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Keep it a secret перевод на французский

853 параллельный перевод
Let's keep it a secret for a while.
Gardons le secret pendant un moment.
When a man's in love with a woman, he shouldn't keep it a secret.
Quand un homme est amoureux, il ne devrait pas le garder secret.
- What? - Will you keep it a secret?
Tu peux garder un secret?
If it's all the same to you, Mr. Parker, I'd like to keep it a secret.
Je préférerais même qu'elle reste secrète!
Well, you'd better keep it a secret, you dope.
Si j'étais toi, je m'en vanterais pas.
It seems silly to keep it a secret.
C'est bête de le lui cacher.
I'd hoped to keep it a secret until I'd completed my experiments.
Je voulais garder le secret jusqu'à ce que j'aie fini mes expériences.
That's right, blabbermouth, keep it a secret.
C'est vrai, gros bavard, garde le secret.
Why should she want to keep it a secret, eh? I don't know.
Pourquoi voulait-elle garder ce secret?
Your real name is Alfred, but you keep it a secret.
Vous vous appelez Alfred, mais c'est un secret.
We'll keep it a secret between us, you know, until we're sure.
Ce sera notre secret, jusqu'à ce que cela soit confirmé.
- We were going to keep it a secret.
On voulait garder notre relation secrète, hein, Pat?
No, we must keep it a secret.
Non, Teddy, ça doit rester un secret.
How are we going to keep it a secret?
Comment garder le secret?
Well, in the first place, we've got to keep it a secret.
Tout d'abord, il faut que cela reste secret.
I figure we shouldn't keep it a secret from Vince.
Je pense qu'on ne devrait pas garder le secret pour Vince.
- I don't keep it a secret from him.
- Je n'en fais pas mystère.
Jack said we had to keep it a secret.
Il voulait que ce soit un secret.
But we can't keep it a secret any longer.
Mais on ne peut pas garder le secret plus longtemps.
We'll have to keep it a secret till you get your release, but it'll work out.
Ce sera notre secret en attendant votre libération.
Despite efforts by Warden H.T. Peoples to keep it a secret,
" Malgré les efforts de H.T. Peoples pour garder le secret,
Don't let us keep it a secret I'm in the show.
Je suis là, rien de secret.
Don't let us keep it a secret it's in English.
C'est en anglais, rien de secret.
Would you be able to keep it a secret?
Es-tu capable de garder le secret?
Until it is shown in the theater, i must keep it a secret so that no other magician can steal the idea.
Je dois la garder secrète, afin qu'aucun magicien ne me vole l'idée.
What's the use, Nathan? Why try to keep it a secret?
Ça sert à quoi d'essayer de garder ça secret, Nathan?
Maybe I'll keep it a secret.
Je garderai peut-être le secret.
Well if I tell you, you'll keep it a secret?
- Vous le gardez pour vous?
Better keep it a secret though.
Gardons le secret.
- I couldn't keep it a secret.
- Je n'ai pas su tenir ma langue.
Seriously. Mama wants to keep it a secret.
Je vous assure, Mama tient à garder le secret.
No, but he had no reason to keep it a secret.
Non, mais il n'avait aucune raison de le cacher.
Those who built it were killed right after. To keep it a secret.
Ceux qui l'ont construit ont été tués juste après pour garder le secret.
Now, be a good girl, run along and get your hat and keep what I told you under it.
Soyez gentille, allez chercher votre chapeau pour y cacher mon secret.
Shout about that as much as you like. You've a job to do, and part of it is to keep it secret no matter what happens.
Dites ce que vous voulez mais n'oubliez pas qu'on a une mission et qu'elle est secrète.
- It's hard to keep a secret, isn't it?
- C'est dur à garder, un secret, dis?
In civilization, gold loses its value if you talk about it too much. Let's keep this a secret, just between ourselves.
Que ceci reste un secret entre nous.
Why keep it a dark secret?
Pourquoi faire tant de mystères?
Do you think it's fair to keep this a secret?
Pensez-vous que ce soit juste de garder le secret?
Now, we wasn't all thrown together for no reason but, we gotta keep it kind of a secret.
Ce n'est pas un hasard! Mais il faut garder le secret.
Look, let's not keep where he is a secret it might upset your whole future.
Écoute, assez de cachotteries, ça concerne son avenir.
I talked to him on the phone this morning. I told him I was coming, he was pleased. I told him I wanted to keep it a surprise.
Je lui ai annoncé mon arrivée ce matin en lui demandant de garder le secret.
Why do you suppose she had to keep it such a big secret?
Pourquoi n'a-t-elle rien dit?
We could keep it a secret.
On gardera le secret.
It's pretty hard to keep a thing like that a secret.
Ce n'est pas facile de garder ce genre de secret.
Does he think we'll keep it a big fat secret if we find something?
Croit-il qu'on lui fait des secrets?
Keep all this a secret, don't drag anyone into it.
Garde tout cela secret, sans y mêler personne.
Oh, no, I feel great! Listen.. we didn't tell you earlier because.. he wanted to keep it secret.
On ne te l'a pas dit avant... parce qu'il voulait garder le secret.
It was smart of him to keep the marriage a secret. You got nothing to worry about as long as nobody knows you're his wife.
Tant qu'on ignore votre mariage, vous ne craignez rien.
Of course, it's almost impossible to keep anything a secret around here.
Garder un secret ici, c'est évidemment difficile.
Well, we've gotta keep this a secret until we decide what we're gonna do about it.
Et bien, gardons le secret jusqu'a ce nous prenions une décision.

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