Bit by bit перевод на французский
1,124 параллельный перевод
Loubressac, in the Dordogne valley is the typical example of those villages of the French provinces that the rural population is deserting bit by bit and condemning to a sure death. "
* Loubressac, dans la vallée de la Dordogne, est l'exemple * de ces villages de la province française * que la population rurale déserte peu à peu * et condamne à une mort certaine.
Bit by bit she'll begin to forget.
Petit à petit... elle va oublier.
- We'll give her to you. Bit by bit.
- On va vous la rendre, mais au détail.
We'll give her to you, but bit by bit.
On va vous la rendre, mais petit à petit.
Slowly, bit by bit, she is poisoning her.
Petit à petit, elle l'empoisonne.
We will make them pay. Bit by bit. For all they have taken away from us.
Nous leur ferons payer jusqu'au dernier pour ce qu'ils nous ont pris.
Pour it in bit by bit, not all at once.
Verse petit à petit, pas en une fois.
Maybe it'd be more fun to lose it bit by bit. What do you think?
Ce serait plus drôle de les perdre petit à petit.
We pin the rest of them on the staircase as I advance menacingly bit by bit.
Les autres restent sur l'escalier. Allez-y, attaquez-moi.
But bit by bit, with her usual authority... she imposed herself upon him and took possession of him.
Mais petit à petit, avec son autorité coutumière... elle s'imposa à lui et s'empara de lui.
Finally I understand, time is going bit by bit, like this.
Le temps avance petit à petit.
Now, this is the fun bit, where the householder, wrenched from his dreams by the sound of the explosion, surprises the burglar, and, in the ensuing fight, the house is sacked.
Maintenant, c'est la partie drôle. Où le maître de maison, réveillé par l'explosion, surprend le cambrioleur, et dans la lutte qui s'ensuit, la maison est saccagée.
We are just a facade. We are easily forgotten. Unless they give us a bit of fame by killing us.
Ce sont des pantins vite oubliés à moins qu'ils ne se donnent de l'importance en se faisant assassiner.
She was something less than helpful, and I soon departed, made a bit uneasy by the looks directed at me by her husband, Wilma Krankheimer.
Elle n'était pas coopérante et je suis vite parti, mal à l'aise par les regards que me lançait son mari, Wilma Krankheimer.
You can stay here and learn on this level, which is quite a bit higher than the one you left, by the way, or you can go back and keep working in the flock.
Tu peux rester ici et apprendre à ce niveau, qui est bien au-dessus de celui que tu as quitté, ou tu peux retourner travailler avec le clan.
- Nothing, I passed by here and I said..... "I'll go spy a bit", that's what.
- Rien, je passais par là et...
Oh, um, by the way... I hear you're having a bit of trouble gettin'your hands on that Robin Hood.
A propos, j'ai entendu que vous aviez bien du tracas pour attraper ce Robin des Bois.
And now, with your permission, a bit of verse... by Kipling.
Et maintenant... Un poème... de Kipling :
Now just here Irving should have been feeling a bit nervous. Well, maybe he was just as cool as he acted... remembering what he'd learned from the old maestro himself. Elmyr was a good teacher, if only by example... and his most valuable lesson was this :
Il était plus calme que jamais... se rappelant que le vieux maestro... lui avait inculpé cette leçon :
And that bit about being represented by an attorney.
Et le couplet sur l'avocat aussi.
Because there are others who are turned on by a bit of smell.
Je sais. Vous préférez Brout for men.
It's better than bein'bit by a snake, isn't it?
C'est mieux qu'une morsure de serpent dans les fesses?
I mean, a bit on the stiff side for me, but still a wonderful piece, by God.
Plus vraiment de mon âge, mais quelle femme!
While you do not differ a bit from those who consider me an investment all those who want to be satisfied by me whose demands I have to meet who try to placate the lapse of time by craving success who always get under my feet.
Alors que vous êtes semblable à ceux qui voient en moi un bon placement. A ceux qui veulent que je les contente. Dont je dois satisfaire les exigences.
But that bit of verse, when you realized that was written by a fanatic murderer, it's hard to see how you could call Mr Dolan a philosopher.
Mais ce poème... quand vous avez su qu'un assassin l'avait écrit, comment avez-vous pu dire que M. Dolan était un philosophe?
No, it's a fact... we were a bit pressed by events, I didn't have time... but now I can tell you.
Non, c'est vrai... On a été un peu bousculés par les événements, mais maintenant... je peux vous le dire.
