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You couldn't wait перевод на испанский

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I felt something from each look, and couldn't wait for you to come out.
Sentì algo de cada look, no podia esperar a verte aparecer.
Couldn't wait to see you later at dinner?
¿ Podría esperar poder verle, después, en la cena?
I couldn't wait to get here, you know?
Estaba tan impaciente.
When I saw you, I simply couldn't wait until the concert was over.
Cuando te vi, no pude esperar a que acabara el concierto.
¿ No podrían esperar a mañana?
They all stopped in at Meg's, but I couldn't wait to see you.
Se quedaron todos en casa de Meg pero no podía esperar a verte.
As if I couldn't wait for you after last night.
Después de lo de anoche, no me importa esperarle.
No podía esperar a verte mañana.
You couldn't wait to come in here and blab everything.
No podías esperar a venir y cantarlo todo ¿ no? .
I couldn't wait to see you, Kitty.
Me moría de ganas de verte, Kitty.
I know you'll think this is a little unconventional of me... but I just couldn't wait to see you alone.
Esto te parecerá poco convencional, pero no podía esperar para verte a solas.
My orders are to bring him back. Well, couldn't you wait until after the show?
¿ Puedes esperar a que terminemos?
You couldn't even wait for me?
¿ No podría esperar por mí?
We couldn't wait for you forever, Rukh.
No podíamos esperarte para siempre.
All I knew, you was a woman... who wanted to make a trip to Nome and couldn't wait for a passenger boat.
Sólo sabía que eras una mujer... que quería viajar a Nome, y no podía esperar a un barco de pasaje.
Now, wait a minute. If you are trying to find any similarity between your situation and mine, oh, no, you couldn't mean that, really.
Un momento, si tratas de encontrar algún parecido entre tu situación y la mía, no, no lo dirás en serio.
- l couldn't wait to see you.
- No veía la hora de verte.
The colonel is sorry he couldn't wait to receive you. And you take good care of bessie, cornele.
¿ Me considerarías descortés si te pregunto por qué has venido?
But I hated Hester Street so, and I wanted you. And I couldn't wait any longer.
Pero odiaba tanto Hester Street y te quería tanto...
When Bill... I mean Mr. Mulligan comes back, would you tell him I couldn't wait?
Cuando vuelva el Sr. Mulligan, dígale que no pude esperarlo.
He said he couldn't wait for you.
Dijo que no podía esperarle.
I couldn't wait to see you.
No podía aguantar la espera.
But I couldn't ask you to wait for me. Yes, you could.
- Pero no puedo pedirte que me esperes.
Couldn't you telephone him and ask him to wait?
- ¿ No puede llamarlo y decirle que espere?
I couldn't wait for you. I was too hungry.
No he podido esperarte, tenía hambre.
You couldn't hardly wait for your pup to get home from his night's drunk so's you could snitch on me, could ya?
Apenas pudiste esperar a tu hijo borracho para poder fastidiarme a mí, ¿ verdad?
We couldn't wait that long. Couldn't you get a post now?
No podemos esperar tanto. ¿ No puedes lograr un trabajo ahora?
Why couldn't you wait to get your money from the Army paymaster tomorrow... when I'd be out of the Army.
¿ Por qué no esperaste a que te diera el dinero el pagador mañana, conmigo ya fuera del ejército? ¿ Qué ha pasado, Phoebe?
Why couldn't you wait to get your money from the Army paymaster tomorrow... when I'd be out of the Army. What happened, Phoebe?
¿ Por qué no esperaste a que te diera el dinero el pagador mañana, conmigo ya fuera del ejército?
I couldn't go away obligating you to wait for me.
Yo no puedo pedirte que me esperes.
How? Couldn't you ask Gloria to wait just a few more days?
¿ No le puede pedir a Gloria que espere unos días más?
Couldn't you wait till tomorrow?
¿ No podrías esperar a mañana?
I couldn't wait to see you, son!
¡ Qué ganas tenía de verte, hijo!
So you couldn't even wait a decent interval, you and your princess.
No pudiste esperar un plazo decoroso, tú y tu princesa.
- I couldn't wait for you to come to the door.
- No podía esperar que viniera.
- Couldn't you wait until tomorrow?
- ¿ No podría esperar hasta mañana?
Johnny, I was looking for you while you was acting over at Sharkey's, but I couldn't wait.
Te estaba buscando cuando actuabas en el Coliseo, pero no pude esperar.
couldn't you wait till i was dead, to save me such excitement?
¿ No podías esperar hasta que yo muriera para ahorrarme tanta emoción?
You couldn't even wait for me to die.
No puedes esperar ni a que muera.
I just couldn't wait for you.
No he podido esperarte.
I see you couldn't wait to apologize.
Te morías por disculparte.
You couldn't rest nor wait till you had me crawling with all those fancy initials on my shirts and handkerchiefs.
Tú no quedaste tranquila hasta ver esas iniciales en mis camisas y pañuelos.
I couldn't wait until after the show to see you.
No podía esperar hasta después de la función para verte.
The young man who was with you said he couldn't wait.
El joven que subió a bordo junto con ustedes me pidió que les dijera que no podía esperar más.
You couldn't wait a little?
¿ No puede esperar un poco?
Couldn't you wait for Grand Central?
Hay grandes noticias.
I couldn't wait for you to come to me of your own accord.
No podía esperar a que viniera por decisión propia.
Sorry to bother you. But it couldn't wait.
Siento irrumpir así, pero no podía esperar.
You couldn't wait, could you?
No podías esperar, ¿ verdad?
Darling, I simply couldn't wait until the end. I had to tell you now how wonderful it is.
No pude esperar hasta el final.
Of course. You couldn't wait to see what your birthday present was.
Claro, no podías esperar para ver tu regalo.

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