His watch перевод на французский
1,989 параллельный перевод
Problem with his watch in the car is he still works on it.
Le problème avec sa montre dans l'auto, c'est qu'il travaille dessus.
It breaks my heart hearing his watch beep every day at noon for Rafe.
Ça me fend le cœur d'entendre sa montre faire bip à midi pour Rafe.
So I took it back and took his watch too.
Donc je l'ai reprise et j'ai aussi pris sa montre.
Just staring at Bubbie's machines, scared to death she'll kick on his watch.
Il regarde la machine de Mamie, il a peur qu'elle meurt pendant sa garde.
Because his watch said he was having a heart attack.
Parce que sa montre disait qu'il faisait une attaque cardiaque!
Check into his watch, the pen in his pocket. His cologne if you can remember the smell.
Vérifier sa montre, le stylo dans sa poche, son parfum, si vous vous souvenez de l'odeur.
He was still wearing his watch.
Et il a toujours sa montre.
No. I'll do a GPS search on his watch.
Non, je vais le localiser en passant par sa montre.
His cell is switched off and his watch is still in the apartment.
Il a éteint son portable et n'a pas sa montre.
He's missing his watch.
Il ne porte pas sa montre.
From then on, night after night while Smith got his beauty sleep Samantha found something more interesting to watch than TiVo.
À partir de ce jour-là, soir après soir, alors que Smith dormait d'un sommeil réparateur... Samantha trouva quelque chose de beaucoup plus intéressant à regarder que TiVo.
Hey, watch his ankle.
Faites gaffe à sa cheville.
I got piles of dailies to watch And an actor who wants his trainer To direct a $ 70 million feature.
J'ai des tonnes de rushes à visionner et un acteur qui veut faire engager son coach!
Watch his fucking neck! Fuck off!
Faites gaffe à son cou!
Someone has to watch his blood sugar.
Quelqu'un doit surveiller sa glycémie.
And as long as Vernon keeps his WitSec agreement and testifies against the Cruzes, he gets to watch his little son grow up.
Et tant que Vernon reste dans le Programme de Protection en témoignant contre les Cruz, il pourra voir son fils grandir.
For example, a woman's parking her car, and then Jimmy runs out and says she's run over his Rolex watch, so then we show the watch.
Exemple : Une femme se gare. Jimmy accourt, hurlant qu'elle a roulé sur sa Rolex.
Only a seasoned spy as Shurenberg could keep his wits about him as Iron Hans von Eisen continued to watch him closely.
Seul un espion chevronné comme Shurenberg était capable de deviner que Hans de fer n'avait pas fait le chemin juste pour le border.
I mean literally flay him, nail his head to a tree, spread it with jam, then watch the squirrelsgo to town. Working through some stuff, are we?
Je veux dire littéralement l'écorcher, épingler sa tête à un arbre, étaler de la confiture dessus, et regarder les écureuils s'en gaver.
Clarence wants to watch "One Man And His Dog".
Clarence veut voir "One Man And His Dog".
After unearthing the grave of Charlotte Charles in search of a pocket watch and finding neither girl nor watch, former jailbird Dwight Dixon used his masculine wiles to determine if Vivian knew the watch's final final resting place.
Après avoir ouvert la tombe de Charlotte Charles à la recherche de la montre et trouvé ni fille ni montre, l'ancien taulard Dwight Dixon utilisa ces ruses masculines pour découvrir si Vivian connaissait l'endroit final du repos final de la montre.
In his search for a brass pocket watch, Dwight Dixon found a heart of gold.
Dans sa quête d'une montre à gousset en laiton, Dwight Dixon trouva un coeur en or.
Dwight had in his possession the watch she believed was buried with Chuck.
Dwight avait en sa possession la montre qu'elle pensait enterrée avec Chuck.
And Dwight, believing the girl who was not dead stole back the watch he stole from her, set off to retrieve his stolen, stolen property.
Et Dwight, pensant que la fille qui n'était pas morte lui avait volé la montre qu'il lui avait déjà volée, s'en alla pour récupérer son objet volé, à nouveau volé.
Philippe manages to take the guys watch off his wrist and hide it in his pocket!
Philippe a trouvé le moyen de retirer la montre du policier et de la glisser dans sa poche.
Watch his IV.
- Attention à sa perf.
It'd mean a lot to him to have his brother come down and watch him play.
Ça lui ferait plaisir que son frère vienne le voir jouer.
He was a latchkey kid. Both of his parents worked, so he... was head straight to watch TV before doing his homework.
Il devait rentrer seul, ses deux parents travaillaient, donc... il regardait la télé avant de faire ses devoirs.
And she'd sit out on the curb and watch his place.
