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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ H ] / He's coming over

He's coming over перевод на французский

281 параллельный перевод
- What's he coming over here for?
- Pourquoi vient-il ici?
He's coming tomorrow to have you sign over power of attorney.
Il viendra demain vous faire signer une procuration.
Wilmer shot Jacoby as he was coming down the fire escape shot him more than once, but Jacoby was too tough to fall or drop the falcon. He climbed down the rest of the way, knocked Wilmer over, and ran off.
Wilmer a tiré sur Jacoby, lequel, costaud, n'a pas lâché le faucon, a assommé Wilmer et s'est enfui.
And, uh... And then, darling, I think you'd better go... because he's coming over to fetch me as soon as he's ready.
Et après, chéri, tu ferais mieux de partir parce qu'il viendra me chercher dès qu'il sera prêt.
He'll be glad you're coming over. He's showing it to the dogs.
Il sera heureux de vous recevoir.
Yes, he's just coming in now, way over there. Look.
Si, le voilà qui arrive, là-bas.
- He's coming over.
- Il arrive.
He's coming over.
- Allez, Billy.
He's coming over here.
Il vient ici. Allez.
It's very clever the way he lets those few hairs at the back grow long... and then combs it forward over the top of his head... coming down over his ears.
Il a eu la bonne idée de laisser pousser ses cheveux derrière puis de les rabattre en avant sur son crâne et ses oreilles.
Good. He's coming over this way now.
Parfait, Il vient vers nous.
Tell Bill Daly's wife to roll over. He's coming home.
Dites à la femme de Daly qu'il rentre chez lui.
There's a battery coming. He'll get run over for sure.
Y a l'artillerie qu'arrive à fond!
So he's coming over here, huh?
Alors comme ça, il vient ici?
He's coming over.
Il arrive.
That was Tom. He's in the village and coming over.
Tom vient d'arriver au village.
- The boyfriend. He's coming over.
- SherIock holmes!
He's coming back over us.
Il revient!
He's coming over.
Il vient ici.
- Now he's coming over. - Keep your mouth shut!
- On est tranquilles.
He's coming over tonight.
Il viendra ce soir.
If HE's not coming, what's the point of YOU coming over?
- S'il vient pas, c'est plus la peine de venir chez nous!
I think he's coming over the mountain.
Je crois qu'il passe par la montagne.
He's coming over this afternoon with a toy manufacturer.
Il vient après manger avec un fabricant de jouets.
Yes, he's coming over here later.
Oui, il vient ici plus tard.
Look out, he's coming over.
It's the porter. He's coming over himself.
C'est le portier, il dit qu'il vient en personne.
You know, Grossman's coming over, and he wants to talk about some things.
Grossman va arriver pour discuter.
Michael, he's coming over here!
Attends! Il vient par ici.
Hey, he's coming over here!
Il vient vers nous!
Now he's coming over to talk to the champ.
Il va vers le champion- - - Salut.
He's coming over. I can't let him see me like this.
Il ne faut pas qu'il me voie dans cet état.
Sheriff Parent says for you to stay there, he's coming right over.
Le shérif Parent vous demande de rester là, il arrive tout de suite.
He's coming over.
Il va venir.
He's coming over from the New Detroit Complex.
Il vient du Complexe de New Detroit.
He's coming over here, Martha.
Il est en train de venir!
He's coming over!
II vient ici!
- Beat it, he's coming over!
Dégage, il s'approche.
I think he's coming over here!
Il vient par là! Walter... attention!
He's coming over next week for another competition.
Il vient la semaine prochaine pour une autre compétition.
This group he belongs to, the Attila Circle it's just a bunch of little old guys who drag out the picket signs whenever some dimwit Communist diplomat makes the mistake of coming over here.
Ce groupe auquel il appartient, le Cercle d'Attila, ce n'est qu'une bande de petits vieillards qui sortent les pancartes quand un diplomate communiste débile commet l'erreur de venir ici.
All day, he hung around the cove or upon the cliffs with a brass telescope... gazing out over the waves... as if he feared something were coming for him from the sea.
Il passait la journée sur les falaises, avec sa longue-vue, surveillant par-dessus les vagues, comme s'il craignait que quelque chose arrive par la mer.
He's coming over here.
Il s'approche.
He's coming over.
Le voilà
He ran into this building with flames coming out and people ran over and this guy, he's just a regular guy, a watchmaker.
Les gens s'enfuyaient, et ce type, un type ordinaire, un horloger
He's coming over here.
Je ne peux pas regarder.
He's coming over.
Il arrive!
He's coming over. - Sondra, thanks.
Merci, Sondra!
- Dwayne's not coming over, is he?
Dwayne ne vient pas?
He's the one that stared at me from the boat coming over.
C'est lui! C'est lui qui me fixait quand j'étais sur le bateau qui m'a amené.
He says he's coming over to take a lie detector test.
Il a dit qu'il venait au poste passer au détecteur de mensonges.

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