Crossed him перевод на французский
208 параллельный перевод
He just come in like that, sore, like somebody crossed him.
Il est arrivé comme ça. Absolument furieux.
You mean double-crossed him.
Comme si on l'avait trahi.
Ever since you double-crossed him and ran away... and changed your name to Muriel and married some poor little guy named Ches.
Mildred est devenue Muriel. Vous l'avez roulé.
When he finds out you crossed him on the Spokane mills job, he'll come gunning!
S'il sait que vous l'avez doublé, il voudra votre peau.
You shouldn't have crossed him, George.
- C'est malin.
On my way back I've crossed him in his carriage.
- En revenant, j'ai croisé sa voiture.
Wheeler's partner double-crossed him, which means he double-crossed you, too.
L'associé de Wheeler l'a doublé. Il vous a donc doublé vous aussi.
we must have crossed him
On a dû se croiser.
The way he figures it, she double-crossed him.
D'après lui, elle l'a trahi.
As a matter of fact, she might be dead before Saturday... if the story gets to the newspapers and he figures that she's double-crossed him.
Peut-être même avant samedi... Si vous publiez votre papier, il se figurera qu'elle l'a "donné".
Lemaitre crossed him off the list.
Lemaître l'a rayé de la liste.
- You crossed him!
- Tu l'as contredit!
He thought you double-crossed him.
Il a cru que tu l'avais doublé.
Tell an Indian things'll be one way and they're not, he'll think you crossed him.
Si ça ne va pas comme prévu, les Indiens croient qu'on cherche à les doubler.
But she double-crossed him, for, with the money he gave her, she bought out the general store, closed down the postal service and destroyed the telephone.
Mais elle le trahit, utilisant l'argent qu'il lui avait donné pour racheter l'épicerie, fermer le service postal et détruire le téléphone.
I decided to drop in on him before they crossed him out too.
J'ai décidé d'aller le voir avant qu'on le barre aussi.
You crossed him.
Tu l'as humilié.
Two years ago, when Escalante got on the dope-for-guns circuit, he thought this Contra arms dealer had crossed him.
Il y a 2 ans, quand il a commencé à vendre de la came pour des armes, Escalante a cru qu'un leader guérillero l'avait doublé.
That lovely agent from the German government was very upset with you when you double-crossed him.
Ce cher agent du gouvernement allemand était très fâché... quand tu l'as doublé.
You double-crossed him.
Tu les a trahis...
You've crossed him?
Tu es en bisbille avec frère Leung?
Where is he? You must have crossed him...
- Vous avez dû vous croiser.
He double-crossed me, but I double-crossed him better.
Il m'a doublé, mais je l'ai doublé le dernier.
He crossed everybody that ever strung with him.
Il a dupé tous ses complices.
If I did, it would be the first time I've ever double-crossed Nick and I owe everything I have to him.
Si je le faisais, ce serait la 1 re fois que je trahirais Nick. Et je lui dois tout.
I gave him that limp when he crossed me up in the Dannemora break.
Je l'ai estropié quand il m'a balancé.
Steve double-crossed you once and he'll do it again if you give him the chance.
Steve t'a trahie une fois et n'hésitera pas à recommencer.
I called to him andhe crossed the road... without even grasping that it was me calling to him... or even seeing that it was me smiling at him...
Je l'ai appelé, il a traversé la route, sans rien entendre que moi qui l'appelais, sans rien voir que moi qui lui souriais.
Sir George must have surprised the intruder and crossed the room to him here.
Sir George a surpris l'intrus et s'est avancé jusqu'ici.
I thought he double-crossed me, and I killed him.
J'ai cru qu'il m'avait doublé et je l'ai tué.
Ben was double-crossed. They promised him an easy go.
On a promis à Ben que tu le ménagerais.
We trailed him two days but he crossed into Mexico.
Il a passé la frontière du Mexique.
She crossed on the plane with him last night.
Elle veut vous voir à propos de M. Honey. Elle a fait le vol avec lui cette nuit.
You had him all wrong. He never crossed you.
T'avais rien compris, il ne t'avait pas doublé.
Calpurnia's cheek is pale, and Cicero looks with such ferret and such fiery eyes as we have seen him in the Capitol being crossed in conference by some senators.
Calpurnia est toute pâle. Cicéron a ses yeux de fouine en colère, comme au Capitole, quand un sénateur le contredit.
You'll stop him when he's crossed them.
Tu peux
[He crossed it so fast that I couldn't stop him...] [... until we reached the hut.
Il se lança dans une course qui ne cessa que devant la cabane.
She was crossed in love and left with an airman he was an impostor and they arrested him so she became a masseuse.
Elle a été amoureuse d'un aviateur... et ils l'ont arrêté... alors elle est devenue masseuse.
You didn't get on with him, eh? Like a couple of crossed lines.
Comme chien et chat.
Bribery to send him packing has never crossed my mind
Le payer pour le faire partir ne m'a jamais traversé l'esprit.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that nobody claims him.
J'espère que personne ne le réclamera.
Punishing him never crossed my mind.
Je n'en ai nullement l'intention.
No, it's the delivery boy from the bakery. Ask him if he's got any hot-crossed buns.
Non, c'est le livreur de la boulangerie.
If you think you're being crossed you can use him for a hostage to get away again.
Si tu ne le crois pas... tu pourras toujours le prendre en otage.
After blasting him, you crossed my tail still firing. I'm dead.
Après avoir tiré, tu m'as croisé à l'arrière tout en tirant.
You double-crossed us, lady, you killed him.
Vous nous avez utilisés pour le tuer.
The reason he hates me is one day he was late for class, so I got up at the blackboard and imitated him. - Crossed my eyes, talked with a lisp.
Tu sais il me déteste depuis qu'un jour où il était en retard je l'ai imité en louchant... et en zozotant
I gave him any relevant documents to NATO taht crossed my desk.
Je lui ai donné tout document de l'OTAN qui soit passé sur mon bureau.
They had waited for him, because a prophecy said that in due time a new young god would come : a Victor, one who would liberate people from the terror of the hideous giant evil birds called Sherns, mysterious and cruel monsters which had crossed the sea and enslaved the people.
Les prophètes avaient annoncé l'arrivée du jeune Dieu-Vainqueur qui allait délivrer les hommes du pouvoir des terribles Cherns, créatures cruelles et impénétrables qui ont réduit les hommes en esclavage.
If you could see your way clear to murdering him horribly instead of me, then I promise... I mean it. I haven't got my fingers crossed.
Si vous pouviez faire en sorte de le tuer atrocement à ma place, alors je promet..... et c'est vrai, je n'ai pas les doigts croisés..
I've crossed paths with him before.
Je l'ai déjà rencontré.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
cross 587
crossing 34
crossed 31
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
cross 587
crossing 34
crossed 31