It was just us перевод на французский
747 параллельный перевод
If it was just us... If it was just you and me.
S'il n'y avait que nous deux... que toi et moi.
" It was just us, like there was no one else in the world,
" Nous étions seuls, comme si nous étions dans un autre monde,
Just think, whoever took it was right in the room with us.
Imagine. Celui qui l'a piquée était dans la salle avec nous.
And as long as one of us can draw a breath... he will give his strengths to the movement... just as it was in yesteryear.
Et aussi longtemps que l'un de nous en aura la force... il donnera ses forces au mouvement... comme il le faisait autrefois.
Yes'm, but I was just seein if anything was behind us...'fore it get in there ahead of us.
Oui M'sieur, mais je vérifiais juste qu'il n'y avait rien derrière nous... qui nous précède là-dedans et avance avec nous.
I liked it better when it was a swamp and there was just the two of us.
J'aimais mieux l'ancien paysage. Et nous étions seuls!
Just between us... are you really upset? Was it really unexpected?
Entre nous... dramatique ou inespéré?
Just look around : these towers, the ramparts, this month of May, it was all arranged long ago for us, I'm sure of it. And nothing has changed.
Tenez, regardez, ces tours, ce chemin de ronde, ce mois de mai, tout était prévu depuis longtemps pour nous j'en suis sûr, et rien n'a changé, c'est toujours le Moyen-Âge.
It was as big as a palace. We just worked there nights, the two of us, cleaning.
Nous y faisions le nettoyage, la nuit.
Me so sure it was just the three of us.
J'étais si sûr qu'on n'était que trois.
I was just wondering how long it would be before you got so lonesome you'd have to come pay us a visit.
Je me demandais quand vous mourriez assez d'ennui pour venir nous voir.
The two of us - How can I explain? At first it was just some innocent postcards. Then I heard nothing for a long time, until suddenly a letter came from the POW camp.
Lui et moi - comment t'expliquer - on s'écrivait des cartes, puis il n'a plus donné signe de vie, jusqu'à une lettre qu'il a envoyée de captivité.
But they told us it was just a weak little counterattack.
Ils ont dit que c'était juste une petite contre-attaque.
I was just thinking it's a lucky thing for us that there's a limit on ducks, Mrs. Gentry.
Une bonne chose, ce sont les lois protégeant les canards, Mme Gentry.
Maybe it was the sun just playing tricks on us.
C'était peut-être le soleil qui nous jouait des tours.
How about them fellas tellin'us it was dangerous... for just the three of us to ride in this country
Et ces gars au fort qui nous disaient que c " était dangereux... pour nous trois de chevaucher par ici?
That's the sound of the saucer we heard on the tape. The message was sent at an accelerated speed so it just sounded like gibberish to us.
C'était le message... que nous avons pris pour un bruit sans signification.
Yeah, it was just before Marge and me got married. Uh... A bunch of us were going down to Fowler's Camp on the river, see, and Irene had a date with Harry Bell.
Ouais, c'était juste avant notre mariage, Marge et moi nous allions à Fowler'camp vers la rivière et Irène avait rendez vous avec Harry Bell.
It may just be that some person was born to do tremendous things for us, and for the world.
"Son destin peut être " d'accomplir de grandes choses " pour nous, pour le monde entier.
It's not like it was in France, just us and the war.
On n'est plus en France pendant la guerre.
You told us it was all right just as long as we could see the top of her head.
Vous aviez dit que ça allait... tant que la tête était visible.
If we've done whatever it was he did we would have only got a DFM. Just medals, no crosses for us.
On aurait pu en faire autant, on n'aurait pas été décorés, nous!
It sure looked to us like she was just asking for it.
On a vraiment pensé quelle nattendait que ça.
It's just you, me and old Plato, and one of us was around when old man Clemens was killed.
Vous cherchez à faire du bruit? On pourrait faire sauter une bombe sans se faire remarquer.
It was just by accident that he was staying there but it didn't take him long to figure out what was going on between us.
Il s'y trouvait par hasard. Mais il a tout de suite compris.
She was just about to say something when her father appeared between us and made it very clear that I wasn't good enough for her.
Son père me fait comprendre que je ne suis pas assez bien pour elle.
Well, I was just pondering on love and, well, how it comes to each of us in a different manner.
