Talking of which перевод на французский
191 параллельный перевод
Talking of which...
Tiens, j'y pense...
Talking of which, the meeting with Muller is set for eight.
À propos, la réunion avec Muller est prévue pour 8 heures.
Talking of which, our black suits?
En parlant de ça... Nos costumes noirs?
Talking of which... the doctor ordered me to take a cruise.
Au fait, le médecin m'a conseillé une croisière.
Listen... talking of which... what's your boss's daughter called?
Compris? A propos... Comment s'appelle la fille de ton vilain patron?
Talking of which... we have many stars... but real, international stars you can count on one hand
En parlant de chance, notre pays a son lot de vedettes, mais les vraies stars mondialement connues se comptent sur les doigts de la main.
Talking of which- - oh!
Justement... Très british!
Talking of which, I've been thinking about adoption.
Parler de qui, l'ai pensé à l'adoption.
Talking of which...
A ce propos...
Um, talking of which, how is your vocabulary coming along?
A propos, où en est votre vocabulaire?
Talking of which, Glenn, I see you share my love of intestines.
A propos... Vous aussi, vous aimez les intestins.
Talking of which - hey, Carl, are we there yet?
Tiens, d'ailleurs... Carl, on arrive bientôt?
Talking of which, d'you want to come and watch me write my review?
En parlant de ça, voudriez-vous assister à la rédaction de ma critique?
In view of the gentleman's concern for the senators and the fact that he's been talking for 71 / 2 hours and must be tired, would he permit a motion to recess until the morning, - - at which time he may be better able to continue his profound babbling?
Au regard de sa préoccupation pour les Sénateurs, et du fait qu'il a parlé pendant 7h1 / 2 et doit être fatigué, nous autoriserait-il à une suspension jusqu'au matin, où nous pourrions alors reprendre cet étonnant bavardage?
I have composed 2 hours of music which I hope will be more agreeable than the sound of footsteps on the gravel path. Or a lot of yackety-yak talking as I'm doing now.
J'ai composé deux heures de musique, que j'espère plus agréables que des bruits de pas sur le gravier ou un bavardage, comme je fais en ce moment.
Welcome to a new half-hour chat show in which me, viz the man what's talking to you now, and Brooky - to wit my flat mate - and nothing else, I'd like to emphasize that, discuss current affairs issues of burning import.
V'là not'nouveau talk-show, où que je suis, moi le mec qui vous cause et Brooky, le pote que j'habite avec et pas plus, je l'précise. On parle de faits d'société importants.
I didn't so much like the latter part of the Book which is more like all preachy talking than fighting and the old in-out.
J'aimais moins le reste... où il y avait plus de sermons... que de bagarres et de parties de va-et-vient.
I don't know which one he was talking to. But either way it must've been one hell of a night.
Je ne sais pas à qui il parlait, mais ça a dû être une sacrée nuit.
An Irishman, which isn't anything against him of course but it sure gives him a funny way of talking.
Un Irlandais. Bien sur, ça ne joue pas contre lui, mais ça explique cette drôle de façon qu'il a de parler.
We're not talking about opening a hot-dog stand but a decision of major importance to the national economy for which Mr. Hartmann, as a member of the Perspective 2000 Committee...
Il ne s'agit pas de connaître la rentabilité d'un stand de frites mais d'une décision d'intérêt général pour l'économie de ce pays. Ce pour quoi M. Hartmann, en tant que membre de la commission "Perspective 2000"...
He's talking about the time they took him down... out of that villa, which he doesn't own, and put him into prison.
Il parle de ce jour où on est venu le prendre pour le jeter en prison!
If you're talking about the use of gas shells, we must control the situation and liberate the hostage and the use of gas is preferable to other methods which could be more dangerous.
Et si vous faites allusion au gaz lacrymogène Il faut que nous maîtrisions la situation avec le moins de dégâts possibles et l'utilisation de gaz ne risque pas d'évoluer en quelque chose de bien plus grave.
I've been talking about Einstein in and around this town of Vinci in which Leonardo grew up.
Je vous ai parlé des faits et gestes d'Einstein près de Vinci... la ville où Léonard a grandi.
Talking of survival, Lewis I swore to myself I'd never ask this which is why I'm asking, but all those explosives we loaded onto that ridiculous Phoebe what on earth are they for?
A propos de survie... je me suis juré de ne pas t'en parler. C'est pourquoi je le fais. Tous ces explosifs qu'on a chargés sur le Phoebe, à quoi vont-ils servir?
In other words, we're talking about an underground... which did exist in a different way during the Dark Ages... among the mystical orders of the church.
