Without them перевод на испанский
4,734 параллельный перевод
- without them knowing.
- sin que lo sepan
Mrs. Florrick, have your witnesses available this afternoon, or we will proceed without them.
Que sus testigos estén disponibles para esta tarde. O procederemos sin ellos.
I'd like to thank my daughter, my secret daughter, the Chilean miners, Hilary Swank's husband, my ex-wives'cause without them I could've retired years ago. Thank you!
Me gustaría agradecer a mi hija, a mi hija secreta, a los mineros Chilenos, al esposo de Hilary Swank, mis ex esposas porque sin ellos podría haberme jubilado hace años.
I'm supposed to just learn to move on without them.
Se supone que tengo que aprender a avanzar sin ellos.
♪ The wheels on the bus go round and round... ♪ It still feels weird being in Booth and Brennan's house without them.
Aún es raro estar en la casa de Booth y Brennan sin que estén ellos.
And you can't find Delgado without them?
¿ Y no puedes encontrar a Delgado sin ellos?
Without them, this delicately balanced food chain would be disrupted, and some species could become extinct.
Sin ellos, este balance se vería afectado, y algunas especies se extinguirían.
I can't eat with'em, and I can't eat without them. I'm starving.
No puedo comer con ellos, y no puedo comer sin ellos y estoy hambriento.
You know he won't leave without them.
Sabes que no se irá sin ellos.
"The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them."
"La cosa más importante que los padres pueden enseñarles a sus hijos es como vivir sin ellos".
Lie until the end if you can and graduate without them finding out.
Miente hasta el fin si puedes y gradúate sin que lo descubran.
Without them, I don't know where I'd be.
sin ellos, no sé donde estaría.
I wonder how some of the Holocaust survivors would feel, knowing that money had been claimed in their names without them knowing, or-or even seeing a dime.
Me pregunto cómo algunos de los Sobrevivientes del Holocausto se sentirían, sabiendo que el dinero tenía ha afirmado en sus nombres sin que ellos sepan, o - o incluso ver una moneda de diez centavos.
Without them this is all just hair salon gossip.
Sin ellas, esto no tiene importancia.
But she always told me I couldn't survive without them.
Pero ella siempre me dijo que no podría sobrevivir sin ellos.
How do you make an entire audience disappear without them being in on it?
Our world is a very different place without them.
Nuestro mundo es un lugar diferente sin ellos.
There's only so much I can do without them asking questions.
No hay mucho que pueda hacer sin que ellos hagan preguntas.
Let's go drinking without them, then.
Vamos a beber sin ellos, entonces.
Without them, we'd be celebrating this holiday with binge drinking and weird sex.
Sin ellos, estaríamos celebrando este día de fiesta con consumo excesivo de alcohol y el sexo raro.
Nevertheless, I think Abbotsford have enough going against them without the coach losing his lucky hat as well, don't you?
Sin embargo, creo que que el Abbotsford tiene suficiente contra ellos sin tener que robarle al entrenador su gorra de la suerte también, ¿ no?
You can't touch them without gloves!
¡ No puede tocarlos sin guantes!
I put them all, each new lot of letters, in this blue box - and then I go through them, without opening them, just looking at the writing on the envelope, deciding which I'll open first, and which maybe I'll never open.
Las pongo todas, cada nuevo lote de cartas, en esta caja azul, y paso por ellas, sin abrirlas, mirando solo la escritura del sobre, decidiendo cuál abro primero, y cuál quizás no abra nunca.
You can't read them without a court order.
No los podéis ver sin una orden.
We're not leaving without them.
No nos iremos sin ellos.
These are the first bibs I've ever seen without Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s face on them.
Estos son los primeros baberos que he visto sin la cara de Dale Earnhardt Jr.
For $ 20, I'll send them a selfie without pants.
Por veinte dólares, yo les enviaré una foto sin pantalones.
A lot of them died without a trace. And they fell dead like falling leaves.
¿ Por qué no buscan el amor antes morir?
See, 99 % of the species, they get along without using them.
Mira, el 99 por ciento de las especies, se llevan bien sin utilizarlas.
