It was all me перевод на французский
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It was all me.
C'est ma faute.
No. It was all me.
C'était moi.
I was coming up here to... Tell you what happened to me today, but it seems like all the real action is up here.
J'allais te raconter ma journée, mais on dirait que c'est ici que ça se passe.
It was just easier for me to lie to all of you and let you believe that he was just like dad.
C'était plus facile pour moi de vous mentir et de vous faire croire qu'il était comme papa.
And you'd let me know if you felt it was all too much for you?
Si ça devient trop difficile, dites-le-moi.
She's not here, sheis somewhere in the U.K. Heeven showed me her wedding snap Heeven apologised for not inviting us as it was all done in ahurry
Ellen "est pas ici, elleest quelque part au Royaume-Uni ll m" amememontre sa photo de mariage ll s " est memeexcusede ne pas nous avoirinvites Etant donne que tout avait ete fait ala hate
Three years after the day it all happened, I was 11... and I remember coming home thinking that he's here.
Trois ans après le jour où c'est arrivé, j'avais 11 ans... et je me souviens être rentrée en pensant qu'il était là.
But everything around me was to scale so it all looked normal.
Mais tout autour de moi était à la même échelle, donc tout me paraissait normal.
Or it could be me'cause I'm not all that good. With me trapped at work with Looney Tunes, Mike was beginning to think the fun house wasn't all that fun for him.
Mike commençait à trouver que la maison n'était pas cool pour lui.
Told me all about it like it was nothing.
Il m'a tout raconté comme si c'était rien.
And it was you, Ian, that stopped me every single time. So here I am, all right, returning the favour.
Et c'est toi qui m'en as toujours empêché.
But it was all just a facade to get rid of me so he could make a move on Suneetha.
Il voulait me mettre sur la touche pour séduire Suneetha. Écoute...
If it makes you feel any better, when I was dating Penny, she used to flip out on me all the time.
Si ça peut te réconforter, quand je sortais avec Penny, c'était la même chose.
So it was later in the evening, and things had progressed quite a bit...'cause I remember we were all starting to get pretty lit at this point.
Alors, plus tard dans la soirée, les choses avaient progressées... parce que je me souviens qu'on commençait a être plutôt bourrés.
It was just too tempting, all your inner thoughts and feelings, laying there on your desk for me to read.
C'était trop tentant, toutes tes pensée et tes sentiments, attendant sur ton bureau que je les lise.
Well, I guess it's just time for me to try to figure out who I was supposed to be after all.
Il est temps pour moi d'essayer de comprendre qui je suis censée être au bout du compte.
And I was so exhausted from trying to solve your problems and somebody came up to me and offered to make it all about me.
J'étais fatigué de tes problèmes, et quelqu'un m'a proposé de s'occuper de moi.
I was in a terrible place, and, you're right, it was all about me.
J'allais très mal. C'est vrai, il n'y en avait que pour moi.
Somebody asked me and I was thinking about it, that's all.
On me l'a demandé et j'y réfléchissais, c'est tout.
"it was all a dream." want me to write it down for you?
- Je te l'écris? - Non!
What I did was, I practised your signature until it was as natural as my own, because the only alternative to forgery was to call them all up, you know?
Je me suis entrainé à imiter ta signature jusqu'à ce que ça devienne aussi naturel que pour la mienne, parce que l'autre alternative était de tous les appeler, tu vois?
This all makes me think it was personal, Nick.
Tout ça me fait dire que c'est personnel, Nick.
I guess it was pretty urgent and important to you, since you decided to serve me at work in front of all of my co-workers.
Tu es pressé, pour m'envoyer une assignation à mon travail.
All I ever wanted was to be popular, and now I've lost it for someone who gave me an air hug.
J'ai toujours voulu être populaire. J'ai tout balancé pour un vulgaire câlin aérien.
Why did you do nothing when he threw me in the pool? Babi, it was all a set-up. I rang those idiots to cause a fuss so I could be with you.
Pourquoi t'as rien fait pour l'empêcher de me balancer dans la piscine? ça faisait partie de mon plan. pour pouvoir me retrouver seul avec toi.
And he kept on me about it, but he was gentle, not, like, all judgmental and... just telling me that it was gonna be bad for me.
Et il insistait là-dessus, mais... gentiment, il ne me jugeait pas, il me disait juste... que ça risquait de mal tourner pour moi.
And I was just wondering if that's all it was... Talk.
Je me demandais si ce n'était que des bavardages.
Well, uh, first of all, I was kind of out of it, so there are some parts I don't remember.
Eh bien, disons au départ que j'étais un peu défoncé, alors il y a des choses dont je ne me souviens pas.
It was child's play to lure you all into the light-speed dimension which I had already arranged to teleport me to the 25th Century.
Un jeu d'enfant de vous attirer dans la dimension de la vitesse ultime. Je m'étais arrangé pour me téléporter dans le vingt-cinquième siècle.
