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There was an incident перевод на французский

278 параллельный перевод
Ok, it seems there was an incident involving Victoria Engels in the early 1960's
Ok, il semble qu'il y ait eu un accident impliquant Victoria au début des années 60.
There was an incident after the funeral.
Nous avons eu juste un petit incident après l'enterrement.
There was an incident, a failure, and he was punished.
Il y a eu un incident, un échec, et il a été puni.
There was an incident at the Presidio.
Il y a eu un incident au Presidio.
There was an incident.
Ce fut un incident.
You know, there was an incident a couple of years ago.
Vous savez, il y a eu un incident, il y a deux ans.
There was an incident at a residential area on the outskirts ; a young wife was murdered by a burglar, while her husband was out of the house.
Dans une banlieue résidentielle, une femme avait été assassinée alors que son mari était absent.
There was an incident in which a married woman in the last month of pregnancy was killed by a burglar.
Une histoire de femme au foyer assassinée par un cambrioleur.
Well, there was an incident.
A cause d'un incident.
There was an incident that I helped her with, and now she's... grateful.
Il y a eu un incident au cours duquel je l'ai aidé et elle se montre très reconnaissante.
There was an incident on Altair III when Will was on the Hood.
Un incident sur le Altair III, alors que Will était à bord du Hood.
On Wednesday, there was an incident, a guy with a bottle -
Et l'incident du type avec la bouteille...
- There was an incident a few days ago.
Il y a eu un... incident il y a quelques jours.
There was an incident two nights ago involving a homeless person in Weatherly Park.
Il y a eu un incident l'autre nuit avec un sans-abri à Weatherly Park.
There was an incident.
- Il y a eu un incident.
There was an incident.
Il y a eu un incident.
I hear there was an incident at the Musketeers'gate, where a man came intent on killing me.
Il y a eu un incident à la porte des mousquetaires. Un homme voulait me tuer, paraît-il.
He's been spotted back in town and there was an incident at a magic shop in broad daylight.
Il a été vu en ville et a sévi dans un magasin de magie.
There was an incident downtown a couple of days ago that may have spurred this... most recent activity.
Un incident a eu lieu dans le centre de Los Angeles qui aurait pu encourager cette nouvelle activité.
There was an incident at Rio Nanay that was the last phase of the shooting of "Aguirre".
Il a eu cet incident sur le Rio Nana, à la fin du tournage d'"Aguirre".
- There was an incident...
- Il y a eu un incident...
A couple days ago, on an Arizona West flight, there was an incident.
Il y a deux jours, un vol Arizona West a eu un incident.
It'd be problematic if there was an incident while the chief is hanging out here.
Ca poserait problème s'il y avait un incident pendant que le chef traîne ici.
There was an incident with the Heike....... but now everything has been made clear.
Il y a eu un petit incident avec le clan Heiki... mais, tout est rentré dans l'ordre.
There was an incident with a teacher named KOBAYASHI and his wife, do you remember?
Il y a eu une affaire avec un prof nommé Kobayashi et sa femme, tu te souviens?
There was an incident on a tour?
Un incident s'est produit?
There was an incident.
Il y a eu un problème.
There was an incident with a piano. Could you explain?
L'accident avec le piano, vous pouvez nous en parler?
There was an incident two years ago involving an undergraduate student and illegal drugs.
Il y a eu un incident il y a deux ans concernant un étudiant prenant des drogues.
Last month, there was an incident-- - involving a theft of PPX liquid gas
Le mois dernier il y a eu un incident impliquant le vol de gaz liquide PPX.
You said there was an incident.
Tu as parlé d'un incident.
There was an incident involving your son and Lex's Porsche and a bridge.
Il y a eu un accident impliquant votre fils et la Porsche de Lex sur un pont.
Come on, man. Look, 2 years ago, there was an incident where I ate so many pickles, I had to go to the hospital.
Il ya deux ans, j'ai mangé tellement de cornichons que j'ai dû aller à l'hôpital.
There was an incident at the veterinary hospital where she works.
Il s'est produit un incident à l'hôpital vétérinaire.
There was an incident tonight.
Il y a eu un incident.
There was an incident, some trouble I had in North Philly.
Il y a eu un incident, j'ai eu des problèmes dans le quartier nord.
- There was an incident at a bar.
- Il y a eu un incident dans un bar.
But there was an incident.
Il y a eu un accident.
There was an incident at a ball game.
Il y a eu un incident à un match de base-ball.
I don't want to be indiscreet here, but there was an incident in a pool with two girls and um...
Je ne veux pas en rajouter, mais il s'y passait quelque chose entre deux filles...
- And was there an incident two nights ago... as a result of which shots were fired? Uh, in a manner of speaking.
Si on veut...
There was a similar incident in a hotel in Shuri last year. I rescued the hostage.
Un incident similaire a eu lieu à Shuri l'an dernier, et j'ai réussi à sauver l'otage.
You mentioned that Jimmy Smith was never violent, but... wasn't there an incident as a teenager... when Jimmy Smith pulled a knife on the truant officer?
Vous avez déclaré que Jimmy Smith n'a jamais été violent, mais n'y a-t-il pas eu un incident pendant son adolescence, au cours duquel Jimmy Smith a menacé d'un couteau le conseiller d'éducation?
There was a story on the news last night showing life imitating an old children's riddle.
Hier soir, aux actualités, on a raconté un incident réel qui ressemblait à une devinette d'enfant.
Victor, was there an incident with MacGyver that you did not tell me about?
- Victor. Y a-t-il eu un incident entre MacGyver et toi que tu m'aurais caché?
There was an... incident.
Alexander a volé une figurine, puis as menti. Il y a eu... un incident.
There was in fact an incident between Lt. Hagen and Capt. Bunker while he was an instructor.
Il y a effectivement eu un incident entre le Lt Hagen et le capitaine Bunker quand il enseignait.
That was an isolated incident. There's no reason to believe it had to do with this.
C'était un incident isolé sans rapport avec la situation.
There's no proof this was anything other than an isolated incident.
Il reste à prouver que ce qui s'est passé est plus qu'un incident.
Apparently, there was an incident.
Apparemment... il y a eu un incident.
There was a swallowage incident. I swallowed an item.
- C'était un accident de gobage, j'ai avalé un objet

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