Et elle restait en retrait et l'observait.
But he's always with a thug that's also his driver so you be careful, watch out.
Il est toujours avec un voyou qui lui sert de chauffeur, alors fais attention.
What did Gaza do to you that gives you permission to let his daughter disappear on our watch?
Elle m'a eu. Je la suivais jusqu'à...
Watch his old man puke in the john and eat soup?
Regarder son père gerber dans les toilettes et manger de la soupe?
Thats fine when he does it lying in his own patch but watch what happens when he bellows close to another male.
C'est très bien quand il ne pas traîner dans son propre correctif mais regardez ce qui arrive quand il soufflet près d'un autre homme.
Watch his back, alright?
- Veille sur lui.
I swore I would do whatever it took... gastric bypass, liposuction, plastic surgery, tryout after tryout after tryout until I finally made the squad... just so I could watch him eat his poison words in front of everyone.
J'ai juré de tout faire... anneau gastrique, liposuccion, chirurgie esthétique, J'ai essayé. essai après essai jusqu'à ce qu'enfin, je fasse partie de l'équipe...
If you watch the tape, he ducks his head the second he steps off the train. so he knows when he's being filmed.
Sur la vidéo, on voit qu'il baisse la tête à la seconde où il descend du train.
Ask him how he thinks it makes me feel to watch him, a man who told me flat out he didn't want to have children with me, become completely and utterly destroyed over some kid who wasn't even his to begin with.
- Demandez-lui, que croit-il que je ressens quand je le vois, cet homme qui m'a bien dit qu'il ne voulait pas d'enfants avec moi, être complètement et parfaitement anéanti pour un gamin qui n'était même pas le sien au départ.
Just watch his little head.
Tiens, attention à sa tête.
Watch his nose!
Regardez son nez! Son nez!
I kept myself apart, close enough to keep watch over you, but far enough away so that if Darken Rahl ever found his way to me, I wouldn't be a blazing arrow pointing the way to you.
Je suis resté à l'écart, assez près pour te garder à l'oeil, mais assez loin pour que si Darken Rahl me trouvait, je ne lui indique pas directement le chemin jusqu'à toi.
When I stand before Darken Rahl tomorrow, I will tell him that I took it upon myself to flay the traitor alive, tied to a pole at the crossroad, Where all the passersby can watch the crows feast on his eyeballs and learn from his example.
Lorsque je me tiendrai devant Darken Rahl demain, je lui dirai que j'ai pris l'initiative d'écorcher vif le traître, de l'attacher au bord de la route, où les passants pourront regarder les corbeaux festoyer de ses orbites
I promised him I'd watch his back.
Je lui avais promis de le protéger.
Easy.Watch his head.
Doucement. Attention à sa tête.
And And then, Max Patrick appears out of nowhere, he saves the president and blows up the squid with his laser watch.
Et ensuite, Max Patrick sort de nulle part, sauve le président, et désintègre la pieuvre avec sa montre laser.
So you mean as long as he's wearing that watch you can track his movements?
S'il la porte, vous pouvez le localiser?
If he's in my care and godfather has to watch him die, he might change his order.
Si je le soigne et que Godfather le voit mourir, il pourrait revoir son ordre.
His job was to watch the motion sensors. Perimeter security, to ensure that there was no breach at the base.
Il était chargé de surveiller les détecteurs de mouvement et le périmètre de sécurité, pour prévenir de toute intrusion.
So, while killer bees were invading Camden, I was stuck inside having to watch my wife canoodle with my cousin and his backpack that was worth more than my car.
Pendant que ces abeilles envahissaient Camden, j'étais condamné à regarder ma femme faire des mamours à mon cousin et son sac à dos plus cher que ma voiture.
- Watch his head.
- Attention à sa tête.
Because he left his wallet, watch, and keys here.
Soit leur dire et ruiner le reste de ma vie, soit prétendre que ça n'est pas arrivé.
What about his pocket watch?
Et au sujet de sa montre à gousset?
watch 1138
watching 230
watched 17
watches 61
watch out 2503
watch your mouth 281
watch your tone 44
watch tv 56
watch your language 95
watch your eyes 17
watching 230
watched 17
watches 61
watch out 2503
watch your mouth 281
watch your tone 44
watch tv 56
watch your language 95
watch your eyes 17
watch it 1500
watch your step 464
watch your back 240
watching tv 59
watch your six 28
watch and learn 230
watch yourself 314
watch your head 255
watch this 999
watch your tongue 39
watch your step 464
watch your back 240
watching tv 59
watch your six 28
watch and learn 230
watch yourself 314
watch your head 255
watch this 999
watch your tongue 39