It was all over school, and so I was just wondering... if maybe that little incident resulted in an unwanted...
Tout le lycée le savait. Je me demandais si ce petit incident avait eu une conséquence non désirée...
My informants tell me that it was the intention of Surrey and his associates to usurp authority by means of the murder of all members of the Council, and the control of the Prince by them alone.
Mon informateur m'a dit que l'intention de Surrey et de ses associés était d'usurper l'autorité grâce au meurtre de tous les membres du conseil. Et en contrôlant seuls, le prince.
No, no, I've fixed it. All I needed was you two.
Il ne me fallait que vous, huile et sonique.
And I was all, like, " It'll take more than some plastic clicker to tame this bitch,
Et moi, j'ai dit : "C'est pas en me faisant des clics que tu vas m'apprivoiser."
You're kidding! I know. I-I was gonna tell you, but I didn't want to jinx it until it was all for sure, so.
J'allais te le dire mais je voulais pas que ça me porte la poisse.
"Tell me all about it :" They're curious to know what happened, what was said :
Ils sont curieux, ils ont envie de savoir ce qui s'est passé, ce qui s'est dit, etc.
All it tells me is that the photo paper was stored in a moist, dark space.
J'en déduis que le papier photo était dans un endroit sombre et humide.
All three of Tanya's holes were working, and it was me who unsealed them.
Les trois trous de Tanya fonctionnaient parfaitement. Et c'est moi qui les ai descellés.
Yeah, except for the five years when you were with me, you said it was all you could do to keep from strangling her.
Oui, sauf pendant les cinq ans avec moi quand tu disais que tu voulais l'étrangler.
All he told me was that there was a lot of it waiting for him on the outside, but in order to get it, he needed to get out today.
Tout ce qu'il m'a dit c'est qu'il avait un bon paquet qui l'attendait dehors, mais que pour le récupérer, il devait s'évader aujourd'hui.
And all they did was scare the shit out of me. Because they show you these diagrams of, like, a penis just this huge penis and it's cut in half lengthwise.
Ils montrent des dessins de pénis, un énorme pénis coupé en deux sur la longueur.
I was in Jacksonville, got an early call from Cole here, my head of security, saying one of our trucks had been stolen out of our lot, and that it just might be the one we'd all been watching on the news.
J'étais à Jacksonville, quand j'ai reçu un appel de mon chef de la sécurité ici présent, Cole, me disant qu'un de nos véhicules avait été volé et qu'il s'agissait peut-être de celui qu'on a tous vu aux infos.
He gave it to me and it was a good thing he did because he ended up getting it all back.
Il me les a données et c'est une bonne chose parce qu'il a fini par tout récupérer.
of not being able to do what Bruce wanted, it's amazing to me how he was able to withstand it and never crack and never really show at all how disturbing the whole thing must have been.
de ne pas pouvoir faire ce que Bruce voulait. C'est étonnant la façon dont il a su résister. Il n'a jamais craqué et il n'a jamais vraiment montré à quel point la situation a dû être dérangeante.
And it was full drunk guys who were passed out and puking all over the place, and me and Joe...
C'était rempli de mecs bourrés évanouis qui vomissaient partout, et Joe et moi...
As much as it kills me to agree with Walter, we can't move on the wife. All she did was pay Elena to cast a spell.
Ça me tue d'être d'accord avec Walter, on peut s'en prendre à la femme.
Oh, it was so fun. He was all over me.
- Il était sur moi et...
Before, all I needed was a tiny glimpse of Antonia's body to know it was her.
Il me suffisait de voir un petit bout du corps d'Antonia... pour savoir que c'était elle.
Just admit it was you all along, sending me that photo, locking us in the warehouse, using a sweet childhood toy to confuse and devastate your own son.
Admettez juste que c'est vous, la photo, notre séquestration dans l'entrepôt, l'utilisation d'un doudou pour totalement déstabiliser votre fils.
And it was the middle of the night, and all I had to eat was mealworms for three fucking days in a row, and I had a theme song in my head. I couldn't get it out of my head, and I didn't remember what TV show it was.
Et c'était la nuit noire, en trois jours, j'avais mangé que des vers, j'avais cette chanson dans la tête et je me rappelais pas de la série.
Every time I went before the committee, all I got was the runaround when I asked where the rest of it went.
À chaque réunion avec le comité, on me menait en bateau quand je demandais où était l'argent.
I'm hiding the flour because those tortillas were good and everybody was being stinjy and i put a lot of my heart and soul into making those things and i made a big one for me and they all took it.
Je cache la farine parce que ces tortillas sont bonnes et que tout le monde était content. J'ai mis beaucoup de mon coeur et de mon âme a les faires, et je me suis fait avoir, ils ont tous pris.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was beautiful 226
it was a 305
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was amazing 310
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233