You were amazing перевод на испанский
658 параллельный перевод
You were amazing, Antoine.
Estabas asombroso, Antoine.
With Felix, you were amazing and it made me want you. Well...
Con Félix has estado espectacular y tengo ganas de estar contigo.
- Larry said you were amazing.
- Larry dijo que estuviste asombrosa.
You were amazing.
Tú has estado increíble.
- You were amazing!
Has estado genial. - ¡ No!
And you were amazing.
Y has estado increíble.
My wife says you were amazing.
Mi esposa me ha dicho que estuvo magnífico.
You were amazing!
¡ Estuviste genial!
Kim, you were amazing!
¡ Kim, estuviste increíble!
Blanca, you were amazing. Simply amazing.
¡ Bueno, Blanca, cómo has estado!
No, better than that, you were amazing.
No, mejor que eso : estuviste magnífica.
- You were amazing.
- Estuviste increíble.
You were amazing out there.
Estuviste increíble.
Jane, you were amazing.
Jane, estuviste asombrosa.
You were amazing.
Estuviste increíble.
- I'm exhausted. - Oh, God, you were amazing.
- Oh, Dios mío, estuviste magnífico.
You were amazing. - Thank you.
- ¡ Estuviste asombrosa!
Alex, you were amazing.
Alex, estuviste asombroso.
Big Momma, you were amazing.
Eres sorprendente.
You were amazing last night.
fuiste asombroso ayer por la noche.
You were amazing.
Has estado increíble.
- You were amazing.
Estuviste genial.
That's really quite amazing. How long were you in america?
Sí, es increíble ¿ Cuánto tiempo vivió en EEUU.?
Because, when I first met you, you were already married with your amazing wife.
Porque cuando te conocí, ya estabas casado con tu encantadora esposa.
If I were to divulge the identity of the caller, you'd realize how amazing.
S ¡ revelara la ¡ dent ¡ dad de qu ¡ en llamó, vería lo ¡ ncreíble que es.
But it's amazing that you were able to accomplish what you did.
Pero es sorprendente lo que pudo hacer.
You were so amazing.
¡ Que gran trabajo hiciste!
You were this amazing occidental samurai.
Usted fue esta increíble samurai occidental.
You know, not that I care one way or the other but these doctors today do amazing things. lf you were so inclined.
A mí me da igual una cosa que otra, pero los médicos hacen cosas increíbles. Si estás dispuesta.
You were amazing.
- Estuviste fantástico
Did you think we were joking... when we stipulated this amazing time... to see Mr. Derville?
Cree ud. que estábamos bromeando... cuando nosotros estipulamos este horario extraño... para ver al señor Derville?
You were so amazing as the king.
Encarnaste al rey de forma asombrosa.
You know, considering how shot to pieces you were, it's amazing you're still alive.
Sabes, considerando lo hecho pedazos que estabas, es sorprendente que estés aún vivo.
Well, Chef, where's this amazing thing you were going to show us?
Chef, zdónde está eso tan maravilloso que nos ibas a enseñar?
When you consider six months ago half of them were fighting each other... it's amazing.
Cuando se piensa que hace seis meses la mitad peleaban unos contra otros... es sorprendente.
That was pretty amazing what you were doing in there.
Lo que hacía ahí adentro fue increíble.
You were right, Kramer, this slicer is absolutely amazing.
Tenías razón, Kramer. La rebanadora es sorprendente.
Estuviste maravillosa.
Se lo creyó por completo.
C.A. You were, if I may say, amazing.
Capitán, ha sido algo verdaderamente asombroso.
We were wondering. Where do you get those amazing clothes?
Nos preguntábamos dónde consigues esa ropa tan increíble.
- You and Henry were amazing.
Tú y Henry son buenos juntos.
- You were absolutely amazing.
- Estuviste absolutamente asombroso.
I am so blown away by how amazing were you today at Barneys.
Estoy anonadada por lo increíble que estuviste hoy en Barneys.
You were really amazing with him in there.
Estuviste asombroso allá adentro.
If it were reversed if you had the chance to take this amazing job... but it meant being apart the whole summer.
Si fuera al revés si tuvieras la oportunidad de un empleo asombroso pero significaría estar separados todo el verano.
You were so hungry when you arrived... it's amazing you are already satisfied.
Por el hambre que te trajo hasta aquí, admira... que te hayas saciado tan pronto.
You were so amazing.
I wish that we were here to stay longer and could, you know, fight till the end, but at the end of the day it's a competition, and people are going to U-Turn you to benefit
Y tú te sientes bendecido por tener a alguien que te importa. "The Amazing Race" fue un gran sueño para mí.
And the whole time we were at said dinner table... you ate two, maybe three bites of this amazing dinner I made for you.
Y todo el tiempo que estuvimos en esa mesa... tomaste dos, quizas tres bocados de la fabulosa cena que te prepare.
I just wanted to tell you how amazing you were tonight.
Sólo quería decirte que estuviste maravilloso esta noche.
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were incredible 39
you were gone 87
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you weren't 353
you were sleeping 43
you were incredible 39
you were gone 87
you weren't yourself 17