Innocent people перевод на французский
2,060 параллельный перевод
I had to drag innocent people into the fray.
J'ai aussi impliqué des personnes innocentes dans ce bordel!
Please, innocent people have died. Do you recognize this man?
S'il vous plaît, une personne innocente est morte.
War is a dirty business. Innocent people die too
La guerre tue très souvent des innocents.
- Who was he? War is dirty. Innocent people die.
La guerre tue des innocents.
You're blaming innocent people for something that happened 145 years ago.
Tu vas punir des innocents pour quelque chose qui s'est passé il y a 145 ans.
Not some lowlife who jeopardized 40 innocent people for a quick payoff.
Pas un minable qui terrorise quarante innocents pour du fric.
Olin doesn't want to harm innocent people.
Olin ne veut pas blesser des innocents.
I can't let more innocent people die.
Aucun autre innocent ne doit mourir.
Look, even I know innocent people get arrested all of the time.
De ce que j'en sais, des gens innocents sont arrêtés tout le temps.
You got a building full of innocent people and a wack-job holding a gun to their heads.
Vous avez un bâtiment plein d'innocents et un dingue qui leur met un flingue sur la tempe.
In my experience, innocent people tend to speak in specifics.
D'après mon expérience, les innocents sont explicites.
If you extend the anti-terrorism package, innocent people will suffer.
- La faute de Raben si Sebastian et d'autres sont morts.
How many more innocent people like Alonzo Rodriguez must die before we realize that it's the death penalty itself that's the mistake?
Combien d'innocents doivent mourir avant qu'on abolisse la peine de mort?
More innocent people will die because of this archaic...
Plus d'Innocents mourront à cause de cette...
The death penalty, it presupposes the infallibility of a judicial system where mistakes are made all the time, and that means that innocent people will continue to die.
La peine de mort suppose un système judiciaire infaillible, or il y a des erreurs. D'autres innocents mourront.
There are innocent people down there who didn't do anything!
Il y a des innocents, là-bas, qui n'ont rien fait!
There were innocent people on my home planet before it was destroyed.
Il y avait des innocents sur ma planète avant qu'elle soit détruite.
A lot of innocent people died out there.
Plein d'innocents sont morts là bas.
So, tell me, what is it like sitting there knowing that all of those innocent people are about to die?
Alors, dis-moi, ça fait quoi de rester planté là comme un idiot et d'assister, complètement impuissant, au désastre?
Just to see these people... These completely innocent people, who've been forced from their homes, mercilessly, at the point of a gun.
Voir ces gens, ces gens innocents, qui ont été expulsés de chez eux, sans pitié, sous la menace d'une arme.
You knew all this was real yet you still sent a tour boat full of innocent people in there?
Mais vous avez envoyé magré tout un bateau rempli d'innocents là-bas?
You killed all those innocent people.
Vous avez tué des innocents.
Nature, without sweat or endeavour would bring forth, of its own kind all foison, all abundance to feed my innocent people
La nature, sans efforts ni sueur, fournirait à foison de quoi nourrir mon peuple.
We're in the business of helping mankind, not killing innocent people.
Notre métier, c'est d'aider, pas de tuer!
In her story, innocent people always die.
Dans son histoire, les innocents meurent toujours.
Old enough to understand all the suffering my family has inflicted on so many innocent people.
Assez âgée pour comprendre toute la souffrance que ma famille a infligée à des tas d'innocents.
Beth. Why did you let innocent people die, Beth?
Pourquoi as-tu laissé des innocents mourir, Beth?
Sometimes they take your ideas and resources and hurt innocent people.
Il leur arrive de piquer vos idées et vos ressources et de tuer des innocents.
So I'm just guessing that helping to deliver a dirty bomb to New York City which will cost the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people isn't exactly what you signed on for.
J'en déduis que vous construisez une bombe à New York qui coûtera la vie de dizaines de milliers d'innocents et ce n'est pas exactement ce qui été prévu.
I'm doing it for all the innocent people out there... whose lives are at stake.
Je fais ça pour tous les innocents dont la vie est en péril.
How do you make money killing millions of innocent people?
Comment t'enrichis-tu en tuant tant d'innocents?
- I murdered innocent people.
- J'ai tué des innocents.
I ain't filling salt shakers while innocent people are being attacked by vampires.
Je vais pas remplir des salières quand des vampires tuent des innocents.
- All kinds of innocent people up there.
Y a plein d'innocents là-bas.
Was it really easier to blow up a train of innocent people than to face up to your own biggest fear, which, let's face it, is life itself, isn't it?
C'était plus facile de faire sauter un train rempli d'innocents plutôt que de faire face à ta plus grande peur, qui est, disons-le, la vie en elle-même?
Be that as it may, innocent people don't end up dead in fishing nets.
Les innocents ne finissent pas morts dans des filets de pêche.
The slaughtering of innocent people by a mad dictator?
Massacrer des innocents au nom d'un dictateur fou?
Relax, I've shot all the innocent people I care to.
J'ai mon quota de bavures.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } which is more than he deserves after shooting { \ * into a crowd of } innocent people.
{ \ pos ( 192,230 ) } ce qui est plus qu'il ne mérite pour avoir tiré sur la foule.
I mean, if there's a God and all why does he allow all those innocent people to die for no reason?
Si Dieu existe, pourquoi permettre la mort d'innocents?
Sanctioning the killing of innocent people can never be a moral act.
Permettre le meurtre d'innocents n'est jamais moral.
You're killing innocent people.
Vous tuez des innocents!
Some of the songs were completely literal, innocent, and people found a hidden anti-Dictatorship meaning. It was pathetic!
Souvent les musiques étaient simples et innocentes, et on trouvait malgré tout des significations occultes contre la dictature, c'était triste, pathétique
There is nothing innocent about these people, and don't think for a second it won't happen again.
Il n'y a rien d'innocents chez ces personnes, et ne crois pas que ça n'arrivera plus.
For people like this, who I've spent the last year and a half of my life investigating... Innocent civilians are really little more than disposable lives, thought of as collateral damage.
Pour ces gens-là, sur lesquels j'ai enquêté durant un an et demi, les civils innocents ne sont que des vies jetables, qu'on appelle dommages collatéraux.
d l like a little innocent bitch d l could not believe that there was a guy singing like that on a record. People were digging it. It was like, "Whoa!"
J'arrivais pas à croire qu'il y avait un mec qui chantait comme ça et que les gens aimaient ça.
Why plans full of people they are innocent?
Pourquoi vous venger sur des innocents?
I just stupidly thought that the people who loved her would actually believe she's innocent.
Je pensais naïvement que les gens qui l'aimaient Croiraient en son innocence.
I join with the American people in mourning him and every other innocent life that was lost during this crisis.
Je me joins au peuple américain pour lui rendre hommage, lui et tous les autres innocents qui ont perdu la vie pendant cette crise.
I know you're clean now but I've got to convince a few other people.
Je sais que vous êtes innocent mais je dois en convaincre d'autres.
I believe you're not involved in this, but you broke the firearm legislation, and killed people.
Je pense aussi que vous êtes innocent. Mais vous avez tué des gens avec une arme à feu.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people do 54
people go 25
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people do 54
people go 25