Somewhere between перевод на французский
631 параллельный перевод
How much time do I have left? It is difficult to say for sure, but looking at it's current pace, somewhere between 4 weeks and 2 months from now, your left eye will lose sight as well.
Combien de temps me reste t-il? environ 4 semaines
She's somewhere between here and Miami.
Elle est quelque part entre ici et Miami.
Well, that's somewhere between a count and a duke, isn't it?
C'est entre un comte et un duc, n'est-ce pas?
We'll have to stop Somewhere between here And south america To get me a clean shirt.
Il faudra arrêter entre ici et l'Amérique du Sud pour acheter une chemise.
We must admit there is a dividing line somewhere between superstition and the supernatural.
Il faut admettre qu'il y a quelque part une ligne de démarcation... entre la superstition et le surnaturel.
Somewhere between here and Amarillo, two miles up in the air.
Quelque part entre ici et Amarillo, à 3000 m d'altitude.
Oh, I imagine it's somewhere between Pocahontas and Sitting Bull.
Entre Pocahontas et Sitting Bull.
The leftover pieces are all scattered somewhere between here and a thousand one-night stands.
On doit pouvoir retrouver des morceaux sur telle ou telle scène.
I think the truth lies somewhere between you, and for that reason I suggest that you take one male and one female of each species.
Il y a un juste milieu. Je vous offre un mâle et une femelle de chaque espèce.
Somewhere between a healthy Winesap and an unripened Jonathan. Oh, excuse me.
Entre la pomme Winesap et la Jonathan quand elle n'est pas mure.
Last known whereabouts of Jim Torrence was in a moving van somewhere between Sacramento and points east.
On a perdu sa trace entre Sacramento et Point East. Attendez, attendez...
Somewhere between the lunch counter and Lakeman's Hollow she was shot and killed.
Quelque part entre le restaurant et Lakeman's Hollow, elle est tuée.
Four months ago, a bullet is fired somewhere between Boston and Barnstable.
Il y a 4 mois, une balle a été tirée quelque part à la campagne.
I was born on a Greyhound bus somewhere between Tucson and Los Angeles.
Je suis né dans un car entre Tucson et Los Angeles.
"To think that down there, somewhere between the mist and the stars..."
- Quoi donc? "De penser que quelque part, entre la brume et les étoiles..."
During the following geological period, the Cretaceous, a creature somewhere between the marine reptiles and the evolving terrestrial animals was born.
Durant l'ère géologique qui suivit, le Crétacé, une créature à mi-chemin entre le reptile marin et les animaux terrestres naquit.
Shortly thereafter, it was indicated that this atomic reaction... according to scientific reports... had originated in a remote area in North Pacific waters... somewhere between the northern tip of thejapanese islands... and the arctic circle.
Peu après, on précisa que cette explosion atomique, selon les experts, s'était produite dans les eaux du Pacifique Nord, quelque part entre le Japon et le cercle polaire arctique.
Now, somewhere between 500 and 5 million there must be an acceptable figure.
Alors, entre 500 et 5 millions... il doit y avoir un montant correct.
Or did you dump it somewhere between here and California?
Ou bien l'avez-vous déposé entre la Californie et ici?
In fact, his intelligence lies somewhere between a chimpanzee and a dog.
Son intelligence se situe quelque part entre un chimpanzé et un chien.
Somewhere between 17 and 20.
De 17 à 20.
They should be somewhere between here and Kingman waiting on that train.
Ils doivent être sur la route de Kingman, à attendre le train.
Roughly, this particular form of reptile... existed somewhere between 97 and 125 million years ago.
Cette forme particulière de reptile existait... il y a entre 125 millions d'années et 97 millions.
You are living between two planes now, somewhere between the ceiling and the floor.
Saches que tu vis entre deux plans. Tu évolues entre le plafond et le parquet.
Somewhere between Edgware and Stanmore, I should think.
- Oh, quelque part entre... Edgware et Stanmore je pense.
But I think it'll be somewhere between 20 years and life, which isn't so terribly bad, when you come right down to it.
Tu prendras sûrement entre 20 ans et perpétuité, ce qui n'est pas si terrible quand on y pense.
Somewhere between his knee and his spleen.
Ça au-dessous du nombril, Ça au-dessus du genou.
But somewhere between here and there there's got to be a bar.
Quelque part entre ici et là-bas, il y a bien un bar.
Somewhere between 18 and 25.
Entre 18 et 25.
They say somewhere between Terracina and Taranto.
Quelque part entre Terracina et Tarente.
No, it was somewhere between the train and the hotel.
- Non j'ai du le perdre entre le train et l'hôtel.
Somewhere between Pablum and carrots, I seem to have lost my pizzazz.
Je ne suis plus sociable. Mon esprit a dû s'égarer dans un pot pour bébé.
It started somewhere between my stomach and my lungs.
Ça a commencé entre mon estomac et mes poumons.
I'm somewhere between paediatrics and linguistics
Je travaille dans un secteur entre la linguistique et la médecine.
Somewhere between here and here.
Entre là et là.
Dr. George's wife is worth somewhere between 50 and 1 00 million dollars.
L'épouse de George... pèse quelque chose entre 50 et 100 millions de dollars.
Well, if the lyrics of this song are any indication it's somewhere between moron and dull-normal.
D'après les paroles de cette chanson, ça se situe entre "débile" et " barbant''.
Neptune moved into the tenth house of middle life, anchoring Oskar somewhere between wonder and illusion.
Neptune, qui entrait dans la dixième maison, ancra Oskar entre le prodige et le simulacre.
Hey! Somewhere between logic and charity, maybe there falls a little shadow.
Entre la logique et la charité, il y a un juste milieu.
There was a page missing from the construction manual. Somewhere between pong and pool, right?
Il manquait une page dans le manuel de fabrication.
Not happy, not unhappy. We're somewhere in between.
- Tu n'es pas heureuse avec moi?
But somewhere in between those sobs maybe you could tell us... who it is you're crying for.
Mais tâchez de trouver le temps... de nous dire pour qui!
With Madonna Camilla somewhere in between.
Avec Madone Camilla quelque part entre les deux.
Your plan is to filter across the border by degrees, in the dead of night, somewhere in the wild country between Tachov and Moravsky.
Vous prévoyez franchir la frontière graduellement au milieu de la nuit, en pleine nature sauvage, entre Tachov et Moravsky.
Someone must stop him somewhere, and you want me to concern myself with a spat between you and the Queen.?
Quelqu'un doit l'arrêter quelque part et tu me parles d'une bisbille!
- Then he's somewhere between here and Vienna's, come on.
Il est quelque part entre ici et chez Vienna.
It's somewhere in-between.
C'est quelque chose entre les deux.
Et quelque part entre ciel et terre se trouve la Quatrième dimension.
Somewhere there must be a connection between these words and the spirit of the tomb.
Il doit y avoir un lien entre ces mots et l'esprit du tombeau.
Not dead, not alive, but somewhere in-between.
Ni mortes ni vivantes.
Somewhere in between.
Entre les deux.
between 480
between us 200
between you and i 21
between the two of us 53
between ourselves 17
between you and me 301
between the two of you 18
between me and you 18
between them 29
between the 20
between us 200
between you and i 21
between the two of us 53
between ourselves 17
between you and me 301
between the two of you 18
between me and you 18
between them 29
between the 20