Un noyau de résistance, comme il en existait au moyen âge dans les ordres mystiques.
You're talking about something the mere possession of which if he gets pinched is five on the spot. He don't operate out of love.
S'il se fait attraper, il écope de 5 ans.
What kind of people are these? Which scams are they talking about?
À qui avons-nous affaire?
I mean, we're talking about one day of work. A day in which I was tied to a cactus and assaulted by snakes.
On parle d'une journée de travail... que j'ai passée attachée á un cactus et attaquée par un serpent.
You know, Lieutenant, I can't help but notice that I'm doing most of the talking here, which is fine.
J'ai été pris par surprise. Vous savez, inspecteur, je ne peux m'empêcher de remarquer qu'il n'y a que moi qui parle, ce qui ne me gêne pas.
Teamsters getting, I'm talking basically, three streams of income, which all are, mind you, legal. They're all legal.
Le syndicat aurait, en gros, trois sources de revenus qui sont toutes légales.
I'm talking about certain peculiarities of my business, Brother Prior, which may help to prevent a mistake.
Merci de votre bonté. Le frère hospitalier est là pour vous satisfaire.
But first, I must go to the garage which leakage are you talking of, Albert?
Mais d'abord, je dois aller au garage de quelle fuite tu parles, Albert?
Which one of us are you talking to there?
À laquelle de nous deux parles-tu?
I'm gonna be talking today about the use of the Whipple procedure in lieu of total pancreatectomy which is, I guess, what Dr. Anspaugh just said.
Je vais vous parler de l'intervention de Whipple au lieu de la pancréatectomie totale, comme vient de vous le dire le Dr Anspaugh à l'instant.
What you're talking about is giving them new abilities, which is the equivalent of altering their genetic structure.
Vous voulez leur donner de nouvelles aptitudes, ce qui équivaudrait à une modification génétique.
One time when I was talking to Lawson... he asked me which one of you I loved more.
Une fois quand je parlais à Lawson... il m'a demandé laquel de vous deux j'aimais la plus.
He started talking about soccer which of course she wasn't interested
Une snob! Puis soudain, il s'est levé et est parti en courant
It was delivered in 105 shells, which had been modified to deliver a binary nerve-gas system. Is this the type of shell casing we're talking about, captain?
Il a été délivré via des obus de 105 mm modifiés pour libérer un système neurotoxique binaire.
Either you're making a fool out of me because you get off on it or you got some serious problems. So which one is it, Betty? What are you talking about, Rosa?
Soit tu te fiches de ma gueule, soit t'as vraiment des problèmes.
Peter, do you even know which one of our children I'm talking about?
Tu sais au moins de quel enfant je parle? Oui.
Okay, I've, uh, drawn up a list of talking points... which I'd like you to glance over, just to, uh, you know, save us some time.
Bon, j'ai dressé une liste de sujets de conversation... que j'aimerais que vous regardiez, pour nous économiser du temps.
Which one of my butt cheeks are you talking about?
Vous parlez de quelle fesse?
I'm talking about what happened at the end of senior year, which Vince was trying to get me to talk about before.
Je parle de ce qui s'est passé à la fin de la Terminale, Ce dont Vince voulait que je parle avant.
I didn't so much like the latter part of the Book which is more like all preachy talking than fighting and the old in-out.
J'aimais moins le reste... où il y a plus de sermons... que de bagarres et de parties de va-et-vient.
Which one of these brothers needs some talking to?
À quels frères il faut que je cause?
He talked a lot of shit most of which I forgot before he was even done talking.
Il a dit un tas de trucs, j'ai presque rien compris.
You understand I'm talking about a pencil and a pad of paper, from which no one has ever died.
Tu comprends que je parle d'un... crayon et d'un bout de papier, qui n'ont jamais tué personne.
Sorry. Which one of us are you talking about, Eddie?
Pardon, de laquelle tu parles, Eddie?
How could Reagan live in a White House, which has a Iot of rooms, and there be homelessness? And he's talking about helping.
Comment la Maison-Blanche peut-elle avoir toutes ces pièces alors que d'autres sont sans abri.
You're talking about the purity of the German people... which is no fairy tale.
Je parle de la pureté du peuple allemand, et ce n'est pas un conte de fées.
And so, when they ask, they really think they're talking to the WTO, and we respond by giving them what we think they want... which is the opinions of the WTO... as accurately as we can represent them.
Ils pensent vraiment s'adresser à l'OMC, et nous répondons en leur donnant ce à quoi ils s'attendent... Les idées de l'OMC... Le plus exactement possible.
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which i don't 84
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which i don't 84