Five of them I never would have found without Delia's research.
Cinco de las cuales nunca habría encontrado sin la búsqueda de Delia.
Not without no hands to cover them. ♪ Oh, freedom... What is that heinous caterwauling?
No sin manos para cubrirlos. ¿ Qué es ese maullido atroz?
You hand them a knife, they'll wipe out an entire city without making a noise.
Ponles un cuchillo en la mano, y acabarán con toda la ciudad - sin hacer ni un ruido.
What we did with Sara hurt them both, and Daniel was better off without us interfering.
Lo que hemos hecho con Sara les ha hecho daño a los dos y Daniel está mejor si nosotras interfiriendo.
Today, you can buy them without leaving the comfort of your own hand.
Hoy en día, puedes comprarlos Sin dejar el confort de tu propia casa.
We need to find this other hit team and take them out, without anybody knowing it happened.
Tenemos que encontrar a este otro equipo de secuaces y acabar con ellos, sin que nadie se entere de que ha pasado.
Some rich white boy gets killed, and so many police come around, you can't get the mail without running into them.
Matan a un chico blanco rico, y vienen tantos policías que no puedes coger el correo sin encontrártelos.
These people without a proper job... I'm not too fond of them.
- A mí esta gente que no da palo al agua no me hace mucha gracia.
Este laberinto de túneles y aposentos debajo de Ias ciudades romanas se conocen como "Ias catacumbas".
You were to kill them without hesitation.
Habría que matarlos sin contemplaciones.
What would surprise me is if you were able to do five of them without engaging in O.C.D. behaviors.
Lo que me sorprendería sería que fueras capaz de hacer cinco sin tener comportamientos obsesivos.
I'm not gonna grant an injunction against a whole web site without letting them air their arguments.
No voy a conceder una orden de cierre contra una web entera sin oír sus argumentos.
For now, tell them to film me without that brat, Yoon Jae.
Por ahora, dígale que me filmen sin ese mocoso, Yoon Jae.
- and takes things without scanning them.
- Y toma las cosas sin analizarlos.
I won't know if you used them without proof.
No sabré si las usas sin una prueba.
Then as prophesized... Lord Gregoire will kill them all, without mercy, and take their wretched souls to hell.
Entonces según se profetizó... el Lord Gregoire matará a todos... sin piedad... y llevará sus despreciables almas al infierno.
They choose without thinking, so now let them pay.
Eligen sin pensar, así que déjalos que paguen.
Because you shouldn't take them without food.
Porque tú no debe tomarlos sin comida.
Get them back to work without delay.
Haz que vuelvan a trabajar de inmediato.
Home, family. The idea that my children can live a normal life without bodyguards taking them to school.
Mi casa, mi familia, que mis hijos pueden llevar una vida normal, que ellos no guardaespaldas debe llevar a la escuela.
Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder dragon riders... sneaking in to rescue them.
Capturar dragones ya es un trabajo bastante duro... sin que unos jinetes bienhechores vengan a rescatarlos.
If they feel that laws are legitimate, they're likely to comply with them without needing to be coerced into them and punished.
Y si sienten que son legítimas, es más probable que las cumplan sin necesitar ser coaccionados y castigados.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
without 110
without me 305
without you 442
without further ado 110
without a doubt 217
without my permission 24
without doubt 45
without saying a word 17
without water 18
without love 36
without me 305
without you 442
without further ado 110
without a doubt 217
without my permission 24
without doubt 45
without saying a word 17
without water 18
without love 36
without mercy 18
without warning 47
without a trace 16
without hesitation 31
without exception 31
without thinking 29
without question 87
without your help 31
without telling me 34
without knowing it 23
without warning 47
without a trace 16
without hesitation 31
without exception 31
without thinking 29
without question 87
without your help 31
without telling me 34
without knowing it 23
without asking me 19
without us 57
without fail 57
without fear 28
without a word 39
without him 157
without it 253
without her 96
without that 67
without the 32
without us 57
without fail 57
without fear 28
without a word 39
without him 157
without it 253
without her 96
without that 67
without the 32