I've been bit by a bat.
Une chauve-souris m'a mordue.
Those possessed by devils, try and keep them under control a bit! Can't you?
Essayez de maîtriser ceux qui sont possédés par le Malin.
Now, suppose purely by chance among the distant ancestors of this crab there came to be one which looked just a little bit like a human face.
Imaginons que par le plus grand des hasards... parmi les lointains ancêtres de ce crabe... il y en ait eu un qui ressemblait vaguement à un visage humain.
On December 30, the first creatures who looked even a little bit human, evolved accompanied by a spectacular increase in the size of their brains.
Le 30 décembre, des créatures ressemblant aux humains évoluèrent... et la taille de leur cerveau subit une augmentation spectaculaire.
He was delighted that the Copernican system was widely accepted in everyday life in Holland and acknowledged by astronomers, except those, he wrote who " were a bit slow-witted or under the superstitions imposed by merely human authority.
Il se réjouit que Copernic soit compris par toute la Hollande... y compris par les astronomes, sauf, dit-il par ceux... "qui croient aux superstitions... purement imposées par l'autorité humaine".
By the time it's at rest at the center of the Earth the inside of our world would look a little bit like Swiss cheese.
Quand il sera enfin immobilisé... le coeur de notre planète ressemblera un peu à du gruyère.
At night we have to sleep in the trees, so we don't get bit by the snakes or spiders.
Avec le sentiment angoissant que nous nous déplacions en cercles
The Chief got bit again by the rattlesnake.
Aigle s'est encore fait mordre!
I don't want you to get bit by those rattlesnakes anymore.
Ne te sers plus de serpents à sonnette.
So you wanna chase off to Germany because of a quote by a two-bit hooker.
Vous voulez partir en Allemagne pour une phrase d'une pute à la noix.
I remember Mom had to... had to join Dad a little bit before us, so they could find a place for us to live and everything. And that meant that... that Dan and I got to fly out all by ourselves.
Je me souviens que maman avait dû rejoindre papa avant pour trouver un endroit où habiter et ça voulait dire que Dan et moi devions venir en avion tout seuls.
I mean, it would be the perfect chance for us to be alone for a bit by ourselves.
C'est l'opportunité de rester seuls, chacun de son côté.
When I was training in Fort Polk once our instructor got bit.. right here, by a coral snake.
Quand j'étais à Fort Polk, l'instructeur s'est fait mordre par un serpent corail.
Your big he-dog seems a bit intimidated by the climb.
Ton gros chien semble effrayé par l'ascension.
I've been bit by them.
Ils m'ont déjà mordu.
I've been bit by everything there is in the country.
J'ai été mordu par tous les animaux de ce pays.
[Inaudible] fool. Does thou think that I have come thus far to be Frightened by a bit of steel?
Pensez-vous que je sois venu de si loin pour être effrayé par un bout d'acier?
And having alexis close by didn't bother you one damn bit.
Et le fait qu'Alexis habite ici ne semble pas te gêner.
Yet some bit player is going to steal the show by falling down some stairs?
Pourtant je dois m'incliner devant ce minable acteur à deux balles?
By taking a quick fall to my death? I'm just a bit player.
Je suis juste un petit acteur.
A half nelson... a half nelson and a Philadelphia Half-Lotus and Colin bit himself on purpose there, and he has been given a public warning by the referee, and Colin did not like that one little bit!
Un demi-nelson... un lotus de Philadelphie.. Colin se mord irrégulièrement!
By golly, in this light, it does look a little bit like Brian.
Nom d'un chien, à la lumière, on dirait bien que c'est Brian.
He's halfway to the next county by now, but he'll come home when he calms down a bit.
- Il doit être dans le comté voisin... mais il rentrera à l'écurie quand il se sera calmé.
Oh, Diane. Listen, I dropped by to give you a bit of news.
Diane, je viens te donner des nouvelles.
Well, by golly, if our new neighbors are gonna do that, I don't feel a bit bad about sneaking in their swimming pool while they're gone.
Si nos nouveaux voisins sont des truands, je me gênerai pas pour aller me baigner en douce!
bitten 34
bitchy 28
bite me 232
bitty 22
biting 27
bite your tongue 31
bite down 19
bite to eat 23
bite it 35
bits and pieces 23
bitchy 28
bite me 232
bitty 22
biting 27
bite your tongue 31
bite down 19
bite to eat 23
bite it 35
bits and pieces 23