Je méditais sur l'amour et sur la façon dont il s'approche de nous différemment.
Well when he walked past us it was just like a mountain just a blur, you know.
Enfin, quand il est passé devant nous, je n'ai distingué qu'une montagne, tout était flou, vous savez.
It's very nice here, but I wish it was just the two of us.
C'est joli ici, mais je préférerais qu'on soit seuls.
Most of us remember what happened. Just like it was yesterday.
La plupart d'entre nous s'en souviennent... comme si c'était hier.
That wasn't anything we wanted to do. When Duncan found out the mine was on government property... it was just a technicality, really, but he was determined to turn us in.
Quand Duncan a vu que la mine était propriété du gouvernement, il n'a eu de cesse de nous en chasser.
So, we're all just fine, but whatever was on that ship used our transporter beam to come aboard with us, and now it's here.
Donc, tout va bien. Mais ce qui était dans le vaisseau a utilisé le téléporteur pour monter à bord avec nous, et à présent, il est là.
- Not to us. We just felt that it was important that you two understand, you being the newest in Stepford.
On s'est dit qu'il fallait que vous le compreniez car vous venez d'arriver.
You just overdramatized it, she was going to give us what we want.
C'était une question de temps. Elle allait marcher.
I just want it to be like it was. Me, the two of us. You.
Je veux que ce soit comme avant... moi... nous deux... toi... comme tu étais...
And for a long time I thought it was just the two of us that had "the shine" to us.
Et j'ai longtemps cru que nous étions les seuls... à avoir ce pouvoir.
Well, when I say "house", it was just a hole in the ground, covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us!
Enfin, je dis une maison, c'était juste un trou dans le sol, recouvert par une bâche, mais c'était "notre" maison!
I was thinking maybe we could make it a wedding trip and have you join us not just as our best friend, but as my best man.
J'ai pensé qu'on pourrait en faire un voyage de noces... et que tu pourrais venir avec nous, non seulement comme notre meilleur ami... mais comme parrain.
Because by wiping out Kalenda, who was really just a procurer, it tends to bring us back to - to my original idea... of a person who has to blame the rest of society for his own shortcomings.
En éliminant Kalenda, qui n'était qu'un entremetteur... nous en revenons à mon idée initiale... d'une personne qui blâme le reste de la société pour ses propres défauts.
I was pretty insulted when it just shrugged us off in less than a minute.
Quelle insulte qu'ils nous débranchent en moins d'une minute.
Maybe if we would have done what they told us to do... maybe everything would be just like it was.
Si seulement nous avions fait ce qu'ils nous avaient dit de faire... tout serait peut-être comme avant.
It was unbelievable. She just... she kept ramming into us.
Elle s'est jetée sur nous à plusieurs reprises.
- l thought it was just going to be us.
- Je croyais qu'il n'y aurait que nous.
I know it's kind of a weird time, but I was just wondering, what is going to happen to us on Monday, when we're all together again?
ce qui va nous arriver quand on va se revoir lundi?
Friends, family, until it was just the two of us.
Les amis, la famille, jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste que nous deux.
And... it was plain that this house was meant just for us.
Et... il était évident que cette maison était destiné seulement pour nous.
When I was a student trying to qualify for the jobs you people will let us have, I suddenly realized it wasn't just good jobs that were white.
Encore étudiant, j'ai postulé pour un emploi que les Blancs nous réservent et j'ai constaté que les meilleurs postes étaient toujours pour les Blancs.
How was it that you, Margaret Donner,..... produced such a brilliant piece of writing in... just your first time out?
Co { y : i } mment avez-vo { y : i } us pu, Margaret Do { y : i } nner, pro { y : i } duire une telle merveille dès vo { y : i } tre premier essai?
Listen to me. They got nothing concrete against us because it was just hearsay stuff. It's neither here nor there.
Ils n'ont rien de concret contre nous... parce que si c'est seulement des ouï-dire... ce n'est ni ici, ni là.
Damn it, why couldn't she have just come to us And told us what she was doing?
Bon sang, pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue nous voir afin de nous dire ce qu'elle voulait faire?
It's just that there was some talk last night of us all going ashore together.
Nous avions parlé hier soir de faire cette promenade ensemble.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358