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Keep calm перевод на французский

868 параллельный перевод
Keep calm!
Garde ton sang-froid.
She went on and on about her ancestors. Keep calm, for heaven's sake.
Ne te trouble pas...
But before all things it is necessary for the country to keep calm.
Mais avant toute chose, il faut que le pays garde son calme.
Keep calm!
Laissez les gens dormir!
Keep calm.
- Restez tranquilles!
Keep calm, folks.
Du calme!
- Keep calm.
- Calmez-vous.
Don't move, anybody. Just keep calm.
Ne bougez pas, du calme.
Now, keep calm, son.
Restez calme, fiston. Restez calme.
Keep calm. We've been investigated before, and we'll be investigated again.
Nous avons été examinés avant, et on le sera encore.
- Keep calm, don't be frightened.
- Calmez-vous.
- The one in the chair. Keep calm.
Je reviens.
Keep calm.
Du calme.
- Keep calm you, Meynet.
- Tu le tiens tranquille, Meynet.
Try to keep calm. Please.
- Restez calme, je vous en prie.
It's all right, keep calm and don't get upset.
Ce n'est rien, tu dois rester calme.
Take it easy. Keep calm.
Restez calme.
Keep calm now!
Garde ton calme!
- Keep calm, patriot.
- Restez calme, patriote.
- We must keep calm.
- Nous devons conserver notre calme.
Keep calm.
Restez calme.
Keep calm, little man. Keep calm.
Reste calme, mon gars
Keep calm. No one will hurt you.
On ne te fera pas de mal.
- lf you can't keep calm you must go.
Si tu continues, tu prends la porte.
In other words, we'll be able to screen test your little girls if you keep calm and quiet.
L'audition ne se déroulera que mieux dans le calme et la tranquilité.
Keep calm and don't play the fine lady.
Arrêtez de faire la délicate.
- Queue up and keep calm.
Chacun son tour.
Now keep calm and avoid crowding.
Du calme. Ne vous attroupez pas.
Now keep calm, do not panic and avoid crowding.
Du calme. Pas de panique. Ne vous attroupez pas.
Calm down. Keep calm.
Du calme!
Keep calm. Let me speak.
Laissez-moi parler.
- Keep calm, Camilla.
- Du calme, Camilla.
Tonight I can't say anything, but keep calm.
Ce soir, je ne peux rien te dire encore, mais calme-toi.
In my opinion, you'd do better to keep calm.
Vous feriez mieux de vous tenir tranquille.
Keep calm, kid!
Calme-toi, gamin!
Your attention, please. Listen to this carefully and keep calm.
S'il vous plaît, soyez attentifs et gardez votre calme.
And keep calm.
Et restez calmes.
Keep calm! calm down!
Keep calm, we're here. We can't talk right now.
Cesira ne doit pas s'en apercevoir.
No, the area... ) (... of the hemisphere, the volume of the area of the sphere... ) (... the area of the tap, I must keep calm.
Superficie de la demi-sphère... Volume de la superficie sphérique... Aire du robinet...
- You gotta keep calm!
Major, I want you to keep calm, speak quietly and concentrate.
Je vous prie de rester calme, de parler tranquillement, de vous concentrer.
If you'll all calm down, I'll make arrangements to keep the doors open till 4 : 00 and you'll all be paid today.
Si vous vous calmez, je m'arrangerai pour que nous restions ouverts jusqu'à 16 h vous aurez tous votre argent aujourd'hui.
let's keep it calm.
Soyons calmes.
- Keep calm.
- Majesté...
Keep calm, it's only me!
N'aie pas peur, hein!
Everybody keep calm, calm.
Canot N 4!
The book said keep calm.
- Ne dramatise pas tant!
Calm down, you keep.
Calmez-vous, vous les garderez.
She's ill so I'll keep things calm.
Malade comme elle est, il ne faut pas la contrarier.
Lord, goodness knows what would happen if I weren't here to keep the peace and calm their troubled breasts.
Seigneur, qu'arriverait-il si je n'étais pas là pour calmer les esprits?

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