Bring them back перевод на французский
832 параллельный перевод
It won't bring them back ;
Tu les feras pas revenir, c'est du passé!
Boys, it's those two fellows with the medicine show. Bring them back here.
Les gars, c'est ces deux gaillards du spectacle, ramenez les ici.
If only a few go ashore you mark my word, Silver will bring them back, as mild as lambs.
Si quelques-uns seulement y vont, Silver les ramènera à bord, doux comme des agneaux.
Well, this morning, the bees left the hive and we had to bring them back. This afternoon, I washed my hair.
Les abeilles ont quitté la ruche et je me suis lavé les cheveux.
Bring them back!
Like a fool, I said he needn't bring them back till next Wednesday.
Comme un imbécile, je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait les ramener mercredi prochain.
Except when they got through, I was waiting for them to bring them back.
Mais quand ils sont sortis, je les attendais pour les ramener.
Burke, go and get them, bring them back as fast as you can.
Burke, allez les chercher, ramenez-les le plus vite possible.
See that these boys get fed and bring them back.
- Nourris-les et ramene-les.
Might I bring them back with me this time?
Elles auraient pu revenir avec moi
You won't bring them back here, will you Ellen. It is so nice and peaceful by ourselves.
Ne les ramène pas ici, nous sommes tranquilles entre nous
No, dear. I'll try not to bring them back here.
Je vais essayer
If you get them home and they don't work, bring them back.
Si ça ne marche pas, rapportez-le.
If I could bring them back to life, I'd do it.
Je voudrais les ramener à la vie.
I wish I could bring them back to life, even Don Ricardo who cursed me.
Je voudrais les ramener à la vie, même Don Ricardo, qui m'a maudit.
But I'll bring them back. There's going to be a pig in every family!
Grâce à moi, chaque famille aura à nouveau son porc!
If we find them, we'll bring them back with us. You stay here.
Si on les rencontre, on les emmènera.
Find them, and bring them back.
Trouvez-les, et ramenez-les.
Max O'Hara going to Africa to bring them back alive.
Max O'Hara en Afrique pour les ramener vivants.
- We'll bring them back.
- Nous les ramènerons.
Hire a moving van to take the things out before the reception and bring them back when it's over.
Iouez un camion pour enlever les meubles et les ramener après.
I would give my life gladly to bring them back, both of them!
Je donnerais ma vie pour les ressusciter, tous les deux!
You see, we have to bring them back.
Il faut les ramener.
No, I'll bring them back.
Non. Je les ramènerai.
And bring them back here.
Les faire venir.
Give me time to reach the officers of the law... and bring them back with me.
Donnez-moi le temps d'aller chercher la police et de les ramener ici.
When they get the coroner's jury convened out front... I'll bring them back to view the bodies.
Quand le jury aura siégé je les ferai revenir pour voir les corps.
Will you bring them back?
You bring them back!
You've got them hid... but you'd better get them and bring them back here... right here to me!
Vous les avez cachés, mais vous feriez mieux de me les rapporter! Tout de suite!
I heard you yelling, "Bring them back here."
Je t'ai entendu crier : "Rendez-les-moi!"
We'll bring them back ourselves.
Ramenons-les nous-mêmes.
Tell Mr. Singleton, bring them back immediately.
Dites à Singleton de les ramener immédiatement.
I want you to go to Paris and bring them back.
Retourne à Paris et ramène-Ies.
Yet do not ships of your country go to Africa... get black men, and bring them back as slaves?
Mais vos bateaux vont parfois en Afrique pour en ramener des esclaves Noirs?
No, they didn't bring them back right now, they brought them back while I was waiting for my sister-in-law...
II y a 2 heures qu'on me les a rapportées comme je sortais pour aller chez ma belle-sœur.
We'll put vine leaves in our hair, crush a gallon of grapes, hang them over our ears, and then I'll bring you back before you change into a pumpkin.
On se mettra des grappes de raisin derrière les oreilles. Vous serez de retour avant de devenir citrouille.
Listen, you bring back some drinks, and I'll try to keep them here.
Apporte à boire et je vais essayer de les retenir.
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
La seule chance de les récupérer et d'échapper au gibet, c'est de rapporter les têtes de Waring et Leech, et Margaret en bonne santé, pour être ses sauveurs.
Bring them back.
You bring back my daughter's skates! You was the one that put them kids up to it!
Rendez-moi les patins de ma fille.
After I have this cleaned off, I just have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them in here, and put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Après avoir tout débarrassé, je dois enlever les livres de la table de la salle-à-manger et les remettre dans ce coffre, d'où ils viennent.
Take these to the back room, pick up the wire flimsies and bring them.
Dépose-les à l'imprimerie. Et n'oublie pas les dépêches.
Take them back to the architect. Bring me new sketches.
Que l'architecte me propose autre chose.
New case of shells in the back. Do me a favour and bring them in.
Apporte-moi la caisse de nouvelles cartouches.
I know how you think. You bring one of them back like that.
Je sais ce que vous pensez.
Bring them back, Brady.
Ramenez-les, Brady.
Bring them back.
Fais revenir les autres. Non!
If they find them, tell them to bring back O-San alone.
S'ils les trouvent, qu'on ramène O-San seule.
Not only is it necessary for them to be there... but they feel it'd be most gratifying to the stockholders of their firm... if they'd bring back a decision in this matter... and announce it at the meeting.
Non seulement il est nécessaire pour eux d'être là... mais ils estiment qu'il serait heureux pour les actionnaires de leur entreprise... s'ils devaient communiquer la décision de cette affaire... et faire une annonce à l'assemblée.
You can hide in the back hall, where you were before, and I'll bring them in here first, and then you can get away.
Cachez vous au fond du hall où vous étiez tout à l'heure, et je vais les faire entrer ici, vous pourrez vous sauver.
bring them 33
bring them here 32
bring them to me 31
bring them in 88
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
bring them here 32
bring them to me 31
bring them in 88
back 1915
backup 83
backstrom 34
background 48
backs 42
backgammon 25
backwards 110
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
backstage 37
backpack 27
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to the future 36
back to work 469
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back then 441
back home 188
back in business 17
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80