Enough of this перевод на французский
2,527 параллельный перевод
Enough of this frog talk.
Assez de franchouilleries!
- l've had enough of this.
- J'en ai assez de ton cirque.
All right, that's enough of this insubordination!
Assez d'insubordination!
Allright, enough of this,
- Suffit! Assez rit!
Enough of this shit.
Ça suffit.
I'm the chief of the... I've had enough of this.
Je suis le chef de ce putain de...
I've seen enough of this rock.
J'ai assez vu cette île.
Sure... Enough of this climb and your talk.
- Je sais pas si c'est la côte ou tes âneries, mais j'en peux plus.
I've had enough of this!
J'en ai ma claque!
I've had about enough of this.
- Bon, moi, je commence à en avoir assez de cette affaire.
- Enough of this farce.
Regardez, Là! Ça suffit, ce cirque!
I've had enough of this clown.
J'en ai assez.
I think I've had enough of this silly, stupid game.
Je crois que j'en ai assez de ce jeu stupide.
All right. Enough of this goddamn bullshit.
Bon, ça suffit, ces conneries.
Turns out he bought enough of this stuff to stretch from here to Gardena.
Il ressort qu'il a acheté assez de ces trucs pour s'étendre d'ici à Gardena.
- I've had enough of this.
- J'en ai assez.
- Enough of this, let's go.
- Bon, ça va faire! Viens-t'en! Ah!
The point is, enough of this high school nonsense.
Le fait est que... ça suffit, ces bêtises de lycée.
I have had enough of this.
J'en ai assez entendu.
Enough of this Kumbaya stuff.
Arrêtons la guimauve.
This great mass of humanity has said "Enough!" and has stepped forward.
Cette grande humanité a dit "Assez!" et s'est mise en marche.
The magnetic wave of this is enough to crash the plane.
Cet engin peut émettre des ondes qui feront s'écraser cet appareil.
I got enough shit here to light this place up like it's the Fourth of fucking July.
J'ai assez de matos pour allumer ce bled comme au 4 juillet!
Yes, we might lose an all-out battle with a large number of them, but we'd certainly be able to hang in long enough to get this Replicator on board one of their ships, at which point, hopefully, we'll be able to escape.
Il se peut qu'on perde une bataille massive contre eux, mais on devrait tenir assez longtemps pour faire pénétrer ce Réplicateur sur un vaisseau Ori, après quoi il reste à espérer qu'on puisse s'échapper.
No, this bunch of idiots wi I be more than enough to capture your litt e critters
Non, cette bande d'idiots sera plus que suffisante pour capturer vos créatures.
Look, I just need enough for the balloon payment for my doublewide, and then I'm out of this.
Il me faut juste de quoi payer le dernier versement de mon mobile home.
Enough of this!
J'en ai marre.
Listen, sergeant, I know a descent amount about the justice system enough to know that if you wanted to, you could drop this whole thing and save a lot of trouble for everybody, huh?
Écoutez, sergent. Je connais le système judiciaire. Si vous le vouliez, vous pourriez oublier tout ça.
This two of clubs alone is enough for a hand.
Ce deux de pic me suffit à avoir la main.
As we were planning to go to the waterfall and have a romantic evening, because, as you know, we don't do that very often because of the kids and work... But somehow, this crazy, traumatic shark experience was enough to make him neglect his wife.
On devait aller aux chutes et passer une soirée romantique, car on ne le fait pas souvent avec les enfants et le travail, mais cette expérience traumatisante l'a forcé à négliger sa femme.
You think the spy who's doing all of this would be stupid enough... to come by your office and use a security code on the weekend?
Vous croyez que l'espion qui fait tout ça serait assez bête... pour passer à votre bureau et utiliser une carte d'employé la fin de semaine?
We'll get to the bottom of this... we've had enough of your help, agent gold.
Ecoutez, si je pouvais juste trouver un téléphone, j'appellerais mon bureau et on règlerait ça. Assez de votre aide, agent Gold.
When I've been here long enough to win this kind of promotion, I'll take it.
Je n'ai pas l'ancienneté requise pour un tel avancement.
Enough of this bonding crap!
Enough dicking around, you guys, I poured every dime of my mom's inheritance into this place.
Arrêtez les conneries. J'y ai mis tout l'argent de ma mère.
As far as I'm concerned, we can't get rid of this bastard fast enough, but I'm out of the running.
Pour ma part, plus tôt on le dégomme, mieux c'est,
Enough of this horse shit!
This job takes enough out of you.
Ce boulot te bouffe.
Well, someone wasn't watching closely enough, because one of the faithful managed to scribble this on the back of a shopping list.
Quelqu'un a manqué de vigilance, car un des fidèles a écrit ça à l'arrière d'une liste d'achats.
The question is this : is the failure of the bailout reason enough to vote all the incumbents out of office in 5 weeks?
Le rejet du plan de sauvetage est-il une raison suffisante pour sanctionner les sortants aux prochaines élections?
This place is totally big enough for the three of us.
Cet endroit est assez grand pour trois.
I can't stress enough the importance of this research to counter the terrorist threat.
Cette recherche est capitale dans la lutte contre le terrorisme.
We should be able to get enough dna out of this to confirm the blood is Carlson's.
On devrait obtenir suffisamment d'ADN pour confirmer qu'il s'agit du sang de Carlson.
A speck of dust is enough to make them unusable, but this?
Une poussière peut la ruiner, alors ça...
I've had enough of that this week.
J'ai eu ma dose cette semaine.
He was chasing this kid who embezzled some money from a bunch of different companies, and he thought the FBI wasn't giving it enough attention.
Il était après un jeune qui avait escroqué plein de sociétés. Pour lui, le FBI ne s'en occupait pas assez.
Are you sure this fragments of a bone are enough?
Êtes-vous sûr que ces fragments suffiront?
Dr. Cuddy, you've got sufficient income, a high degree of personal and professional stability, and you care enough to be embarrassed by what a mess this place is.
Dr Cuddy, vous avez assez de revenus, de stabilité personnelle et professionnelle, et vous y tenez assez pour être gênée du désordre.
Would this be enough to... salve the indignity of this terrible assault?
Serait-ce assez pour... laver l'affront de cette terrible attaque?
In my opinion, this has been sufficient enough time to allow for the replenishment of species - of certain species - which were in decline and some others which were nearing extinction.
À mon avis, cela représente une période suffisante pour permettre la reconstitution des espèces qui étaient en déclin ou en voie d'extinction.
If only Max had been strong enough just to man up, if only Donny realized he didn't belong with you guys anymore, he and Amanda were through, well, then, none of this would have been necessary.
Si seulement Max avait été assez fort pour agir courageusement, si seulement Donny avait compris qu'il n'avait plus sa place parmi vous, que c'était fini entre lui et Amanda, rien de tout cela n'aurait été nécessaire.
enough of this shit 25
enough of this nonsense 22
enough of that 96
of this 39
of this year 16
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
enough of this nonsense 22
enough of that 96
of this 39
of this year 16
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is it 3373
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is important 545
this is bullshit 584
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this isn't right 330
this is the guy 68
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is ridiculous 1419
this is fun 448
this is a 428
this isn't right 330
this is the guy 68
this is for you 917
this is not good 352
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't 241
this is serious 534
this morning 1627
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't 241
this is serious 534