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Did you forget перевод на французский

1,457 параллельный перевод
Did you forget what today is?
Savez-vous quel jour nous sommes?
Did you forget to pay too, orjust the vegetables?
Et ton panier est vide?
Did you forget who you are talking to here?
Tu sais déjà avec qui tu vas essayer?
Did you forget who you were?
Vous avez oublié où on est?
What did you forget?
Qu'est-ce que tu as oubliè? Beto, ça va?
Did you forget about your mom's anniversary?
Tu as oublié l'anniversaire de ta mère?
Did you forget what you said when you became inspector?
T'as oublié ce que tu as dit quand t'es devenu inspecteur?
And the goods? Franco, did you forget to give them to her?
Franco, tu as oublié de lui donner ses courses.
Did you forget?
- Tu as oublié?
Did you forget?
Vous avez déjà oublié?
Did you forget?
Tu as oublié?
Did you forget your name when you got this tattoo?
Tu las pas dit au tatoueur?
That's your shirt. Did you forget you lint brush?
T'enlèves les peluches de ta chemise?
Did you forget anything?
Toi, tu as oublié quelque chose?
Did you forget I was flying in today?
Tu as oublié que je rentrais?
Did you forget your way?
Tu as oublié le chemin?
Or did you forget that ´ s why you stopped talking to me?
C'est à cause de ça que tu ne m'adresses plus la parole.
He ´ s supposedly your best friend, or did you forget?
C'est ton meilleur ami. Tu as déjà oublié?
How in the hell did you forget to tell me that Sarah had abused her?
Comment diable avez-vous oublié de me dire que Sarah l'avait maltraitée?
- Did you forget something?
Vous avez oublié un truc?
Did you forget it?
Tu l'as oublié?
What, did you forget your own name?
T'as oublié ton propre om?
Mom, did you forget to pay the water bill?
Maman, t'as oublié de payer la facture d'eau?
Did you forget the fuckin'alphabet?
Tu as oublié ton alphabet?
- He has a girlfriend, did you forget?
- Tu oublies qu'il a une amie.
- Richard. Did you forget about the artistic committee meeting?
Richard... tu as oublié la réunion du Comité Artistique?
I hate mysteries. - Or did you forget that?
je déteste les mystères,... as-tu oublié?
Did you forget them towers in New York?
Avez-vous oublié les deux tours de New York?
Did you forget how it made you feel To see them towers come down?
Avez-vous oublié comment les tours sont tombées
♪ did you forget them Towers in new york?
Comme tous les Janamons, à 20h, retrouvez votre émission préférée : "Terre".
♪ ♪ did you forget How it made you feel ♪ ♪ to see them Towers come down?
Il y a 100 galgamares, nous avons prélevé des espèces de 70 planètes pour les faire cohabiter sur Terre!
- What did you forget?
- T'as oublié quelque chose?
- What, did you forget something?
Vous avez oublié un truc?
Did you forget?
- Tu avais oublié?
Did you forget you have to fix the faucet?
Vous devez réparer le robinet.
Excuse me! Did you forget this the last time you were here?
Mademoiselle, vous n'auriez pas oubliè quelque chose la dernière fois?
Oh yeah, did you forget about the freak show, uh?
T'as oublié ta tronche défoncée?
You didn't forget about me, did you?
Tu ne m'as pas oublié?
Did we forget to send you an invitation?
Tu n'as pas reçu d'invitation?
You didn't forget about me, did you, baron?
Vous avez pensé à moi, M. le baron?
Do you think I could forget what he did to us?
Je pourrais pas oublier ce qu'il nous a fait.
Oh, you know what? You're right. I did forget one thing :
Vous avez raison, jai oublié une chose.
I don't think it would really hurt anything if I did the spell, because, you know, it does wear off after 24 hours, and he'd forget everything anyway.
Ça ne fera de mal à personne si j'essaie ce sort. Les effets disparaissent au bout de 24 heures et il ne se le rappellera pas.
I bought you! How did I forget that that's all you do?
Je t'ai acheté et j'ai oublié que tu faisais ça!
I'll never forget what you guys did for me.
J'oublierai jamais.
All kidding aside, I don't want you to forget he did investigate you for a year.
Je te rappelle qu'il a mené une enquête sur toi pendant un an, à ton insu.
- I did not forget to tell you Harper's.
Je n'ai pas oublié Harper's.
What Oscar, did you forget something?
Oublié quelque chose?
Did you think we'd accept you, and forget everything?
Tu as pensé que l'on t'a accepté on a oublié toutes les choses?
Did you say to forget the children?
Que l'on oubli les enfants?
All I know is that you were supposed to forget like everybody else did.
Tout ce que je sais c'est que vous etiez supposer tout oublier comme tous les autres.

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