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You look different перевод на испанский

1,218 параллельный перевод
You know, you look different up close.
Sabes, te ves diferente de cerca.
You look different.
Te ves diferente.
You look different somehow.
Está usted distinto.
You look different today.
Se ve muy diferente.
You look different.
Te ves diferente. No sé.
You've changed the way you dress too you look different.
También nueva manera de vestir. Luces diferente. ¡ Sí!
Three days away from me, already you look different.
Tres días lejos de mí y ya estás diferente.
You look different somehow.
Te ves diferente.
You look different. Are those new ear : rings?
Te ves diferente, ¿ esos pendientes son nuevos?
- You look different.
- Luces diferente.
You look different somehow.
Luces diferente, no sé por qué.
You look different.
luces diferente.
You look different. - Yeah, well, this place can really take it out of ya.
Este sitio te exprime el jugo.
You look different.
Te ves diferente que tu fotografía.
You look different by day.
Cada día estás diferente.
- You look different.
- Estás diferente.
Look, you and I, our job descriptions are different.
Mire, usted y yo, nuestros trabajos son aparentemente distintos.
You look so different.
Te ves tan diferente.
Look, Commander, you know as well as I do that we're used to playing with a different rule book.
Mire, Comandante, usted sabe tan bien como yo que estamos acostumbrados a manejarnos con diferentes reglas.
You look so different than John told me.
Eres tan diferente de como John me dijo.
Men age different to women. 2 more years, you'll look like your son.
Los hombres no envejecen igual. Dentro de 2 años pareceré tu hijo.
I mean, I look back at the stuff you did in the'70s, and it was sort of racy and crazy. But the country's different now. Reagan has rebuilt America, and the Moral Majority is gaining power.
Digo vi las cosas que hizo Ud. en los años 70.
You look different.
Pareces diferente.
Let me see if you look different.
Déjame ver si pareces distinta.
You know, one moment things are so fucked up than you look at it from a totally different angle
¿ Sabes? A veces las cosas parecen estar totalmente jodidas y entonces las miras desde un ángulo completamente diferente...
Hercules? Do I look different to you?
Hércules, ¿ me veo diferente para ti?
I asked you if I... look different.
Te pregunté si luzco diferente.
You know, you look a lot different flying over the hood of a car.
te ves diferente volando sobre un auto.
Things look a lot different when you're sitting in that chair.
Las cosas se ven diferentes cuando uno ocupa ese sillón.
You look so... different.
- ¡ Iris! Estás muy... diferente.
- You look so different, Iris.
- Luces tan cambiada.
You look a little different, sometimes you even smile.
Estás diferente. Hasta sonríes a veces.
Oh, no. You look a lot different than the last time I saw you.
Te ves diferente desde la última vez que te vi.
Different weapon, circumstances, totally incompatible mos, but there's just something weird about this I wanted you to look at.
Diferentes armas y circunstancias y procedimientos incompatibles, pero hay algo extraño en este robo.
How could Mammett have done this? Kryten, you may have started out as a joke, but you've changed. Look how different you are to Able.
Kryten, quizá empezaras como una broma pero has crecido, has cambiado mira que diferente eres de Able si Mammett viniera ahora, apuesto a que ni te reconocería
Y - You look, different.
Te ves distinta.
I'm steering it in a different direction on purpose. Look, I just don't think you should go to the party tonight.
No me meteré en el clóset como en E.T., pero aparte de eso es perfecto.
Look... I know we're different, but we just got to figure out a way that we can share the room, and then I can study, and you can do whatever the hell it is that you do.
Mira, sé que somos diferentes... pero debemos averiguar la forma de compartir la habitación... para que yo pueda estudiar y tu puedas...
Well, you don't look any different.
Bueno, pues no te ves diferente.
If he tells you any different, he's lying to look good... so he can get down your pants.
Si te dice algo distinto, te esta mintiendo... para poder entrar en tus pantalones.
You know why we choose to look different?
¿ Sabes por qué los niños y yo elegimos apariencias tan distintas?
You look different.
Luces distinto.
We don't receive many visitors and your clothes are different. You don't look like you're from around here.
No recibimos muchas visitas y... tu ropa es diferente... parece que no sos de por acá.
You don't look much different.
Tú no estás tan distinto.
You know what, you guys, I know you mean well, but the worlïs different for me than for people who look like you.
Sé que vuestra intención es buena, pero el mundo es más difícil para mí que para gente como vosotros.
Completely different. You look.
Miralo tu.
Maybe it was a different Chinaman, you know they all look alike.
A lo mejor fue otro chino, ya ve que todos son iguales.
Cos maybe on you it doesn't look that different.
Porque quizá en tí la diferencia no es clara.
- You look... different.
- Vaya, luces diferente.
You look so different.
Luces diferente.
You lie awake in the middle of the night, or you look around at others, and you feel inside, in your heart, that maybe - no, definitely - that you are different?
Tu mentira te despierta a mitad de la noche, O miras alrededor de los demás, Y sientes adentro, en tu corazón, Que tal vez - no, definitivamente - - ¿ Que eres diferente?

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