd like to ask you a question.
¿ Estás bien? Helen no quiero asustarte,... ni hacer que te preguntes si estoy en mi sano juicio,
Look, nobody asks a question like that without an ulterior motive.
Nadie pregunta algo así sin motivo.
question 535
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question number one 20
question is 362
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
without 110
questions 370
questioning 24
question mark 65
question number one 20
question is 362
question for you 31
question two 29
question one 39
without 110
without me 305
without you 442
without further ado 110
without a doubt 217
without doubt 45
without my permission 24
without saying a word 17
without water 18
without love 36
without mercy 18
without you 442
without further ado 110
without a doubt 217
without doubt 45
without my permission 24
without saying a word 17
without water 18
without love 36
without mercy 18
without warning 47
without hesitation 31
without thinking 29
without a trace 16
without exception 31
without your help 31
without telling me 34
without knowing it 23
without us 57
without fail 57
without hesitation 31
without thinking 29
without a trace 16
without exception 31
without your help 31
without telling me 34
without knowing it 23
without us 57
without fail 57
without asking me 19
without fear 28
without it 253
without a word 39
without him 157
without her 96
without them 104
without the 32
without that 67
without fear 28
without it 253
without a word 39
without him 157
without her 96
without them 104
without the 32
without that 67