Door closed перевод на французский
974 параллельный перевод
- You got that door closed again, huh?
Vous avez laissé la porte fermée de nouveau, hein?
- You got that door closed again, huh? - Sorry.
- Vous avez encore la porte fermée, hein?
Do you think that door closed itself?
Crois-tu que la porte s'est fermée seule?
And if she comes crawling back to me on her knees... she'll find the door closed and don't you open it.
Elle peut supplier à genoux, la porte restera close! Et ne lui ouvre pas!
Make sure you pull the door closed!
Tirez bien la porte.
Do you like the door closed?
Je ferme la porte?
- Marion had the door closed.
- Non, la porte était fermée.
Oh, yeah, I heard everything you said, honey... but I'd just be a little more comfortable with the door closed.
Oh, si, j'ai tout entendu, chéri, mais je me sentirais mieux si tu fermais la porte.
Remember few weeks ago, once that door closed would not consider what happens out of here.
Il y a quelques semaines, nous étions d'accord pour dire qu'une fois cette porte fermée, nous ne penserions même pas à ce qui se passe à l'extérieur.
The Door of Guf hasn't closed yet?
Les Portes du Guf n'ont pas encore fermés!
Under normal circumstances, the Crown could fall, Christ could rise, and a gentleman would still find himself well met at the door of Margaret Wells, but today, we are closed.
Dans des circonstances normales, la couronne pourrait tomber, le Christ apparaître, et un gentilhomme trouverait bonne compagnie à la porte de Margaret Wells. mais aujourd'hui, nous sommes fermés.
And from now on, you're the only man in the world that my door is closed to.
Dorénavant, tu es le seul homme pour lequel ma porte sera fermée.
We closed that door already.
On a déjà fermé cette porte.
Yesterday as I closed the door.
Tu m'as ferme la porte hier soir.
- Because your door is always closed.
- Ouvrez donc la porte!
Doors are either open or closed. How do I know why I closed the door?
Pourquoi dois-je savoir, si j'ai fermé la porte?
I was doing all right until the wind closed the door and everything went black.
Tout allait bien jusqu'à ce que le vent ferme la porte.
When you came to me at Melbridge shortly after he disappeared... I told you I was sure he hadn't deserted you knowingly. I told you a door in his mind had opened, but another had closed.
Quand vous êtes venue me voir, après sa disparition, je vous ai dit qu'une porte de sa mémoire s'était refermée.
By the time I reached her, the door was closed.
Le temps que j'arrive, la porte était fermée.
I should have closed the kitchen door.
- J'aurais dû fermer la porte.
Make sure that door's closed.
Vérifiez que la portière est bien fermée.
The exterior door was not closed.
La porte extérieure n'était pas fermée.
This is Burma... the toughest battleground in the world... where the Japs had sealed off the Burma road... and closed the back door to China.
" Voici la Birmanie, le plus dur champ de bataille du monde où les Japonais ont coupé la route menant à la Chine.
You put the horrible thing behind a closed door.
On l'enferme derrière une porte close.
The door was closed. Tom. See that this man leaves here at once.
- Tom, reconduisez-le jusqu'à la porte.
Our lovebirds have closed the door.
Nos tourtereaux se sont enfermés.
- Door was closed. I opened it and came in. - Open it.
- J'ai ouvert la porte et je suis entré.
Born on... "etc., etc... " The door was closed but we could
" La porte s'est refermée, mais on l'entendait du vestibule
One door closed and another opened wide and I went through and never looked behind because wind was there, and space and sun and storms... everything was beyond that door.
Une porte se ferma. Une autre s'ouvrit. J'entrai sans me retourner.
The elevator doesn't run unless the door is closed.
L'ascenseur ne marche pas si la porte est ouverte. Je suis désolé.
Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but all exits have been closed, except the main door.
Désolé, mesdames et messieurs, mais... toutes les sorties ont été fermées à part la porte principale.
And if he remains here, and the door is closed...
Et s'il reste là, avec la porte fermée...
When the parson closed the door to the church, he also closed the door on himself.
Quand le pasteur ferma la porte de l'église il ferma aussi la porte sur lui-même.
Come in. - If I come in, does the door get closed?
- Si j'entre, la porte sera fermée?
One more disturbance and the rest of the proceeding will be made to closed door.
Encore une manifestation et le procès aura lieu à huis clos.
He pushed me into Owens'compartment, closed the door.
Il m'a poussée dans le compartiment d'Owens.
And once again, the door has closed against Maurice.
Une fois encore, une nouvelle porte se refermait sur Maurice.
Only, I can't put the blame on God this time. I closed the door myself.
Je ne pouvais en vouloir à Dieu, car c'est moi qui avais fermé la porte.
That door is usually closed.
C'est la première fois que je vois cette porte ouverte.
It was still too early for the world to know what was going on... behind that closed door.
C'était encore trop tôt pour que le monde apprenne ce qui se passait... derrière cette porte close.
Last time you closed the door you slammed it so hard you broke it off the hinges.
La dernière fois, tu as claqué la porte si fort que tu as cassé les gonds.
The door was not closed. That was our first night together.
Vers minuit passée, je me suis rendue dans ta chambre.
" She closed the door carefully...
" mais personne ne s'éveilla.
You opened the door, you should've closed it. That's all.
Tu as ouvert la porte, il fallait la fermer, c'est tout.
Door's closed now, so what you arguing about?
Elle est fermée, ça te suffit?
Morbius is in his study, sir... never to be disturbed while that door is closed.
Morbius est dans son bureau, monsieur... il ne doit jamais etre derange quand la porte est fermee.
Jo, when you and I are home alone and that door is closed do not think about what happens outside.
Jo, quand toi et moi, on est dans cette maison et que cette porte est fermée, ne pensons pas à ce qui se passe dehors.
- A closed door without even opening it!
- elle a passé la porte sans l'ouvrir.
A closed door.
Une porte fermée...
- The door was closed, was it not?
- La porte était fermée, n'est-ce pas?
- You were in a hurry to get the pattern so you probably walked quickly past the closed door, yet you are sure you heard Leonard Vole's voice?
- Vous étiez pressée, vous avez vite passé une porte fermée, mais vous êtes sûre que c'était Vole.
closed 242
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door open 23
door was open 50
door slams 187
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door neighbour 16
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door open 23
door was open 50
door slams 187
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door neighbor 57
door neighbour 16
door opening 118
door shuts 99
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door creaks 69
door to door 18
door buzzes 59
door shuts 99
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door creaking 24
door creaks 69
door to door 18
door buzzes 59