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She didn't come перевод на французский

965 параллельный перевод
The last thing she remembers is getting in a fight with you, so you can't come back here and tell me that you didn't touch her!
La dernière chose dont elle se souvient c'est de s'être battu avec toi, alors tu ne peux pas revenir et me dire que tu ne l'a pas touché!
She didn't come down with you?
Votre femme n'est pas descendue avec vous? Non.
- She didn't come with us.
- Pas avec nous.
Didn't she just come up the stairs?
Elle ne vient pas de monter les escaliers?
Well, if she didn't go to the mountains, Mohammed would have to come here.
S'il elle n'y était pas allée, Mahomet serait venu ici.
I didn't want to come here, only she needs money so badly.
Je ne voulais pas venir, mais elle a tant besoin d'argent.
She didn't come today, either.
Aujourd'hui non plus, elle n'est pas venue.
Why didn't she come home with you?
Pourquoi n'est-elle pas rentrée?
She didn't come just to nurse her grandson.
Elle n'est pas venue ici que pour s'occuper de son petit-fils.
She didn't come here to start any trouble, it just happened.
Elle n'a pas voulu causer de problème.
You see, she didn " t realize what great harm might come from it.
Elle ne se rendait pas compte de tout le mal qu'elle ferait.
- Well, didn't she come home?
- Elle n'est pas rentrée?
She didn't come back to the party.
Elle n'est pas revenue à la soirée.
Why didn't she come last night?
Hein! Et pourquoi elle est pas montée ce soir?
She didn't come?
- Elle est pas venue?
- She didn't come?
- Elle est pas venue?
Then she tried to laugh, but it didn't come off very well.
Puis, elle a voulu rire, mais ça sonnait faux. Et lui :
"leaving Frenchy with the care of her four-month-old baby. " She didn't come back until three days later, and by that time " Frenchy used everything in the house for didies down to his last sock.
Elle n'est revenue que trois jours plus tard, et Frenchy à ce stade-là... avait tout utilisé dans la maison comme couches, jusqu'à sa dernière chaussette.
Sometimes she and Mr. De Winter didn't come home until dawn.
Il arrivait qu'elle et M. de Winter rentrent à l'aube.
Were you on the shore that last night she went out, when she didn't come back?
Étiez-vous sur la plage le soir où elle est partie sans revenir?
I waited three days. She didn't come.
J'ai attendu trois jours.
He promised to bring her to the hotel if she'd come. He said he knew she wouldn't. He promised to come if she didn't.
Il a promis d'essayer de me l'amener ce soir, ou du moins, de venir, lui.
Why didn't she come down, sir?
Pourquoi n'est-elle pas descendue?
Why didn't she come right along with us?
- Pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue avec nous?
She didn't want you to come along.
Elle ne le souhaitait pas.
She didn't want to come.
Elle n'a pas voulu.
She didn't want me to come tomorrow evening. She wanted me to come Thursday afternoon at 3 : 30 instead.
Au lieu du lendemain soir, elle voulait que j'y aille jeudi après-midi à 15 h 30.
She didn't come to the boat because she's at Dr Wood's place in Sunland.
Elle n'est pas venue, car elle est à la clinique du Dr Wood à Sunland.
Why didn't she ask the police for help - when he ran away with the money? - Come, Clara.
Et elle n'a pas appelé la police quand il a fui avec l'argent.
I guess it's the only time she didn't come out first.
C'est la seule fois où elle n'a pas gagné.
Though I suppose it must be put that way to the public. Half past twelve or so, she was leaving the theater with her mother, when she said she'd forgotten something, and went back to her dressing room. She didn't come down again.
Vers minuit, elle s'apprêtait à quitter le théâtre avec sa mère, lorsque, prétextant un oubli, elle remonta dans sa loge.
She didn't come.
Elle n'a pas voulu.
But she didn't come in.
Mais elle n'est pas entrée.
Are you quite sure she didn't come down here to see you?
Es-tu sûre qu'elle n'est pas venue ici pour toi?
That stupid woman didn't come, she sent my father instead.
C'est mon pêre qui est venu!
- She didn't come yet, huh?
Elle n'est pas venue?
Maria said she left him with you. Didn't he come home with you?
Maria a dit que vous étiez ensemble Il n'est pas là?
Why didn't she come to the platform?
Pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue sur le quai?
She didn't come back here to take a second crack at Hollis, did she?
Elle n'est pas revenue ici pour faire parler Hollis?
- That was the last time I saw her in Chicago. She didn't come back, and I couldn't find her.
Je ne l'ai plus revue à Chicago, ne sachant où la joindre.
Well, we didn't know, Sir Alfred The head maid seen this basket come flying out and she called me, and I just used my own judgment, that's all
On n'en savait rien. La servante a vu la corbeille. Elle m'a appelé et j'ai avisé.
Didn't she come?
Elle n'est pas venue?
Coincidentally, today she didn't come.
Aujourd'hui, elle ne vient pas.
She just disappeared, didn't come home one night.
Elle a disparu. Un soir, elle n'est pas rentrée.
And why didn't she come herself?
Et pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue?
Oh, yes, sir. When she didn't come back after a couple of days, I got scared.
Oui, comme elle ne revenait pas au bout de quelques jours, j'ai pris peur.
When she didn't come back, I thought maybe she had a new job.
J'ai cru qu'elle s'était trouvé un autre boulot.
She didn't come home all night.
Votre femme vous contredit.
Why didn't she come?
Pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue?
And then pretty soon, Poppa would come tiptoeing into the kitchen, and Momma always pretended like she didn't know he was there.
Peu de temps après, papa entrait dans la cuisine sur la pointe des pieds, et maman faisait semblant qu'elle ne l'avait pas entendu.
Why didn't she come in and visit me?
Pourquoi n'est-elle pas venue me voir?

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